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Some Brook Trout


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I haven't missed fishing on a May long weekend in about 40 years, and this year I kept that record intact. The majority of those early years were spent targeting Walleyes, which is our opening weekend up here. But in the last decade or so, I shifted my May long weekend persuit to Brook Trout. It's a great time of the year for fishing Brookies. The water is always still cold up here and the fish are easy to find and active.


An interesting thing happened to me when I arrived at the lake. I happened to run into BillM at the boat launch. I knew that he was going to be in the area this weekend, but just where and when I wasn't sure. Through a thick cloud of blackfies, we shook hands and chatted briefly, but our anticipation of getting out on the lake ended our encounter way too soon. Some day Bill and I will spend a day in a boat together, but in the meantime I can cross one more thing off of my bucket list.


The fishing started off with a bang for my buddy Colin and I. No more than 30 seconds after our lines were in the water, Colin had the first Brooky of the day on his line. It was about 15 or 16 inches. Decent, but not decent enough to pull out the camera, especially after the fast start. Unfortunately, we both learned that a fast start means absolutely nothing about how the next two hours will go. That's how long it took before the next bite. It was a little better fish this time, maybe 18 inches or so. Nice pose Colin.




Things started to pick up after that. Colin landed a few more Brookies, but all I could manage were a few Pike. I think I'd rather be struck by lightning than catch a Pike. :unsure:


One of Colins Brookies.




So things were finally picking up. Even I caught a couple of 16 to 18 inch Brookies. Nice! We were having fun. Colins next "Fish on!" resulted in a nice 22 1/2 inch Speck. Now that's why we were here!




The release.




Things slowed down for a while after that. The wind had picked up so we chose a sheltered bay to hang out in for awhile. Nothing happening there so we decided to get back out into the wind along a shoreline that has been good to us in the past. Conditions looked just right. We had nice two foot rollers coming into the shore, or a "Speck chop", as we like to call it. Sure enough, the action picked up. After a couple more mid teens fish, this guy hit my line. If I can get one like this every time I go out, I'm just so content.


23 inch male.






Back he goes.




What an awesome, awesome day!!

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That,s some nice fish there bud. As for the head cover,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ok,,,,,,,,,,, :worthy: Can,t argue. :D:P


Thats a nice redneck music box. :rofl2:


Oh,and I see yer NUTZ. :oops::lol:


LOL!!! :rofl2:


Took me a while to get the nutz thing. One of these days we gotta spend a day in a boat together, even if it's parked in one of our driveways.



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Fantastic report, Dan! Not too many places in this world where you can consistently fool large brookies like that. BTW, you and your bud Colin have the dress code down pat. :)

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Good to see a report from you Dan though I could have done without the pics of Colin...... jerry.gif





Looks like some greenery is coming back after the fires you and I trolled along several years back now, damn that's to long to go without a return visit!



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Thanks all for the nice comments. I've been working long hours on the road and away from home for just over two years now and I haven't had time to enjoy life and do the things that I love, until now. I almost forgot how it feels to catch a nice Brook Trout. Soon I'll pick up my camera again and try to remember what all those bottons and knobs are for. And I'll spend some quality time with my family. Yup. There's no place like home.

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