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2 days to go before the "X" goes on your ballot. NF


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It's only 2 days before our voices are heard. The question, has anything been done or said during this campaign for the Ontario provincial election that has made you think differently now than before this provincial campaign?


I believe many may be interested to know. Do they spend many dollars of theirs and our money to campaign for no good reason? I personally think it's a complete waste of time and money. Nothing has changed my mind, maybe reinforced my choice if anything.

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Definitely not. I've given up trying to find anything worth liking in the leaders themselves, and typically base my vote purely on platform policies and track record (when applicable), however my vote will likely go to a party that has never held power in this province so there is no track record to speak of

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The Fiberals have a proven track record, I have seen the proof and can't afford another round of their style of government. Unfortunatly that leaves a very limited choice because there is only one other real contender and even though they wouldn't be my first choice I feel like a vote for anyone else is just going to be a wasted vote.

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Given the platforms and lack there of ( NDP) and the leaders in question, I plan to spoil my ballot. As I cannot vote for any of them... I was planing on going blue... Only to rid ourselves of wynne.... But his campaign is a crapshow waiting to happen.... To me there are no winners...

Just more of the same.

I plan to vote...

I plan to show my disgust with the current leadership of all parties by spoiling my ballot.


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Apparently a spoiled ballot just gets lumped in with all others that may have made a mistake or what have you. If you immediately hand your ballot back and say "I decline to vote" apparently those are counted as such and may make a stronger point.



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I don't understand the point of a spoiled ballot. I really don't.


We take voting for granted in this country. In most parts of the world, people kill for the opportunity. Literally.


Spoiling a ballot doesn't send a message. Well, other than the one that says "this guy doesn't know how to use a pen." No one cares about spoiled ballots, least of all elected officials.


You have an opportunity to change things. None of the three parties are perfect, we all know that. But make it a point to learn which one best fits with what you believe in, and give them your vote.


If you don't vote, or spoil your ballot, you can't complain afterwards. Beyond that, you basically slap the face of every poor sod around the world who fought for your opportunity to do this.


Nice way of saying thank you.


<<< end rant >>>

Edited by Craig_Ritchie
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key reminder..."Absolute power...corrupts absolutely"


Another party?---how about the States---they get 2 choices---least we're gettin 3


I'm guessing voter turnout will be low due to the 3 blind mice there is for candidates


Again---I'll flip the coin on Liberal/NDP--to help save OFC member's jobs---so I'm doin something good with my vote


Hudaks---grade 6 math is poor at best anyway---and the best quote he gave was He's resign if he did'nt create those million jobs---even counting one job 8x


His million jobs plan is an 8 year stretch---so he wants 8 years or 2 terms to cut and re-cut---then when he fails---he got his 8 year paycheck---thanks ya'll


where's my pension??

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I keep seeing three parties, are the greens not running? If you dont want to vote for the other three vote green. Not like they are going to win but maybe it will send the message you are looking for.

I wont be voting liberal im generally a blue guy but no route looks promising right now.

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I don't understand the point of a spoiled ballot. I really don't.


We take voting for granted in this country. In most parts of the world, people kill for the opportunity. Literally.


Spoiling a ballot doesn't send a message. Well, other than the one that says "this guy doesn't know how to use a pen." No one cares about spoiled ballots, least of all elected officials.


You have an opportunity to change things. None of the three parties are perfect, we all know that. But make it a point to learn which one best fits with what you believe in, and give them your vote.


If you don't vote, or spoil your ballot, you can't complain afterwards. Beyond that, you basically slap the face of every poor sod around the world who fought for your opportunity to do this.


Nice way of saying thank you.


<<< end rant >>>

Decline the ballot, dont spoil it. If you don't like your choices why would you vote for any party. And by the way this isnt a war torn country, this is a canadian system I dont care what you think about 'wasting ' a vote or thereafter not having the right to an opinion. Decling a ballot is within our rights and has just as much legitamacy as any other choice. I dont know why you feel any anger against a member of the public making a legitimate choice yet you can vote for a party you dont actually believe in. Let people make their own choices and get off your soapbox.

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I wish there was a government website where all 3 parties could post their own information regarding their platform. Any one of my friends have no idea what a candidate supports except what they glean from the attack ads

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The Fiberals have a proven track record, I have seen the proof and can't afford another round of their style of government. Unfortunatly that leaves a very limited choice because there is only one other real contender and even though they wouldn't be my first choice I feel like a vote for anyone else is just going to be a wasted vote.

Please explain how voting for a party you agree with idealistically, yet certainly won't get any seats is a wasted vote yet voting for the lesser of two asshats since he is more likely to gain office isn't? I'm genuinely puzzled
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Here's a no win topic!


I so indecisive! I can't choose between the snake oil salesmen who wants to use Ontario for a financial science experiment based on hidden formulas... A career-at-all-costs person that will sign anything, side with anyone, spend any amount of money while saying she has taken responsibility for something the tax payers are fixing... Or someone who thinks she's talking a good game when in fact there is zero substance to her actual platform and her only hope is the other two make even bigger fools of themselves so she may win some fallout votes.

