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I blame a lot of this horrible stuff on some of those crazy violent video games they have out.

Have you ever seen the look on a kids face playing those things. They should be banned.

This stuff never happened when I was a kid. Some kids now a days, are a different breed. Just look at kids today, face stuck in their cel phones, brain stuck in cyber space. :wallbash:

Horrible, just little innocent baby's murdered. I feel for those parents.

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Pretty shocking and upsetting news.... Why???:wallbash:


I blame a lot of this horrible stuff on some of those crazy violent video games they have out.
I don't know about that...I'm a gun owner, have a cell phone and play video games once in a while. I do have a full time job and rather be fishing than sitting in front of the TV but still enjoy some down time at night. I'd never go shooting up any schools tho. Don't know why things like this didn't happen before but you cant just blame video games or cell phones. Edited by Gray_Wolf
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I blame a lot of this horrible stuff on some of those crazy violent video games they have out.

Have you ever seen the look on a kids face playing those things. They should be banned.

This stuff never happened when I was a kid. Some kids now a days, are a different breed. Just look at kids today, face stuck in their cel phones, brain stuck in cyber space. :wallbash:

Horrible, just little innocent baby's murdered. I feel for those parents.


X2 Dave


When we were growing up,it was donkey Kong and Mario brothers. Now it,s,KILL,KILL KILL.WAR. And it,s live stream.

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I blame a lot of this horrible stuff on some of those crazy violent video games they have out.

Have you ever seen the look on a kids face playing those things. They should be banned.

This stuff never happened when I was a kid. Some kids now a days, are a different breed. Just look at kids today, face stuck in their cel phones, brain stuck in cyber space. :wallbash:

Horrible, just little innocent baby's murdered. I feel for those parents.

This evil has been here much longer than you realize, just better publicity now:


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath_School_disaster - in 1927

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Lack of parenting.


You can't be sure of that, the suspects mom was a kindergarden teacher. Maybe this guys wiring was crossed or shorted out. How can you justify actions like that other than to having to consider the guys brain was not working right.


Some folks just aren't right in the head.


You have to feel for the family of the victims and the suspect.

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I blame a lot of this horrible stuff on some of those crazy violent video games they have out.

Have you ever seen the look on a kids face playing those things. They should be banned.

This stuff never happened when I was a kid. Some kids now a days, are a different breed. Just look at kids today, face stuck in their cel phones, brain stuck in cyber space. :wallbash:

Horrible, just little innocent baby's murdered. I feel for those parents.


Evil is evil...men like this have been around doing things like this long before video games. This puke obviously had a SICK mind, did violent video games help...probably not...but there's no doubt he would have found "inspiration" somewhere and still done something like this regardless.


Prayers go out to the parents.

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You can't be sure of that, the suspects mom was a kindergarden teacher. Maybe this guys wiring was crossed or shorted out. How can you justify actions like that other than to having to consider the guys brain was not working right.


Some folks just aren't right in the head.


You have to feel for the family of the victims and the suspect.


yes the mother was the owner of all guns.... but what i want to know and never thought about it till now.is why is there no door in every class room that leads to the outside those kids are stuck in the room no exit unless they can get by the intruder. going to call the school board and ask why . even motels hotels hospitals have other ways out .. but not a school.

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While cooking supper tonight my 13 year old was glued to the news on TV. Made for interesting dinner conversation that's for sure. Extra big hugs to the kiddies at bedtime tonight.


This slaughter of children is heinous. There should be a Hell in Hell for him. A person would have to be either possessed or simply not human.

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I blame a lot of this horrible stuff on some of those crazy violent video games they have out.


I dont think that has much to do with anything.

A SICK person is a SICK person...doesnt matter what TV they watch or games they play.

I just wish this "hero" would have had the balls to stick around and not take the easy way out like the COWARD he is.

makes me sick.

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but what i want to know and never thought about it till now.is why is there no door in every class room that leads to the outside those kids are stuck in the room no exit unless they can get by the intruder. going to call the school board and ask why . even motels hotels hospitals have other ways out .. but not a school.

That's a hell of a good point!


While at work today all I could think of was my kids, 9 and 6 when I found out this was going on. I almost feel they need to watch a movie like red dawn to get out of class if something were to ever go wrong. Now THATS just WRONG that I need to even consider that. :wallbash:


To those that have lost and those who happen to be there and the ones involved. I am sorry for you and your loss...

Edited by GBW
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A person would have to be either possessed or simply not human.


