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Windsor Fisherman Tells His Side


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He deserves it.

He should not be harmed or threatened but he should be shamed. It's not blown out of proportion. The only people beating this to death and getting enraged are online fisherman like ourselves. This issue matters to me.

It sounds like this act was indicative if his true nature and typical behavior.

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I think it's great the video was posted... Brings awareness to others not to act like this...


And if the MNR didn't get flooded with emails over this video do you think this man would have been fined?


I don't


Now the MNR is in the hot seat to make an example of this "man" to calm the public's outrage...


This was an illigal kill... No matter how you slice it... It wasn't a poor slot measurement... Or a FMZ border confusion... Or improper fish ID... He intentionally killed a fish with no intent to keep it...


And I do agree... Wishing harm on anyone is out of line... I only hope he is punished accordingly by fine and maybe license suspension or something... He obviously doesn't respect the law or the efforts put in by others to maintain the fishery...

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I assume that after this, he will change his ways about mistreating fish.... he is clearly doing damage control and would prefer to not be a public miscreant. If he indeed changes his ways, and other like this get the point that they do not live in their own personal jurisdictions, then I'm glad this all went down like it did. Those who are hating the public lynching are just hipstering hipster or devil's advocating the devil's advocate. Get over it, this was for the greater good and is a public lesson.

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I cant say that I am not a fan of the idea of this "internet lynching" idea. I wish no harm or anything upon this individual, but in this day and age, its a great deterent for others to not conduct themselves in the same fashion. Hopefully someone else out there that likes to illegally kill fish will reconsider after seeing this. If it does happen, then this is all worth it.

I will agree with your point in wishing those who have committed real awful crimes(against other humans) were made to suffer this type of justice considering the farce that is, for the most part the so called justice system. But as long as facts is facts, and there was no disputing this one, have at er'.

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He said he doesn't know why he did it. LOL

He will get his ticket and pay it, then do the same thing, just making sure no one sees him next time. That was just too blatant to say he has never done that kind of thing. He won't change; his tone of voice says it all.

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Grumpy !!! He killed & discarded an undersized musky just that alon is 2 charges !!!! It is illegal no matter what way you spin it !!! You should read up on the regs !!! So should everyone else that thinks it's no big deal ..... It's ILLEGAL PERIOD


Where did you read that I think he did nothing wrong? My only beef was with how everyone quotes he broke the "law" over and over and over, but somehow the punishment prescribed by that same law isn't enough, and that he needs endless threats, humiliation and infamy as well. Let him be fined by the ministry. You can't have your cake and eat it too, though apparently everyone seems to think otherwise. Abiding by the law also means let the law deal with the punishment. If you think that's not enough write your MPP and get the punishment upped, but stop with the drama already, it's a fish.


Last post I'm done.

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I know I said I'd shut up, oh well. Grump, I don't read where Fishing Devil said what you say he sad.


How about this for a headline to get the public to outcry, " Haldimand man charged for clubbing 8 week old puppy to death then throwing it into lake" The man said he did it because they crapped all over the place. It was the first time he did this he was heard when applogizing".


It's called public outcry, Google Ray Rice, NFL.

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Grumpy. I get your point.

Keep our comments and wishes reasonable.

He should be fined and suspended to the max allowable for this - nothing more. I vote for lifetime suspension if it can be proven that he is a repeat offender but he may still keep hunting and fishing anyways.

This event will likely not change his behavior but it may at least put him on the MNRs radar and send a message to others.

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Everyone I have read in these threads has agreed this action was wrong and should be dealt with by the "Proper" authorities


It just gets a little wide when this guy gets sent thru the wringer of public opinion--to the point it has


So one can only assume those that have partook in the name calling etc (aka public lynching) is above reproach and has never done anything wrong---to the point they could be videoed at any point day or night---and their actions can withstand the jury of public scrutiny

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you can't put the genie back in the bottle

social media is here to stay and this is a discussion forum , not a simple information news forum

how do you not give your opinion on this with live video evidence


reading 200 people saying looks bad hope the judge make a good decision with this case..would get mighty boring fast..


it is the new world order and criminals and COPS had better get use to it

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Yes social media is here to stay


But it does not remove the fact that If I call someone a foul name for breaking the rules on a public forum---I better make sure I have never broken any rules ----hence I would be a hypocrite


And if I thought muskies were the endangered holy grail of fish----I would'nt be fishing them in 80 degree plus waters or using barbed baits---lest they gill hook an undersized musky and you have to let it go floatin belly up--gotta stay legal right?


After all---this is a musky we're talkin bout

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I wasn't talking about a muskie as much as I was talking about someone breaking the law, I would feel the same about any sport fish


if I break the law and get caught on video I hope I am smart enough to say oh I am sorry I didn't know, I will never do it again, is there something I can do to make it right....not yell and scream and say I know it's wrong but it eats pickerel. with cameras running.


that or be smart enough to shoot the witnesses and destroy the video

and leave quickly

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In the olden days lawbreakers were put in stocks in the town square and made (or strongly encouraged) to feel shame. It seems that we have a similar situation here, although the offender is not obliged to read the heaps of abuse dumped on his head. I'm not sure if it's good or bad. Maybe that method worked better than some of our modern methods.

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