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Windsor Fisherman Tells His Side


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He would have been better off not responding. Most people can see right through that apology.

Agreed. While I can see why he appologized now, if any of his story was fact, why not just try to explain that to the two guys who confronted him in the first place?


They actually started quite diplomatic. It only started getting a little confrontational a bit later.


Because he is full of it, thats why...

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Regardless of what he did, can you imagine how this can happen to anyone these days? I'm really not into this new technology driven public lynching game we play. The guy killed a fish, something everyone in this forum has done, and he wakes up the next morning getting publicly lynched, charged, and made famous as an evil jerk. All from a day out in the boat with his buddy. This could happen to anyone on this forum.


Why we have this appetite to completely destroy lives over next to nothing these days is beyond me.

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yes the boat was borrowed. the owners very upset naturally.. he,is living in terror from public comments.. the boat would be best painted re-registered.. as for the crocodile tears from the guy involved. well you be the judge.


If in fact the boat was borrowed, then what choice did he have?

He would have to come forward just to get the actual owner off the hook.

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WRONG...he intentionally killed an UNDERSIZED fish, which I doubt everyone on this board has done.


And what is the punishment for that Lew? Since everyone loves quoting the law here...


I'm pretty sure its a fine.


And what does he get?


Two storys in a city newspaper, likely thousands of death threats, discussions and postings all over the internet that can never be removed, and where does it end? Maybe his boss sees it and decides he needs to be removed? Maybe his family disowns him? Maybe he gets spit on in the street?


I condone the fine, the rest to me is disgusting for killing one fish.


And I will add that I don't even kill for eating, legal or not that annoys me as well. Like others have said how does one justify all this for what he actually did?

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I cant say that I am not a fan of the idea of this "internet lynching" idea. I wish no harm or anything upon this individual, but in this day and age, its a great deterent for others to not conduct themselves in the same fashion. Hopefully someone else out there that likes to illegally kill fish will reconsider after seeing this. If it does happen, then this is all worth it.

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Grumpy, I replied because you said everyone on this board has killed a fish, I said everyone on this board HASN'T killed and undersized fish.


BIG difference


I'm not arguing that I hate what he did Lew, sorry if it came across wrong as well. I am just part of the minority that thinks this has gone wayyyyy beyond what's reasonable. Laws change, 12 months ago I could keep a 14" fish from Nippissing, today someone could GoPro me and I could be on the front page of the paper and subject to the same thing as this guy. You may not think its the same thing but I'm sure someone would send me a death threat over it. I just hate public lynchings. I know they are a part of what we are turning into like it or not, but hate it none the less.

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Doesn't anyone else find it ridiculous that, due to an internet outcry from un-involved people, a guy ends up issuing a video apology through a major newspaper ...... all for killing a fish?!?!?!?


I'm all for conservation and C&R, but this has gotten blown WAY WAY WAY out of proportion.


Frankly, I blame the guys who posted the video. They did the right thing by taking down the boat registration number and reporting the offense to the MNR. But posting the video to YouTube and FaceBook was a very bad idea.

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Mr Simon, why was it a bad idea? If they hadn't of done what they did he would be out there clubbing fish today and tomorrow. It's not as much as what he did it is more about why he did it. Yes it's just 1 small fish, if he did the same to a fluffy puppy or kitten wow then you would have the world at his doorstep for certain. It is 2014 not 1914, social media is a powerful thing and whether I like it or not, and I don't, it's here and here to stay. I don't understand your stance, you blame the guys that posted the video??? For what exactly?

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Im glad they did, he got what he deserved. I too hope this would deter some from the same sort of activities.

I do feel sorry for the guy who lent him the boat however. That is very unfortunate


The "Wall Of Shame".

Exactly where he and many others like him belong.

If you can't play by the rules then you shouldn't be allowed to play the game.

Good timing too. Hopefully some of the snaggers out there will be detered.

The more "Big Brother Is Watching", the better it will be for the sport

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