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2 days to go before the "X" goes on your ballot. NF


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pretty submissive if ya ask me. Lots we can do. We own the government, not the other way around.





We own crap.




Lots we can do



Im 50,I have yet to see in all my voting years,where I made a difference.

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We own crap.




Im 50,I have yet to see in all my voting years,where I made a difference.

good luck to ya! Imo your way too submissive. Your a governments dream citizen by the sounds of it. And if you think there is nothing you(we) can do your pretty blind. Take a look around the globe my friend. Governments are in major heat around the globe. But it'll be ok, we have beer. And our kids have what???
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Your a governments dream citizen by the sounds of it



You dont know me well enough to make that statement.


You are missing my point IMO.


You say other countries?


The ones that shoot ya dead . Then say sorrry MAYBE?


Ya,I want to live there.


Dont forget




Theres a reason for that..


You and I and the rest here will be long gone,and this crap will still be discussed.



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Best country in the world = working at 68 years old???? You guys are delusional. I love my country but my pride doesn't overshadow the truth. Canada has the potential to be the best country on earth, but we will never se that potential fulfilled. Too many people with beer in their fridge thinking all they can do is vote to make a change.

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Without being organized there isn't anything we can do that will make a differance!


My next job? Well, with the way things are going I'll have to work until the day I die because I wasn't smart enough to get into politics so I could have a huge pension. Must be nice, work two terms, get a penson for life (at who's expense)?


I was always too busy working and trying to make ends meet and feed my family. In my case as with many others we didn't have jobs that came with comfy pension plans and we couldn't afford to put money into pensions. It took everything we earned to feed our families and pay our taxes so we could some day get to enjoy our CPP and old age pensions.


Turns out the government squandered all that money we paid into them so that now they want even more money with the promise that we will someday be able to retire with a pension we can exist on. BULL SPIT!


I saw friends this past winter that had a choice: eat, freeze, or go into debt on their credit cards (which they can't afford to pay anyway). This is Canada for christ sake, we can send billions of $ in aid to other countries but let our own people suffer? Where is the logic in that?


In the meantime billions of $ are getting pissed up the wall by people that I can assure you will never have to worry about going hungry because they just take what ever they want. Unlike Robin Hood, they take from the poor and give to themselves!


I would start a revolution if I knew how but I don't! I would love to know how, and have the energy to make the people that spend our money accountable! Saddly I am lacking on both counts!


We need some young people with the brains and energy to get this going, I would be one of the first to get involved, do nothing, you deserve what you end up with and your kids are left with or at least try! If we don't, our kids will be throwing rocks in the streets while getting shot. Is that what you want to wait for?

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Canada has the potential to be the best country on earth, but we will never se that potential fulfilled.



European countries, particularly Scandinavia,are consistently rated as some of the best countries to live in. We'd get to be a better country if we learned from some of those rather than veering to the right as many on here seem to want (and the mis-guided folks to the South seem hell bent on doing)

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I agree Horwath was put in a no-win situation over the budget. Wynne tabled such a ridiculous farce of a budget there's absolutely no way anyone with half a brain could support it, and Wynne knew that. Horwath didn't force the election, Wynne did - by tabling a nonsense budget that she knew would be thrown out. I guess we'll know for sure when she brings out her new budget next month. Will it be the same thing all over? Or will this one be tempered to reflect reality? My guess is it will be toned down considerably, because now she has to make it work.


It was a risky move, but I guess the Liberals felt their best chance was to force an election now while the Conservatives were still split over leadership and the trade unions were miffed at the NDP. The timing was definitely in their favour. Still ... it was a manipulative and underhanded move, IMHO.


And yes, I do think political discussion has a (limited) place on a fishing forum. If we can have 256-page threads devoted to hockey, why not discuss things that directly impact our ability to afford to go fishing?? Or that potentially impact MNR's funding?

You realize that the governing party can just call an election, right? They didn't need a non confidence vote. In fact, I think Wynne pre-empted the vote by calling an election in advance.


She put that budget forward to get the NDPs to keep them in power. Same reason she added taxes to her budget last year (to get the NDP onside).


It didn't work and we went to an election anyway, and the rest is history.


The one good thing out of them having a majority is they won't have to appease the NDP to get anything passed through. Hopefully that means they'll dial back a little bit.

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Well after recovering from the shock of this turnout, I'm totally convinced there's more morons and total idiots that have no concept of what deficit and debt are. It just keeps piling up and at the rate it's going, we'll be like the US, never able to pay down the debt.

