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Stop using cellular while driving

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its irrelevant how you get caught.


if you weren't breaking the law, you wouldn't get a ticket.


if one wanted to avoid being 'entrapped' or caught by 'dirty tactics' of the police one could just not use their phone in the car.

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Certainly you've been behind some idiot at a standstill with their head down, seemingly staring between their legs? They ain't admiring their package! They're texting, totally oblivious to what's happening around them. The traffic starts to move and a courtesy toot of the horn is sounded to get them moving. They jump on the gas and thank you with a one finger salute wallbash.gifwallbash.gif .

I think from now on, I'm gonna give them the courtesy toot just before the light turns or the traffic starts to move and see if the idiots manage to ram their front end into the car in front. Might be somewhat entertaining whistling.gif


ps. Brian, I'm sure your mrs of 30/31 years is definitely worthy of a Bluetooth from a loving husband.



HAHAHA I have to start doing that!!!

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two thumbs up to the cops on this one and i can only hope they'll get even sneakier to catch all those idiots driving around with their faces buried in their phones. witnessing near accidents caused by people on their cell phones is almost a daily event and something needs to be done. personally, i'd like to see a minimum $500 fine and 4 points to get it into these morons heads that paying attention to the road is just a bit more important than texting your buddy.


the only way to get these selfish, ignorant fools to stop texting while driving would be a feature that disables cell phones (that aren't connected via bluetooth) that are traveling over a certain speed.



it's pathetic that people are defending those that text while driving and complaining that cops are doing something about it. yes, let's defend these idiots that are putting other peoples lives at risk, causing headaches for others, and raising all of our insurance rates. :rolleyes:

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Good move by the cops, but if like FNA says, the tickets are getting thrown out...well its a waste of time/money.


What I don't get about the bluetooth thing...you still have to answer the phone, dial out, find contact, hang up, turn on/off the earpiece etc etc just to use it. Am I guilty just by touching my phone, for example to dial out? Am I expected to have my earpiece in during my entire drive?? I still have to click the earpiece to answer a call...with my handwhistling.gif


I reemed out a guy at a gas station who nearly caused several accidents in front of my a couple weeks ago. Turns out he was half asleep and was essentially a driving zombie. Cell phones are not necessarily the greatest evil here...but they definitly contribute to bad driving.

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3am call in heading in.Car pass me,A head is a service truck with hazzards on and orange marker cones stop in right lane.Could see it for a mile.

Car slams into truck.I stop and help the guy out the smashed window cell phone still in hand. Here come the best part.




2:30pm.Lady drives right threw advance light at 80k into side of mini van.Cell phone hits windshield before air bag can deploy.


Myself drive down 400 in right lane in Sunday traffic through Barrie.Guy comes up to merge,I can`t pull over.Guy slows down starts too pull over doesn`t notices

I`m pulling a boat.Squeeze car in left lane over for me to hit small piece of 2x4.Get a flat on a 280 dollar tire.


Keep using your phones while driving.It`s safe.Bunch of :ass`s.

Edited by Tybo
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Not sure about the tactic...but i for one am fed up of being cut up/slowed down/ forced to take evasive action because some idiot is yaking on the phone while driving. The amount of times i've caught myself exclaiming "WTH" to myself about someone elses driving to then realise they are talking on the phone is becoming boring!


Worse than talking is the texting behind the wheel on the 401. Would love to shove one.....I'll stop there.

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I don't give a hoot how they get these idiots, just as long as they get them. Even if the law is un-enforceable as FishNAuto's says, perhaps the inconvenience and hassle of having to deal with the courts to get off might stop some of them from doing it again. If your car is in motion you shouldn't be distracted from the task of driving by anything that takes your eyes off the road for more than 1-2 seconds. When I worked at Wally-World, I used to retrieve shopping carts and I nearly got nailed twice by "ladies" driving and talking on their hand-held's in the parking lot. There are other people and children in those lots and we all know how quick a child can dart out from a between cars.


I also got a kick out of a post on another thread about the stove that could charge you hand-held device. My God, are people so enslaved to these things that they have to take them in the bush. Isn't the whole idea to get away from these damned things. Yes, I'm ranting but at my age I've earned that right,LOL.

