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The MNR is a joke


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I have to keep reminding myself, im on a weekend warrior forum of senco tossing bass anglers lol



There it is...the faint stench of "elitism"... :clapping: I knew it was still about.

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I can't say that I am up on the operations of the MNR, but I have a feeling that there is no money "to go anywhere" and they are under staffed. Have you visited a public school or hospital lately? IMO, everything is a mess and unfortunately the MNR is not a top priority.


Maybe they need to start a volunteer CO program or something.


I don't know about schools or hospitals about there is some truth here. MNR is facing many cuts for the next three years and changes in regulations.




I think there is one CO for the lake Ontario area. With training, paper work, time in court, investigations, etc there is not likely much time left for them to be everywhere or take every call. I'm sure they prioritize.

Edited by Sharkbait22
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I have to keep reminding myself, im on a weekend warrior forum of senco tossing bass anglers lol


What the hell are you talking about?


You're the guy who says not to be flame others on the board, but then you say crap like that. Give your head a shake..



If you don't like it here, then piss off.

Edited by N.A.W
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You Know something? I am really proud of myself. I joined this board in 2010. I was a bit off the wall, had run ins with the Mods. got banned, got Qed, Fought to get back on,Got Qed again, and all for being silly and just a little "off the wall".

But i never once flamed anyone, insulted anyone, publically humiliated anyone,belittled anyone. I Have grown and matured and think i am a good member here. I have seen many things that i agree with, and many i totally disagree with, but at the end of the day, i come here to be with those of you who call me friend.

Lets cut out the crap, and remember we are friends. I may not be yours, but i am somebody's.You may not be mine, but you're somebody's.



GROUP HUG EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I have to keep reminding myself, im on a weekend warrior forum of senco tossing bass anglers lol


Just wondering...Does not being a "weekend warrior" make you a better fisherman then the rest of us? Perhaps you have a higher knowledge of the sport then anyone else on here? I would love to catch a sucker on my ultralight gear anyday..To each their own my friend..

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Turtle poachers? wow

There is an extensive and lucrative market for both Painted and Map turtles. I've seen some of these people at work at some of the ponds, armed with dipnets and coolers, combing the shoreline for small turtles. Have called the MNR a few times. Sadly, no one available, as the Niagara region cannot have 24/7 coverage with a 3 man team.

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There is an extensive and lucrative market for both Painted and Map turtles. I've seen some of these people at work at some of the ponds, armed with dipnets and coolers, combing the shoreline for small turtles. Have called the MNR a few times. Sadly, no one available, as the Niagara region cannot have 24/7 coverage with a 3 man team.


That's really a shame.. there should be a volunteer org. kind of like neighbourhood watch.

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That's really a shame.. there should be a volunteer org. kind of like neighbourhood watch.

It only works if enforcement is available to answer a callout. There are 3 CO's available to cover 15 of 21 shifts, minus vacation time, sickness, court days. Assignments to surveillance and special task forces, etc....

The same shortage occurs throughout the province, and most local police are utterly unqualified to fill the gap. and when they try, at least in Niagara, they screw up royally.

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if you dont get what im saying then you havnt been to bronte - to see the people that dont speak english, running through the water with nets, or flossing fish - filleting them and leaving piles of dead fish on the trails........ this is a food thing! Im not making excuses im replying to the OP complaint of no MNR - there is a reason why they dont go to certain spots........cause they dont want to get clubd in the head by some foreigner trying to put food on the table! Its the same thing as cops busting people for speeding instead of busting all the crack dealing gun slingers! Its a safety thing...........I have NEVER once seen a CO at bronte, petrocan or the bridges! As for the guys who claim the only reason theyre in the run tribs is for suckers...... nice try! When you cant fish the tribs, go get carp off the piers, suckers are a waste of time, unless of coarse your scouting and hoping for the odd bow to take worm lol


Dude, I've seen guys haul away giant black boots at Port Hope on a dolly, lol!!! I don't care if it's for food or sport, you need to obey the rules.

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if you dont get what im saying then you havnt been to bronte - to see the people that dont speak english, running through the water with nets, or flossing fish - filleting them and leaving piles of dead fish on the trails........ this is a food thing! Im not making excuses im replying to the OP complaint of no MNR - there is a reason why they dont go to certain spots........cause they dont want to get clubd in the head by some foreigner trying to put food on the table! Its the same thing as cops busting people for speeding instead of busting all the crack dealing gun slingers! Its a safety thing...........I have NEVER once seen a CO at bronte, petrocan or the bridges! As for the guys who claim the only reason theyre in the run tribs is for suckers...... nice try! When you cant fish the tribs, go get carp off the piers, suckers are a waste of time, unless of coarse your scouting and hoping for the odd bow to take worm lol


Ignorance is bliss I guess. You do realize that these "foreigners" are no longer foreigners when they obtain their legal status? Just because some people do not speak English, does not mean that they are "foreigners" and that the rules do not apply to them. The only way for new fishermen and people new to Canada or the Province will learn what they can and can not do is by being informed, either by the Regulations, the CO's, or by fellow fishing enthusiasts.


You should probably reread your posts a few days after writing them, to critically review your public comments.

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are you kidding me....... wake up pal! suckers great fighters - I have to keep reminding myself, im on a weekend warrior forum of senco tossing bass anglers lol


Another asinine comment, and the last one from you I'm going to waste my time on. You should probably consider trolling another site since you obviously haven't figured out how to review previous threads with epic hauls, with either kept or released fish, of multiple species.


I'd write a more thorough reply to try and appeal to your sense of humility and duty to help protect our natural resources, but I could care less what you think.



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I watched two guys fish the dam at Caledonia before the trout season opened..it looked as if they were set up for Bows but who knows for sure!!??.. I wanted to write "poacher" in the dust that was on their car(the only one in the lot) but I decided to take the high road and just walk away...... I guess I should have called it in just in case they get stopped in the future. Previous reports of them "maybe" fishing out of season might help a CO justify charges against them in court....

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...its because some cultures dont understand our laws and to them fish is food......


Maybe those "cultures" need to pick up a regs book and read it. You wanna fish in Canada, then follow the CANADIAN rules. Plain and simple.

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