'Possession' is not an explanation, there is no such thing. And he was human. The latest info is that he was autistic, therefore not fully capable of judging his own actions. There is no evil here, just a mentally ill person who was just as much a victim as anyone else. Nobody asks to be mentally ill.

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'Possession' is not an explanation, there is no such thing. And he was human. The latest info is that he was autistic, therefore not fully capable of judging his own actions. There is no evil here, just a mentally ill person who was just as much a victim as anyone else. Nobody asks to be mentally ill.
I don't know about that. People still make choices and should be held responsible. If he knew how to prepare for it and gather 3 guns, ammo mags and know how operate them/reload etc he knew what he was doing just fine. He killed himself to avoid the punishment, that was a choice too. Edited by Gray_Wolf
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He was AUTISTIC, not mentally challenged, ever see rain man? He could do a whole lot of stuff normal people can do, but wqs incapable of making normal decisions, hence he had a caretaker. Just because someone can tie their shoes doesn't mean they know what to do with them. They were his mother's weapons. Loading, reloading, and using the weapons could have been learned by simply watching his mother at the range.


Very tragic. They said things would have been worse, had these kindergarten kids not already been trained for this situation.




So why are they training kindergarteners for class shootinga as part of the curriculum now?

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Apparently he was not buzzed into the school by the principle as was previously reported, the report from the sheriff is that he forced his way into the school.


You can't possible protect everyone and prevent bad things from happening. How far is too far? Armed officer's at every school? What about banning all guns? What about arming the teachers? What about closing down all the schools and do E-learning for everyone.


Legislation can't prevent people from going off the cliff and killing people. What is the fine line of enough prevention and enough protection but not so much that its out of control. Is there such a thing as too much or too far when protection is the goal?


Everyone is going to be clamoring for answers over the next little while but the cold hard fact is the guy flipped his lid and fortunately he is now dead.


So sad, so tragic.

Edited by jedimaster
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I couldn't find anything definitive about Autism or Aspergers and this killer. I've met a fair number of people with autism and could never imagine they would be prone to this type of action so I'd like to place this on other mental health issues for now. Hearsay from fellow students is not precise information.


Either way, I hope the parents of the dead children will be given all the support they need to deal with this tragedy.

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I've met a fair number of people with autism and could never imagine they would be prone to this type of action so I'd like to place this on other mental health issues for now.


Autism is now viewed as a very broad spectrum disorder, with many different levels, almost as individual as the numbers of people with it. And many other mental health issues are now being re-classified as on the autism spectrum, that's why there has been an apparent rise in the number of cases, when in reality there are no more diagnoses of mental illness in children than before.

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As some of u know we lost our daughter almost 9 years ago of natural causes.


With the emotions and feelings that one has to go through in a situation like that I can only partially comprehend what those parents must be going through when those innocent lives were taken so tragically, regardless of the time of year but especially before Christmas.


Instead of spending billions of dollars to see if life exists in outerspace or has done so maybe just maybe that money could be invested back on earth for a period of time so the heads of our countries could take care of some of the real needs and issues we are facing on a day to day basis on planet earth. All u seam to hear is "we are cutting back" in the government circles but they can throw money in the air.


Regardless of your beliefs or religion I would challenge each one of the members on the board to give a thought or a prayer for all that were affected by this tragidy. I know first hand it helps to heal. :good:

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The man in question (I wont say his name) was high functioning Autism. He was also an honour student, However he also had a personality disorder.. Lets not confuse Autism into being involved in this. This is directly from the shooters brother. Its time for Americans to reconsider the gun laws..I can almost guarantee you that if he were carrying rifles or shot guns he would have never made it in the school, and if he had he most certainly wouldn't have been able to fire over 100 rounds in as short of a time he did. I understand the guns were legally owned by the the shooters mother but I seriously doubt they were locked up in a box with trigger locks on them. I just don't understand why hand guns are needed unless you in law enforcement or military..There is just no need for them at all. So many things could have been done to prevent this, lets just hope we learn from this and move forward.. Did anyone hear about Mary Ann Jacob, the library clerk at Sandy Hook?.She Protected many children...saved their lives. God bless her.

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Was anybody commenting here ACTUALLY involved? Otherwise its all just heresay facts from different news stations and bias misquotes.

No offence Rich but were humans, we talk to cope with what just happened. Communication is key to dealing with this no matter how effected one may have been.. Anyone with kids has had one heck of a hard time coping with all of this. Monday take the time to hug or thank your childrens teachers for a amazing job well done. Interestingly enough our daughter just had a lock down drill this week, it went down exactally as the teachers described ..

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