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I also got a kick out of a post on another thread about the stove that could charge you hand-held device. My God, are people so enslaved to these things that they have to take them in the bush. Isn't the whole idea to get away from these damned things. Yes, I'm ranting but at my age I've earned that right,LOL.



I have always pulled off the road when using my cell, it just made sense to me. :dunno:


As for the cell while out camping or fishing, mine stays home or turned off especially up here where I live. The things don't work too far out side town and even if they did I don't want to be bothered while out having fun. ;)


The stove would be great for recharging my cameras whil back country camping. :D

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There is nothing funny about this thread. I live in an area where cellphones seem to be right to use while driving. FNA, knows where I live!

These people have no concern with my safety or their own. I can pull up to a stop light or highway exit mentioned before and most of the peopleI observe around me are either texting or on the phone.

I had one Idiot follow men in his BIG RAM truck from Creditstone road to Langstaff and Islington on the phone and every time we came to a light he stopped closer and closer until the only thing I could see was the Ram logo.

If business is so important get and office! Want to chat PULL OVER.


I have a phone, emergency only use. NEVER use it while I drive and instructed my grown children the same, especially with their kids in the car.


I love the people with a small phone cupped in their palm as to hide it, I guess the lips move on their own . . .


FNA if the law is not right why don't they fix it? It's a waste of taxpayers' money to have these people going through the process and just wasting time and more money ( they do get paid )


Sorry for the rant, but laws are laws and should be obayed.

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Forget the fine. Impound the vehicle and force the driver to go to court.

Even if it gets thrown out, a huge inconvenience and people with expensive cars don't want anyone messing with their toys.

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Police should have a way to ZAP there cel as their using it behind the wheel. Zap it so they have to pay a $1000.00 fine to reactivate any phone in their person. Some people got to get a life. Some have it permanently attached to their hand or head. :wallbash::wallbash: What's this world coming to.

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There is nothing funny about this thread. I live in an area where cellphones seem to be right to use while driving. FNA, knows where I live!

These people have no concern with my safety or their own. I can pull up to a stop light or highway exit mentioned before and most of the peopleI observe around me are either texting or on the phone.

I had one Idiot follow men in his BIG RAM truck from Creditstone road to Langstaff and Islington on the phone and every time we came to a light he stopped closer and closer until the only thing I could see was the Ram logo.

If business is so important get and office! Want to chat PULL OVER.


I have a phone, emergency only use. NEVER use it while I drive and instructed my grown children the same, especially with their kids in the car.


I love the people with a small phone cupped in their palm as to hide it, I guess the lips move on their own . . .


FNA if the law is not right why don't they fix it? It's a waste of taxpayers' money to have these people going through the process and just wasting time and more money ( they do get paid )


Sorry for the rant, but laws are laws and should be obayed.


Because it takes a bit for a change in the legislation. The case law just came out of a decision from early April

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The driving issue aside - some people (who have lives) have reasons to sometimes have a phone constantly on the ear or in hand for email.


Somedays are nuts for me. I can't go 30 minutes for lunch without a call, and when I go home for dinner, China is just waking up, and then it's email correspondence....sometimes into the morning. The Chinese don't do weekends either.


I'd avoid labeling those whose phones are business tools as "not having a life".


if a cell phone is the only way to have a social life or do business, could you please explain how civilization managed to function before cell phones even existed? remember, cell phones are a want and not a need


you don't need to use a cell phone while driving, you're just choosing to do so and in the process you're putting yourself and others at a much greater risk due to lack of concentration. considering how bad the outcome could be, i'd say driving a vehicle with your face buried in a cell phone is one of the most selfish moves one can make. but, that's just my opinion. you may or may not agree ;)

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The driving issue aside - some people (who have lives) have reasons to sometimes have a phone constantly on the ear or in hand for email.


Somedays are nuts for me. I can't go 30 minutes for lunch without a call, and when I go home for dinner, China is just waking up, and then it's email correspondence....sometimes into the morning. The Chinese don't do weekends either.


I'd avoid labeling those whose phones are business tools as "not having a life".

I HAD a friend that got brain Cancer because of excessive cel phone use because his job required it. Did the world not exist before cel phones. I see these people walking around with these things stuck in their ear thinking, you have to do that the rest of your life. I have a cel, I may use it once a week. People are just starting to wake up of what cel towers and phones are doing to the environment. Some time a convenience is not a convenience.

