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Stop shooting yourselves

Rod Caster

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There used to be a time when you were required to have your big game displayed in plain view. Its whiners like bill that put a stop to it. Get over yourself man.....if I killed me a big bull moose you can bet I'd be putting it where everyone can see. Its part of our heritage as canadians, like it or not!




I'm not whining, I just think it's classless. Along with the dead whatever strapped to the back, they should also have a big sign that reads LOOK AT ME!!!!! LOL!


I'm all for sharing your kill with your buddies or other people that would appreciate it don't get me wrong. Just something about displaying it for the world irks me.

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I don't think its a big deal to see harvested game on display. It wouldn't bother me personally, in the least.


I also don't mind seeing naked women. If you painted a mural on your van of several nude women performing various lewd acts...not unlike a dead deer, it wouldn't bother me in the least.


The thing is, I recognize that just because I don't get offended over something, that doesn't mean its not offensive by someone else's very reasonable definition.


It's pretty obvious by a few of these comments that at least some hunters display their quarry not despite the fact that it offends others, but because it does. Let's be totally honest here...there are some that get a little kick out of the shock value. We don't like the P3TA types...so knowing that we're offending those people is a little bonus. It reminds me of the time a very conservative guy I know asked me in a disgusted tone, "Why would you walk around with that long hair?"...and I replied, "To get that type of reaction out of people like you."


Hunters sometimes bemoan what they perceive as attacks against them and their sport by non-hunters. That being the case, maybe it's best not to shove it in the faces of those types. It just gives them a reason to complain. If you really don't want to cover up your catch, don't be surprised to hear people gripe about it...you're kind of asking for it.

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Today a friend of mine posted a pic of herself on Facebook with a deer she took down with a crossbow, up for not even 10 minutes and someone reported it as inappropriate, man was she pissed haha some people! if you don't want to look at it don't click the picture!

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Today a friend of mine posted a pic of herself on Facebook with a deer she took down with a crossbow, up for not even 10 minutes and someone reported it as inappropriate, man was she pissed haha some people! if you don't want to look at it don't click the picture!


That is an ironic policy for a company founded by someone who only eats meat if he killed the animal himself.


The sad part is that it most likely would have been one of her friends that reported it.

Edited by JohnBacon
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Have you ever hunted in Michigan Brian. I had an invite down there to deer hunt and you wouldn't belive how those people display thier deer in the truck and drive up and down the street. One restaurant in Rose City has a deer pole in front for deer hunters to hang their deer. Sign says hang your deer on the pole and get a free Pizza.


Did ya say PIZZA? I want pasta too.. Side order of mussels and clams.LOL


Some willl be P3TA,some will be proud..


We are brought up in the old ways ,thats fine by me.. Showing off yer game. Sucks to be you.



I,ll show it off all day. Til it,s cooked,

Then it,s gone.,,,,,,

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That is an ironic policy for a company founded by someone who only eats meat if he killed the animal himself.


The sad part is that it most likely would have been one of her friends that reported it.

yeah it was definitely one of her friends that reported it but as far as the mark zuckerberg only eating what he kills himself that has nothing to do with the policy of who finds what offensive and in this case someone found a dead deer offensive, but 5 mins later she posted a different picture she took of her and her father with it hahaha

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Anyone that is offended by the sight of legally harvest game, needs to be given a tour of a large packing plants killing floor to show them where their nice neat cellophane and styrofoam package of meat originates from.

2 thumbs up. For the guy that is disgusted at the sight of an exposed hunters kill in transport, like seriously is there something deeper here which gets you so worked up over this? Did you have a traumatic experience regarding this or something? Do you get disgusted seeing live pigs, cows or chickens in transport on the highways?

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Some might suggest that having respect for the animal(s) you kill doesn't entail tying them to our trucks and driving them around. Some could suggest the opposite. Alluding to some deep seeded traumatic experience one side could lead to the other suggesting some might be trying to make up for other shortcomings.


At least two sides… Just don't think your actions occur in a vacuum.

Edited by kickingfrog
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2 thumbs up. For the guy that is disgusted at the sight of an exposed hunters kill in transport, like seriously is there something deeper here which gets you so worked up over this? Did you have a traumatic experience regarding this or something? Do you get disgusted seeing live pigs, cows or chickens in transport on the highways?


LOL!! Yeah man, you figured me out. There's some deep, unexposed horrible thing that happened during my childhood which makes me shake my head at guys who drape a dead deer across the back of their side by side, for nothing more then to show everyone out there how much of a big bad hunter they are.


It's disrespectful to the animal and it makes you look like an attention *****. I hunt for christ sakes, do don't try and peg me for some animal loving P3TA type :)


BTW, to the guy who mentioned Michigan, I just got back from 3 days on the Manistee, which also was the opener for deer out there.. I didn't see any of this behavior at all. Lots and lots of deer in the back of trucks and trailers, but none out on display like the one I saw on the 400SB a few weeks ago.. If you're a deer hunter, Michigan is the place.. We saw hundreds of them!!

Edited by BillM
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As a hunter, I fall into the category of no displaying my harvest on the way home.


