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Whats your best way to talk the spouse into letting you go fishing after having fished alot already this summer?


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I must say I got one of the good ones! My wife loves fishing as much as I do. We had a fishing themed wedding, everyone went home with a custom lure. Honeymooned at a cottage on Go Home Lake and split our time between fishing and hot-tubbing. My only problem would be trying to get away to do some fishing without her! :)

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Lol funny thread. Did someone say fishing themed wedding!!? Some of you guys seem to have it pretty good! I'd be on the water every second of free time if it were up to me. It's nice to be "forced" to do other things. My girl doesn't fish much, we compromise and I stay home here and there. She's been pretty cool about the fishing since the start. But I do get the delema once in awhile: Now, I went last weekend and the weekend before, the bite is good and I have to get back out there... how do I swing this weekend too?

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Lol funny thread. Did someone say fishing themed wedding!!? Some of you guys seem to have it pretty good! I'd be on the water every second of free time if it were up to me. It's nice to be "forced" to do other things. My girl doesn't fish much, we compromise and I stay home here and there. She's been pretty cool about the fishing since the start. But I do get the delema once in awhile: Now, I went last weekend and the weekend before, the bite is good and I have to get back out there... how do I swing this weekend too?

Get going on the honey do list lol :P ,glad I don't have that problem,just sayin.

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Last time I left to go fishing and decided it was raining too hard to bother... I crawled back into bed and heard "can you believe my husband is out fishing in this crap!" :whistling:


That might explain,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Why are you not fishing to day??????????????? GO FISHING.

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Like already said it's not about permission but courtesy, especially for overnight(s) trips. If you don't have kids then there is less of an issue. I hear young guys talk tough "she knew I love fishing when we met". I usually laugh and say "good luck with that". That's all fine, but try having a fun guilt-free trip when she is at home dealing with kids or whatever. She may ask about your priorities as she is exhausted and ready to throw in the towel. She needs help. Face it, children fundamentally change your life but in many ways for the good. The Kitchen Pass method works well and as the kids get older you'll have more free time and possibly include them in the fishing. Grandparents and family can be very helpful. In the meantime you may find yourself on some internet site loosely about fishing. :whistling:


Another word of advice is understanding that a fathers free time is precious because he probably gets so little, so be on time for fishing.

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This was actually written first in 2001 or so. There is also similar sage advice on the "equipment challenge". Basically get your gear before marriage, particularly expensive items like a boat, sled, etc. It's easier to upgrade from time to time then have to do the whole purchase.

Dear Dr. Trout Bum


SUNDAY, 02 MARCH 2008 23:34

Dear Dr. Trout Bum -

When I was dating my wife she was more than accommodating whenever I wanted to go out and "wet my line". We've now been married for two years and my time on the water has been reduced from about 50 days per year to around 10. If I go fishing she either goes ballistic before I go or relents but makes my life miserable when I get home. What should I do?

Whipped in West Yellowstone

Dear Whipped,

All of us who participate in any activity that involves the outdoors and are married are eventually confronted by the vast chasm that divides any idea you may have about spending your "free time" and those expectations held by your spouse. What you need is to learn the art of the "Kitchen Pass."

Getting a Kitchen Pass

Kitchen Pass (def.) - 1. Authorization for leave of the household in order to pursue purely manly interests. 2. Official sanctioning of any activity performed outside of the household by the recognized governing body of the kitchen. 3. Permission from your wife or significant other.

The method of getting a Kitchen Pass varies based on the temperament of the woman, stage of the relationship and other "intangible" issues. This may be as simple as bringing her flowers or taking her to a nice dinner. However, it can be far more complicated. You may have to force yourself to watch Meg Ryan or Sandra Bullock movies. Are there any work projects you've promised to do but haven't finished? Finishing these may earn a Kitchen Pass (or, if you've been really bad, it may just reduce your "pass deficit"). Sending her out for "women's night out" or on a small shopping spree are often effective methods. The point is this: you need to do something that will give her warm and fuzzy feelings about you!

Using a Kitchen Pass

You read that right - using a Kitchen Pass. This is a different thing than simply earning a kitchen pass and requires a completely different skill set. A Kitchen Pass is much like a coupon; it's not worth the paper it's printed on until it's used and they both have expiration dates. A Kitchen Pass is only valid as long as her feeling of euphoria lasts. This means that they can rarely be accumulated and, most of the time, must be used quickly. The undoing of most of us is that we invariably pull some bonehead maneuver before the transaction is complete. Sometimes something as simple as forgetting to relay a phone message can be a deal killer. As time passes it becomes increasingly likely that we won't notice something that should be noticed or won't compliment something that should be complimented. Even worse is complimenting something that shouldn't be complimented. Have you ever told her she looks great on a day she thinks she looks awful? I thought so. This can result in a pass deficit situation immediately. There is no one sure-fire way to use the pass. You will get better with experience (until menopause; then you have to start over). Until then, act quickly.

Keep in touch with Dr. TB and let us know about your progress.

Tight Lines,

Dr. TB

Edited by Sharkbait22
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Years ago I gave my wife 2 options.

Option 1- I tell her Im going fishing. We get into a huge fight over it. I go fishing anyway


Option 2- I tell her Im going fishing. We don't get into a huge fight over it. I go fishing anyway


The choice is hers. Usually she takes option 2

Pretty simple

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Yup Drew. I was the same like I said. She was well versed as they say. LOL


How well do I have it now.


Woke up at 4 am Sunday morning. Trying to be quiet as not to wake up the grand daughter. Dang,shes up. So is nanny. Young one asks nanny where poppys going? Fishing, Like he always does. A hug from the little one and off I go. :Gonefishing:

I just look at nanny and say,see ya later. Yup, ok. LOL

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Where does a fellow start?

OK, 34 years with the same wife (neither of us is going to make that same mistake twice), and I have served nine years more than a life sentence. She hits me when I say that.


I announce my plans for hunting and fishing, with dates. IF there are date conflicts, THEN we negotiate. Otherwise, I am gone. Works for us. So far..............


ASKING for PERMISSION, ah, no. Never. Short anecdote, I got married on a Saturday and went to my deer camp for a week starting Sunday. We had a sixteen hour or so honeymoon, what more can a woman ask for? (TRUE STORY, ask her............)


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I never asked...I just told her I was going...


The time she gave me grief about going I said "Baby, you don't like the way I am...Pack my bags and I'll leave".


She did and I did and that was the end of that marriage...


Actually, my drinking had something to do about it also... :whistling:

Edited by Beans
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I never asked...I just told her I was going...


The time she gave me grief about going I said "Baby, you don't like the way I am...Pack my bags and I'll leave".


She did and I did and that was the end of that marriage...


Actually, my drinking had something to do about it also... :whistling:


And look how happy you are cool cat. :Gonefishing:

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