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So long OFC/OFN it was a blast


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Being addicted to fishing is like being addicted to food. It's very possible, it poses a comfort (via 'escape) that relieves stress like no other.


Much like someone 'addicted' to marijuanna. There is no physical addiction, but a craving for an ultimate feeling achieved through that experience one or more times in the past.


You do what you gotta do.. but without any hobby you'll suffer some major stress issues.


"Cold turkey is not always the best option" doesn't just apply to smoking cigarettes. lol


You say you have an 'addictive personality' .. I just hope that your cravings don't move to something different in an effort to achieve the feelings that fishing can give you. Cuz trust me - there ain't nothing else on earth that gives the same feeling or I'd be doing it right now! lol


Hope it all works out for you bud. Good luck.

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DUDE DONT TRY COKE ( coca cola )!!!!


Wow, I must say, at after reading the first few lines I really thaught it was gonna be a bit of a comedy peice but damn, you are making a decision that feels right and best of luck with it.


Who's gonna do the yearly moustache posts now?

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Hey Chris,


Like Dozer was saying....i thought at first it was a joke but quickly realised you were serious.


Dude...best of luck. I too have suffered many addictions in my life.....and you do what you have to do when they overtake.


You have nothing but my respect for making such an unselfish and difficult decision.


I'll miss your reports.


Take care man.....hope to see/hear from ya sometime.



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You are a stronger man then I Chris.!


You never know, one day, your daughters might ask you to take them fishing!


I was one of the guys reading this post, praying for a punch line. :(


I wish you all the best, and am looking forward to the time in your life, when you will post pics of some fat simcoe hogs again.!

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Chris, I find myself in the same boat as you. I have two boys 8 and 2 and a wife that doesn't enjoy fishing, or drinking. My problem is I really enjoy both! When we had Alex I took about 2 years off from serious fishing. Still fished a bit, but focused on the family. Then for about 4 years I got back into it. Got a boat, sled, ice hut, 4 wheeler, etc. Now we have our second son Karter, and she feels I have not given the necessary time to my family. She is constantly on me about fishing and the time I spend on-line, or talking fishing.

To solve the problem, I have learned to ask her for permission first before arranging fishing trips (Rod Caster will agree to this). If she is o.k. with it then I can go. If not, I stay home. She does not feel bad about saying no as I ask her and she answers. Simple. She is not being mean or unreasonable. I have a responsibility to her and my boys that comes before fishing.


Now if I can figure out the social drinking piece, we'll be good.


Family First.....Fishing Seccond


All the best. Fish will still be there in 5 years.

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All the best to you, Chris. You've obviously thought long and hard on this and have made this decision based on you and your family's best interest and for that, you should be congratulated. You've been a good contributing member to this community of ours and you surely will be missed out on the water. Remember though that whether you're fishing or not, you're still a part of this community and are welcome to keep us updated on what's happening in your life.

Good luck to you, Chris.


Edited to add: It would really pain me to hear that you'd traded us in for a golf course though. :)

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A difficult choice to face, but definitely the only decision to make. In 5 years the fish will still be waiting for you, and the bonds you have formed may present an opportunity for your family to share your passion. I know when my two were smaller, fishin took a backseat - actually, it didnt even get in the agenda 90% of the tiime. It wasnt until we took a few vacations at cottages with docks and sunfish that the enjoyment spread to the kids. Bon chance!



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Wow that was heart wrenching to read and astoundingly commendable Cudz...Your wife and kids have a great man in there life and I'm sure they realize that. Good on you for being such a stand up guy and putting there needs before your own :clapping: The good news is that in 5 years fishing will still be right there waiting for you and so will all of us. Good Luck out there sounds like your doing all the right things!!

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Good for you Chris, hopefully some day you can achieve a balance. For me, also with a young family, it means I get the boat out approx once every two weeks and fish for around 6 hours. When I go, I leave home super early so that I will be home early afternoon and can spend the rest of that day with my wife and kids. Not as much as i like to fish, but like you, its not necessarily about what i want. People have to consider the others in their lives. I hope you stay on OFC, because for me this is how I scratch that fishing itch!

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Chris, I understand addictive behaviour more that most.What you are doing takes so much more inner strength than the average person can comprehend.

To achieve the goal you have set for yourself, don't allow youreslf to be drawn into anything that may cause you to "slip" back into fishing. This includes shore fishing. Sell it ALL Chris. In 5 years you can start over and with the experience you have had, choose more wisely the equipment you purchase.

I am a very lucky man to have a wife who likes to fish. It allows me to enjoy my passion.However, knowing my addictive self, i am constantly making sure that i maintain the equilibrium that i so need to maintain a healthy balance in my life.


Your kids need a father, and your wife needs a husband.Use you energy to be the best of both, that you can be. If things get tough, do not be too shy to reach out for help.Its is always there if you ask.



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Sounds very logical and difficult to argue with. An addiction is an addiction but at least this one is only mental.


I had to do the same thing many years ago for different reasons. A decade later I now have priorities, limits and rules that silenced the constant need but it sounds like your addiction is too powerful for that.

Don't feel guilty about picking up a rod and bobber while sitting at a doc with some else. Just make them the #1 priority, maybe not hold a rod and don't forget.

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That sure is a cold turkey type approach. Hang on to your fishing stuff though as casting off a dock or other little opportunities will present themselves as you go places with your family.


that is right. Ditch the crack and keep that crack pipe handy for those little opportunities :wallbash:

Keeping some barbie rods in the garage might be OK for now.

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Do what you gotta do and best of luck :)


...But before you do, please send me a list of all of your hotspots with GPS waypoints...For safekeeping of course, just incase you don't remember them 5yrs down the road...I’ll have them handy to remind you :D

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I do believe I have them. :whistling:


But Brian, old people forget :P


Just like how you always forget to invite me to hit up the Notty when it’s prime.


P.S. Cudz, if you need any help shopping around for new gear when you get back into it, let me know...I can be very persuasive B). I only charge 2% commission on each impulse item I make you buy :D

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that is right. Ditch the crack and keep that crack pipe handy for those little opportunities :wallbash:

Keeping some barbie rods in the garage might be OK for now.

Fishing equipment= crack paraphenalia :dunno:


Didn't know enjoying fishing was so evil and dangerous. My apologies.

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