I look at it in this way: These days the general perception of guns and hunting are frowned upon. To have a hunter (legally) display his/her harvest on the drive home only deepens peoples misunderstanding, and possibly increase the anger or fear of the sport. This could ultimately make things harder for all of us in the long run.


Like many things I will teach my children about, I personally want them to learn about hunting the way I choose to tell them, not by a dead moose staring at them with it's tongue sticking out at any given intersection. I want to give the same respect to others the same way.


Just my humble opinion

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Personally, the viewing of a successful hunt in the bed of a pickup or trailer is part of living near an area blessed with such bounty and enjoyable pastimes.


To me, the act of taking an animals life to feed myself and my family, confers on me a huge responsibility to treat it with the utmost respect and reverence. This primarily means that I make every effort to make sure none of the meat is wasted. Even, not taking an animal if; the weather, the situation or my preparedness are not appropriate.


I also think it is worth noting that every time we engage in our pastimes, that we are all(sometimes reluctant)ambassadeurs for that pastime and we should make every effort to be at our best and remember that we are a minority and our enjoyment of our pastime does not occur in a vacuum. This also means recognizing that there is a difference between downtown Wawa and downtown Barrie.


If one wanted to cover an animal upon your return and still allow for cooling there is always cheese cloth or shade cloth.


To me, festooning the grill of your vehicle with the head of the animal you just harvested or public square meat hangings speak poorly to the ego of the hunter and the level of respect the animal deserves.


I think most remember how easily the Spring-Bear hunt was cancelled because one well-financed individual was able to use one video showing disrespect of the Bear to further their agenda and bring about craven political change. It is safe to say that there is plenty more videographers today.




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LOL!! Yeah man, you figured me out. There's some deep, unexposed horrible thing that happened during my childhood which makes me shake my head at guys who drape a dead deer across the back of their side by side, for nothing more then to show everyone out there how much of a big bad hunter they are.


It's disrespectful to the animal and it makes you look like an attention *****. I hunt for christ sakes, do don't try and peg me for some animal loving P3TA type :)


BTW, to the guy who mentioned Michigan, I just got back from 3 days on the Manistee, which also was the opener for deer out there.. I didn't see any of this behavior at all. Lots and lots of deer in the back of trucks and trailers, but none out on display like the one I saw on the 400SB a few weeks ago.. If you're a deer hunter, Michigan is the place.. We saw hundreds of them!!

Lol. Never would peg you to be a P3TA guy.

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traffic on the 400 is mostly people from the GTA, it's definitely a different crowd than the people living in northern Ontario, they are more detached from where their food comes from but that's life in the city


I don't like the actual killing of anything, I throw bugs out the door, and try to help injured birds etc, I harvest fish and game because I eat meat, not to show off or to try and provide some shock value on the 400


I don't think it's cool driving around with a dead deer on the roof in the GTA, it doesn't bother me, but everyone's different and I respect that

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not bothered to link quotes here, but the issues about displaying your legally harvested animal isn't about lack of respect for the animal, it's not about proving to the world you can kill animals...(admittedly driving to the local pro shop with a dead animal is about the bragging rights lol)


the issue is why do hunters need to hide what we do? no other recreational group is forced to hide what they do


give the anit's an inch, and they will try to take a mile....hunters and anglers are cut from the same cloth, we need to realize that and support each other


hunters hide what they do and we lose rights....we show what we do and we still lose....today's culture is very different from 50 yrs ago


the masses of society are so out of tune with what hunters are about, in my experiences I've found many urbanites truly think hunters only kill for the trophy on the wall, I've educated several of my past neighbours that the meat is actually utilized

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i agree with Bill (that must be a first lol).


this thread just shows me the prime reason that my children will likely be talking about why their ability to hunt has decreased (due to increased restrictions).


likely my grand kids will be talking about "back when we "could" hunt".


reminds me of when pot was decriminalized so all my stoner buddies went to smoke joints on the steps of the police departments.


were they allowed to? Sure. Did they get arrested? Nope. Were they looked down upon by everyone (including other smokers)? Yes.


I see this in the same respect.


It is our right to hunt.


It is not "right" to parade it down 400 series highways. Maybe "our right", but not "right". And I have a feeling it won't be "our right" for long....

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If the actual question/comment is exactly "Is driving down the 401 with a dead animal purposely displayed in order to get shock value a JA move?".... I obviously vote yes, as would most I'm sure haha, but if you did it Hearst it probably wouldn't be for shock value.

Edited by Rod Caster
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i agree with Bill (that must be a first lol).


this thread just shows me the prime reason that my children will likely be talking about why their ability to hunt has decreased (due to increased restrictions).


likely my grand kids will be talking about "back when we "could" hunt".


reminds me of when pot was decriminalized so all my stoner buddies went to smoke joints on the steps of the police departments.


were they allowed to? Sure. Did they get arrested? Nope. Were they looked down upon by everyone (including other smokers)? Yes.


I see this in the same respect.


It is our right to hunt.


It is not "right" to parade it down 400 series highways. Maybe "our right", but not "right". And I have a feeling it won't be "our right" for long....


I think you have nothing to worry about, as there is a growing trend amond "hipsters" to go hunting;




Hell has frozen over people.

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