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Cliff im in denial too ....when the gov has proven to be corrupt to save two seats...how far will they go to cover that up....interesting enough ...Thornhill was OFFIALLY awarded to the Libs...but after some whining it turns out there was an "error" and in fact it is now PC...one riding???big deal??? i dont think so....i said it in the beginning and ill say it again...Shenanigans are at play here and its name is Ontario Electiongate..

Incedentially ...now that the Libs have a majority they will squash the OPP ( Lib endorsers) investigation into the deleted emails and gas plant scandals...suck it up buttercup or raise some hell

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Ok I get it---politics is now more than ever a contentious issue----And everybody wants their team to win


So why not look beyond the provincial level and see what that vote you made (whoever you are) for the Federal Conservatives may bring you this week


So that favorite son of an Imperial Oil Accountant has truly kept in step with the the marching orders given by Exxon Mobile---to turn Canada into an oil storage company


So to summarize.....Anything in place to impede getting that bitumen (aka dirty oil) To China--has been addressed save BC


So those pesky laws like The Fisheries Act...The Navigable Waters Act...even the Humpback Whale protected status---has been changed---First Nation treaties in Northern Alta spend more time in court---cuz They'll take the $$$ now---You fight over the mess when They're gone


Hey lets even bring in cheaper labour from around the world---to help those bottom lines


Now come Tuesday----(and I hope I'm really wrong)---This Gov't will push thru (even though it's not wanted) Northern Gateway Pipeline


Now the Natives have promised several court actions and up to civil disobedience (along with non-native BC'ers)


So when we keep ourselves awake at night over political mis-spending---remember one thing


Money comes and goes and can be replaced


This mess that's happening and could happen to "OUR" coast---will be gone FOREVER if that accident occurs (that Enbridge acknowledges will happen--with any pipeline)


Old sayings so very often ring true and 2 come to mind....."Money is the root of all evil" ....and "You don't miss the water till the well's gone dry"


Ask that quaint little bankrupt village in Cordova Alaska (Exxon Valdez)


Yesterday Enbridge says that this pipeline benefits all Canadians------How?--the shareholders get their dividends maximized---but how is this making your life better in Ontario--- east....Lower prices at the pumps??



Your taking all the risk------tell me again for what reward??---maybe we should buy shares in Dawn dish detergent---they use that alot on oil soaked birds don't they?

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Incedentially ...now that the Libs have a majority they will squash the OPP ( Lib endorsers) investigation into the deleted emails and gas plant scandals...suck it up buttercup or raise some hell

As soon as Hudak mention cutting back on the number of government jobs, the OPP ran their own television notice against the PC's. How's that for irony? The river of political manupulation runs deep.

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As soon as Hudak mention cutting back on the number of government jobs, the OPP ran their own television notice against the PC's. How's that for irony? The river of political manupulation runs deep.


. Hudak said a 2 year wage freeze for all gov't workers (including MPP) and then the OPPA comes out with the videos...Interesting too how the OPP have got two big raises in the last few years isn't it. 5% in 2010 and 8.5% last year

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. Hudak said a 2 year wage freeze for all gov't workers (including MPP) and then the OPPA comes out with the videos...Interesting too how the OPP have got two big raises in the last few years isn't it. 5% in 2010 and 8.5% last year



With the rich rocketing to richer---nobody questions it-----but if you have a job where there's a better than average chance your facing confrontation every shift--and facing the Big sacrifice (See Moncton last week)----may look at this in a different light

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With the rich rocketing to richer---nobody questions it-----but if you have a job where there's a better than average chance your facing confrontation every shift--and facing the Big sacrifice (See Moncton last week)----may look at this in a different light


They deserve a good pay and I have no issue with that... but a recruit starts at $49,751 and $63,000 after graduation. Also how many jobs got a 14% increase from a gov't being investigated by them....



Take a look at the pay, how soon the increases are and the benefits.





Table 1: OPP Salary Grid


Service Time

Salary (per year)

Recruit Constable(5th Class) From the first day of training $ 49,751.00

Probationary Constable (4th Class) After graduation from training $ 63,434.00

Constable (3rd Class) $ 72,501.00

Constable (2nd Class) $ 80,658.00

Constable (1st Class) After 36 months $ 90,621.00




This election was about Unions versus the rest and the Unions won....

