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Lost my bestest fishing buddy


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I have had the pleasure of meeting the world's greatest fishing dog many times and even had Peanut in my boat this fall. I have always said when I retire one of the first things I wanna get is a "fishing dog" to join me whenever I head out to fish. Peanut was the perfect fishing partner and full of happy excited energy that couldn't help but put a smile on your face.


My thoughts are with you Bruce, you have lost a good pet and a great friend.


Take care of yourself my friend and remember the many good times you 2 shared together.

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Oh Bruce, I am so, so sorry to hear this, I truly understand your pain and your loss.


Only a dog; anyone that would think that has never known or felt the unconditional love that they bring into our lives, they have no idea what they are missing.


Bruce I know how much Peanut ment to you as our beloved Andy did to us. They are not a dog, they are part of our family and our lives. Some will never understand but those of us who have loved and been loved by them do!


Keep strong my friend, There is a hole in your heart for a reason, it is the very best place to bury someone so special!

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Bruce, I don't know what to say.............I cant begin to imagine what you and your family must be going through. It must be devastating to have to make a decision like that, even though it was best for Peanut. I am tearing up writing this and reaching over shortly to hug my two guys.

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I don't think there's a person on this board who'd ever say "it's only a dog". My condolences on your loss. You did the right thing by putting your best fishin' bud at peace. It's one of the toughest descisions that I had to make 6mth ago but as they say, time heals all. Just remember the little pooch and all the outtings you had.

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So sorry to here about this Bruce. They are just as close too us as any family member and sometimes even more. We love our dogs with all our hearts and when it comes time its always a hard call to let them. All those years of unconditional love never to be forgotten...I still well up when I think of Arnie and all the fun we used to have together....

My condolences to you Bruce.

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What a great tribute to a special dog. They really do become such an important part of our lives. My daughter uses a guide dog and each day she puts her life in his paws as he guides her carefully through busy city intersections. We cannot imagine him not being with us. So sorry to hear of your loss in such a tragic way.

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Sorry for your loss Bruce. I know the feeling. It is surely the hardest thing a person has to do.


i just read your other post on what happened, and I'm still shocked. I'm not sure what the fate of that shepherd would have been if it was me on the end of peanuts leash. I don't trust shepherds. The only dog I never trust. I'd rather be greeted by a pitbull any day.


Crazy story. I really feel bad for you.



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Peanut was a lucky dog to have humans like you and your family Bruce...a very nice tribute and my sympathy for your loss...Im sure Peanut can never be replaced by any other pet but from the compassion you display towards animals....dont deprive yourself of a new family member....i did just that for 15 years after losing my "best friend"(Aussie) and found myself incomplete until our Golden Retriever came into our lives not as a replacement by any means after 15 years ....but our new addition deserves to have us as her humans as much as we deserve to have all the joys that she provides us with...


Peanut did a great job training you ....share that with your next family member



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