...I'm sure any one of them will put Ontario and it's tax payers first and do a great job.

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It's funny, I was watching the CNN series 'The Sixties' and they showed a clip of JFK in the first ever televised debate and he essentially said that what people should be voting on is the ideology of the parties. Obviously Wynne, Horwath an Hudak are smart people, they are all leaders of their respective parties so we may not like them but you must admit they must be smart. I think the Liberals need to rebuild the party from top to bottom but I cannot vote PC as I do not agree with their stance. I do not think that cutting taxes creates jobs; I do not think that changing immigration will make us that much better off; I don't think that cutting 100,000 civil servant positions will help.


It is non-sense, to me, to say that someone would vote PC because the liberals cannot be trusted, you should vote PC because you believe in their policies. If you do not like the PC platform does it make sense that would you vote for them because the Liberals are scandals, where does that make sense? But I hear it all the time right now.


It will be interesting indeed, I just hope it gives all three parties a wake up as I think all three of them need to go back to the drawing board.

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Ontario is on a path to financial disaster...the NDP doesn't seem like a real change (other than no corruption) and the Liberals are suicide for Ontario's debt and our future, debt has almost doubled under Wynne and McGuinty, I saw that it is up to over $325 per SECOND, $22,342 every minute! We are now even getting transfer payments which means we have fallen below the other provinces in average.

Just to get an idea each year the Interest is $10Billion, education is $24Billion and Post-secondary education and training $7Billion

Then there are the handouts under the liberals..."Ontario government's direct subsidies to corporations average $2.7 billion per year over the past five years". Then when you look at the budget they tried to pass, more subsidies for corporations and tax increases, throw in 42% electricity increase, no promise to not increase taxes, corruption, doubling the number of windmills regardless of community and even transportation protests, giving the little girl Madi Vanstone the run around on her medications etc. I really can't see how anyone could support the Liberals! NDP... maybe.


Just think, interest rates are low and still "debt interest represented 8.4% of the total budgetary expenses and is the fastest-rising cost for the Ontario government"



P.S. This seems to have been missed or ignored ... but rather than post again I will just highllght it.

Even the head of OPSEU called Wynne a liar and in the past said there were 60,000 too many middle managers, by the way 100,000 is the amount the Liberals have increased the gov't size by since 2009



Ontario's debt is twice what the Ukraine is and In the time it took to read this the debt went up about $10k....

Edited by mosquito
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It’s a tough decision. Usually I’m PC-blue, but working in the nuclear industry and being privatized next year and losing my pension and benefits thanks to the federal-Harpers, not as fun as I thought it would be. It seems the Conservatives won’t be happy until we are all working for $15.00 per hour with no benefits/pension, and don’t ever get sick, just throw us on an iceburg when we hit 65 (or 67...). I don’t believe Hudak would be any different.


After reading the responses from the three parties on the OFAH website, none of them has the gonads to do the right thing with the “native” issue, the PC responses was the worst with a silly form-letter. The Liberals hardly deserve another kick at the can with the scandals during the last term…and I’d have a hard time voting for the NDP as it was the Bob Rae NDP that caused the nonsense with the “natives” when he opened up Algonquin Park to be raped. I also don't like either the Liberal or NDP's stand on Green Energy.


Tough choice for sure…

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I would love to see a party be truly in the middle. Here is what I would love to see:


-we pay 5 cents for aplastic bag, where does the money go? Why not remit it with HSt and use that to fund CO's an the environment? If it is an environmental tax let's put it to use.

-I do like green energy but I think the Lib's have taken it too far too quickly. Let's stay where we are and see how it goes but to help it out we should take a page from the NDP with a twist. I like the idea of taking HST off of residential Hydro bills, but let's instead use that money to fund the construction of a new nuclear plant. Think about it, to build a nuclear plant costs roughly $1B/year for 7 to 10 yrs, roughly the same amount if you were to take residential hydro HST so we would actually get something for our money.

-I think attrition in gov't is a good thing so long as it does not impact services, 100,000 positions seems steep but maybe 40-50,000

-program review to eliminate waste


Hopefully through things like this the budget would balance and tax reductions could then be introduced. I think we need to spend to generate growth in the economy, tax cuts to corporations do not work, look at the federal level, tax cuts all over the place for large corporations yet they are sitting and holding the money and not hiring more workers.

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I don't understand the point of a spoiled ballot. I really don't.


We take voting for granted in this country. In most parts of the world, people kill for the opportunity. Literally.


Spoiling a ballot doesn't send a message. Well, other than the one that says "this guy doesn't know how to use a pen." No one cares about spoiled ballots, least of all elected officials.


You have an opportunity to change things. None of the three parties are perfect, we all know that. But make it a point to learn which one best fits with what you believe in, and give them your vote.


If you don't vote, or spoil your ballot, you can't complain afterwards. Beyond that, you basically slap the face of every poor sod around the world who fought for your opportunity to do this.


Nice way of saying thank you.


<<< end rant >>>

I agree with you. A spoiled ballot is completely meaningless!

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