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They deserve a good pay and I have no issue with that... but a recruit starts at $49,751 and $63,000 after graduation. Also how many jobs got a 14% increase from a gov't being investigated by them....



Take a look at the pay, how soon the increases are and the benefits.





Table 1: OPP Salary Grid


Service Time

Salary (per year)

Recruit Constable(5th Class) From the first day of training $ 49,751.00

Probationary Constable (4th Class) After graduation from training $ 63,434.00

Constable (3rd Class) $ 72,501.00

Constable (2nd Class) $ 80,658.00

Constable (1st Class) After 36 months $ 90,621.00




This election was about Unions versus the rest and the Unions won....



Yup and floor sweepers are earning 6 figures in Fort Mac- Non Union----pretty sure they're not laying their hides on the line to protect me


Tying police wages to partisan politics is a stretch

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Yup and floor sweepers are earning 6 figures in Fort Mac- Non Union----pretty sure they're not laying their hides on the line to protect me


Tying police wages to partisan politics is a stretch


Can you provide any evidence of your statement about floor sweepers?


The evidence of the association was not created by me, it was created by the OPPA creating attack ads in support of a party that had given the a 14% increase in less than 5 years. It will be confirmed I suspect when next year they get another 4% or more.


I hear Auntie Katy is going to shut down all the back/spine clinics in the province for fear that some Ontarians might actually grow a spine before the next election.



I heard they were continuing actually but making sure the patient remained in a hunched over posture... it gives easier access to the wallet.


It was very telling when it was estimated 50% of voters hadn't heard about the Gas plants and billion dollars.


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So? Why is it even relevant to political favouritism by a Union. The RCMP are paid about $10,000 less per year and you are also talking about Northern Alberta.


and the question there is also supply and demand and a trailer costs $500,000....

From your own link...

Skilled workers are in even more demand. Carpenters, plumbers, electricians – there’s $150,000 a year waiting for you, Chapman estimates. Managers. Accountants. Clerks. You name it, they need it. Visa issues? Easy, says Chapman. “We can’t get enough bodies out of Canada. We need bodies from the USA.”

So what’s stopping the great exodus north? Six-figures come with trade-offs. If you want to buy a house, you can settle for a trailer – for $500,000.

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I guess the unions just knew a bad idea when they seen it


I don't have to put my hand on a hot stove to know I'll get burned



But that is just it, take a look payroll tax, 42% electricity increase, Billions wasted on gas plants, doubling the debt, etc.....Ontario is not just putting their hand on a hot stove they jumped in a red hot stove but haven't figured out they are being burned to death until we see massive S&P downgrades and increased debt. I remember an economist on TV say that each downgrade would cost Ontario over $1,000,000,000 in additional lending costs.


Fort McMurray will probably get lots of people soon as more jobs move out of province and Ontarians get desperate enough..

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OK I'm done beating this dead horse---you'll get 4 more years the same way I got 5 years after 2011 with who I consider to be the very worst thing to ever happen to Canada


I went as far to consider if Quebec "Had" separated--I would move there---Because I believe even a separate Quebec would have more true Canadian Values than what Harper brings to us.


And my family has served this country since 1812--right up to the end of this thread.


This guy makes Mulroney look like a socialist---and he cleared the mfg house with his free trade deal


So maybe start a club where everyone thinks the same--and everyone can complain in unison


But at the end of the day nothing changes

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OK I'm done beating this dead horse---you'll get 4 more years the same way I got 5 years after 2011 with who I consider to be the very worst thing to ever happen to Canada


I went as far to consider if Quebec "Had" separated--I would move there---Because I believe even a separate Quebec would have more true Canadian Values than what Harper brings to us.


And my family has served this country since 1812--right up to the end of this thread.


This guy makes Mulroney look like a socialist---and he cleared the mfg house with his free trade deal


So maybe start a club where everyone thinks the same--and everyone can complain in unison


But at the end of the day nothing changes



Sorry if you don't like reality but you get your wish to see Ontario fail even more, I hope you realize that creating a debt the grandkids will be trying to pay off is bad someday. As for Harper, the economist said today the only reason Ontario hasn't been down graded 1 or 2 positions already is because of having a fiscally responsible gov't in Ottawa. We have Mulcair and the guy voted as the Canadian national embarrassment in a poll I saw on another forum, J.T was a write in and won over Bieber and Ford in the opposition parties so get used to it.

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