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285,000 new immigrants in 2015

Big Cliff

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Cliff. I hear you. This is not a "simple" problem.


The other kind of immigration is Family Sponsored immigration. There is no job requirement here. Many times someone will enter on a work visa and work to get established and then apply to bring their families over once that's done. A young wife may come with the kids and she is considered unemployed. Or say I had a relative who I brought over from Japan because they are immediate family. They would also be considered unemployed by the calculation of they are looking.


What's not widely known is that for a family sponsorship to occur, the person in Canada sponsoring must prove they can care for them financially. They are not eligible for welfare when they come. They also just pass a medical and do not inmediately get Ohip coverage. I think when you strip those numbers from the 13% you'll see it's much smaller a proportion.


That's my understanding anyways. People who come on work visas...their jobs aren't considered "new jobs" as they typically replace someone who has left the position. The job isn't "open" if that makes sense. That's why there are more immigrants than jobs created.

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How many of us are immigrants or 1st generation Canadian? Did you parents or grandparents speak another language? My first words were likely not English. My parents came with little and no set job. I got beat up in school because I was different. My father became a Dr and us brothers became successful professionals. As a family I am sure we have paid well over a million in taxes.



We still need immigrants until the girls start popping them out again like in the 50's and 60's.




Woah...an annual growth rate of 1.1 percent projected to go .9% over the next fifty years.

What a stupid thread. :wallbash:

Edited by scuro2
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Big Cliff I believe you do have a problem with immigration policy, no problem, if anyone would be able to outline the policy I'm all ears. Refugee status is something entirely different. And from what your initial post says perhaps a problem with the immigrants. Something about culture and traditions I think you said. I can't use the quote feature here. Our culture and traditions or thiers?


I'm a first generation Canadian from my Mothers side, she's American, both parents of Italian decent, father born here and raised in Italy so second generation with an asterisk. I remember a grade school teacher complaining about all that foreign food that reeks of tomato and garlic in the hallway in her apartment building and looked at me. I was mouthy even at 11, so I asked her why she has to live in an Apt and if she bought a house she wouldn't smell it and why was she at Viscas Restaurant last month eating smelly Italian food with tomato and garlic, and if she didn't spend money on restaurants she could buy a home like my immigrant family did.


You did answer your own question about all the facilities that will be needed to serve all these immigrants, we will build them as we are everywhere in Hamilton, get paid to do so and pay taxes on our income to provide the bricks and mortar. I am no economist but I call that economic groth. And we will build more for future immigrants.

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First generation Canadian born here... On my fathers side it goes like this.... My Oma and Opa decided long ago that Europe was no place to raise a family ( Netherlands) post war Holland... so they packed their belongings and moved my father and uncles to Canada landing in Montreal.... Seems alot of immigrants landed there during this time.


My Opa was an engineer ... Working for various companies. Several years later would up working at Darlington for Ontario hydro.


They became citizens as did my father and uncles. They saw themselves as Canadians first, and embraced Canadian ideals.. With a dutch heritage. Being Catholic this was the norm...


As for my mother... We know she is adopted... And we know she is from Portugal.... (We have the papers) However she wishes not to find her birth parents or possible siblings (this info is redacted from the papers)... As she fears it will upset the balance of things. This is her choice and we respect it.



Needless to say us as kids will never know the hardships our elders experienced... A war torn Europe or an unwanted child they all came here for a better life... A chance at something better.


But everyone needs to remember one thing in our opinion... This is our land, not your land. Leave our Canadian customs and traditions alone.


Even immigrants such as my family understood...

And embraced. If we wanted the crap life in holland we would have stayed there!


Our family assimilated and adapted... The fear is a lot of these new comers are not at all interested in adapting. It is the Netherlands all over again happening here in Canada



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The amount of ignorance in this thread is astounding. Seems like an uphill battle for the few posters who bother to do any research into a situation (ccmt) instead of spouting off borderline racist generalities.


Big cliff- Not sure what your anti immigration agenda is coming from lately. I'm a little disappointed seeing as you are one of the respected members here. I would think you're views would be a little more intelligent and researched.

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I have a cousin about 70 years old who was born in Canada, has been on welfare her entire life and has never worked a single day since the day she was born.


She was never married yet had 6 kids by 6 different men.


She told me I was a sucker & a complete idiot for working hard.


I'll take just about any immigrant over this lazy piece of garbage.

Gotta agree with you Lew.I know a fair share of 100% "Canadians" who are the same as you described. On the other hand Debbe is a manager at the bank. Many here would be surprised how many of her tellers through the years where immigrant kids....just working at the bank while they put THEMSELVES through school to be doctors, lawyers..whatever. Incredible work ethic.

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I have seen many times. a variety store run from an immigrated family. the parents work endless hours. then the children are in university becoming excellent proffesionals. I know the jokes of the gas/bar 9-11,s people laff. but truly look at these hard workers. they got it.... I am happy to see these folks. its the people that milk run the welfare. lew..I know a few here also.. yep tax dollars mis-spent. I do believe for that group..drug testing,and county labour before they get a cheque

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the problem doesnt lie in immigration, it comes in the screening process. The large majority of immigrants come here so that they can work and raise families in a system that is not entirely corrupt and allows them to create a decent life for their children.


If you want to see where the true problem lies, its canadian's that sit in public and affordable housing claiming that they have a right to live in government subsidized housing while not working.


Every person that says "affordable housing is a right" they are dead on, shelter is a basic human need so i better see them on the first bus up to Flin Flon to go work at the mine and buy some affordable houses.

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I have a cousin about 70 years old who was born in Canada, has been on welfare her entire life and has never worked a single day since the day she was born.


She was never married yet had 6 kids by 6 different men.


She told me I was a sucker & a complete idiot for working hard.


I'll take just about any immigrant over this lazy piece of garbage.




And she gets income tax back each year on money she never earned, she didnt live north of highway 7 by chance LOL

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Remember that a 100 years ago all immigrants from southern Europe and the Slavic countries were seen as inferior. Most of them got the mentally feeble check box ticked. Why they spoke gibberish and they didn't look like us. I'm sure the good citizens of Canada back then were also complaining about the poor standard of immigrants we allowed into this country.

Those world wars your uncles and fathers fought...were about issues such as the freedom of the individual and the perception that there were inferior and superior humans.

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I'm a first gen Canadian, born to European parents. Neither of my parents spoke a lick of English when they arrived here in the late 50's. Heck, they didn't even speak the same language as each other when they met. They both worked the tobacco fields of southern Ontario; hard work for sure.

In the neighbourhood where I grew up, we were the exception... all my friends and neighbours were already 2nd gen and I got a lot of heat from them regarding my mom and dad's accents. Our next door neighbor actually called my dad a "deepie". They didn't like the fact that here we were, new Canadians living in the same neighbourhood as these 2nd,3rd or 4th generation Canadians. I guess they just couldn't understand that my folks were more than willing to work hard for a better life for their family.

My Dad taught himself to read English and never took a dime he did not earn from anyone.

I suspect that the vast majority of new Canadians have exactly the same desires coming to this country. Yes exceptions always exist, but that is what they are, exceptions.


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People that live here don't have enough kids to increase the population.

The planet is over populated. So maybe Canadians are doing a good thing.


The government needs immigrants to increase the amount they have to spend. Maybe they should do better money management.


It would be great if the reason we have immigrants is to have stories like HH told us. I have heard many great stories like his and it makes me very happy.


A lot of the people are saying they will return to their homeland when they are done working here. I guess canada is just a place to make money.


If canada is so great how come more immigrants don't come here from successful countries.

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