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I heard today that Canadians have come u with the vaccine for Ebola it has been tested on primates and is working..Human trals around the world are about to begin any day now, if not already..Go Canada Eh!

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It's a concern to be sure, and should be taken seriously. Keep in mind though, that the countries where it has gained such a foothold, most people don't even have running water or soap to wash their hands. Never mind advanced medical facilities and an ability to properly keep track of people. Add in superstition, and belief in what amounts to witch doctors and a general mistrust of often corrupt government and we see the situation that is tragically unfolding. In it's current form, I don't believe ebola will go very far in North America, and I hope I'm not wrong! For the affected nations, I certainly hope that a vaccine is successful very soon!

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Time will tell, the only thing inevitable in life is death and taxes. And in the end you can't cheat either! One thing is for sure, something is going to kill me eventually. Hopefully it's old age!

I'm not religious by any stretch, but I'll give you an Amen on that line.

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According to everything I've read, ebola is a direct transmission infectious disease. there has to be direct contact with fluids. It's not an airborne transmitted disease, again according to those who know (fingers crossed).


As long as healthcare workers follow proper protocol, there should be no risk of ebola.


and if you want to scare yourself stupid, watch Contagion. VERY creepy movie and from what I've been told by first line healthcare workers who deal with infectious diseases in third world countries, it's very realistic. Very. If you're spooked now by ebola, this will make it worse.

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Ebola can be controlled through hand-washing, and by using gloves and other barriers to prevent contact with infectious bodily fluids. Only direct contact with the body fluids of a person who is showing symptoms of Ebola spreads the disease. Ebola isn't airborne.

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Not a nice bug at all that hopefully we will not have much contact with as Canadians here at home.


Any of our citizens over there helping in any way to fight against Ebola and aide to those infected and affected, are heroes.


A vaccine would be a much needed miracle about now for those at risk.

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Ebola can be controlled through hand-washing, and by using gloves and other barriers to prevent contact with infectious bodily fluids. Only direct contact with the body fluids of a person who is showing symptoms of Ebola spreads the disease. Ebola isn't airborne.


What about airborne bodily fluids? A cough or sneeze can project bodily fluids into the air.

Edited by JohnBacon
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ebola can be spread through droplets(sneezing,coughing,drooling) which is a form of airborne you do not be in direct contact but to inhale sputum,this is coming from the infectious disease control person at the hospital where I work. If you google it you will also find that out.

Edited by bowslayer
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