You have to worry about your own health, your just a # at your work.

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if a cell phone is the only way to have a social life or do business, could you please explain how civilization managed to function before cell phones even existed? remember, cell phones are a want and not a need


you don't need to use a cell phone while driving, you're just choosing to do so and in the process you're putting yourself and others at a much greater risk due to lack of concentration. considering how bad the outcome could be, i'd say driving a vehicle with your face buried in a cell phone is one of the most selfish moves one can make. but, that's just my opinion. you may or may not agree ;)


Amen :worthy:

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if a cell phone is the only way to have a social life or do business, could you please explain how civilization managed to function before cell phones even existed? remember, cell phones are a want and not a need


you don't need to use a cell phone while driving, you're just choosing to do so and in the process you're putting yourself and others at a much greater risk due to lack of concentration. considering how bad the outcome could be, i'd say driving a vehicle with your face buried in a cell phone is one of the most selfish moves one can make. but, that's just my opinion. you may or may not agree ;)


If you got stuck in an elevator while I was on the road you would probably WANT me to have a cell. I would answer by pressing a button on the steering wheel that's easier to press then the signals.

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if a cell phone is the only way to have a social life or do business, could you please explain how civilization managed to function before cell phones even existed? remember, cell phones are a want and not a need


you don't need to use a cell phone while driving, you're just choosing to do so and in the process you're putting yourself and others at a much greater risk due to lack of concentration. considering how bad the outcome could be, i'd say driving a vehicle with your face buried in a cell phone is one of the most selfish moves one can make. but, that's just my opinion. you may or may not agree ;)

Very well put. Remember, you could be on the receiving end of the accident, which I hope not for you or your family's sake. We want to see you on the water tomorrow. :good:

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There's an awful lot of projecting of personal beliefs going on in this thread.



The biggest cause of stress is that the rest of the world doesn't live by our rules. Nevertheless, if it's illegal and endangering me as well as innocent bystanders, as driving with cellphone does, then I feel free to criticize.

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If you got stuck in an elevator while I was on the road you would probably WANT me to have a cell. I would answer by pressing a button on the steering wheel that's easier to press then the signals.


you missed my first post where i mentioned i have zero issues with bluetooth/hands free and the other post where i said i have an issue with people driving while their faces are buried in a cell phone. i'd rather sit in an elevator for a couple hours longer instead of someone answering my call on their cell while driving and causing an accident. ;)



It's not the only way to have a social life or do business. It is a TOOL that has become essential to doing business, though.



This is a tired argument.


How did we function before cell phones, the internet, refrigeration, electricity, running water, penicillin....


The answer is, humans got along just fine, but how far back do you want to turn back the clock? Probably to the point where you feel comfortable with technology and to where you feel people should be living their lives a certain way.


The fact of the matter is (and this depends on the business you're in) you COULD do business without cell phones, but you wouldn't compete, because EVERYBODY else is using them.






I need my cell phone just as much as a mechanic needs his wrench, or a carpenter needs his saw.


There's an awful lot of projecting of personal beliefs going on in this thread. If you live your life by only using a cell phone once a week - great. I'm not going to tell you to "get a life".


And, just so we're clear, none of the above has anything to do with using a cell while driving. I don't think anyone is advocating that.


you're totally missing the point and you're comparing apples to oranges. a carpenter or mechanic needs those tools because it's physically impossible to complete many tasks without their tools. it's not a matter of convenience, it's necessity. on the other hand, someone that does business through a computer or phone has the option of waiting until they're at home or the office to do their job. a cell phone makes it's more convenient to communicate and is not a necessity to do business, unless you don't own a computer, land line, or can't work in the office. many older folks running successful businesses still rely on emailing from a computer and calling from a land line. they can do it, but younger folks must have cell phones to do the same thing? i don't think so.


and no, i'm not some old man nagging about "kids these days". i'm 26 and just aware of how dependent people my age and younger are of cell phones and technology and how bad many think they need a cell to function. i have friends with the same opinion as yours and i can't help but giggle and shake my head when they're without their cells for a short period and start going loony :rofl2:

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