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Terry gets caught in MNR raid


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Terry, you should be grateful that it wasn't Connie's buddy from the Red Lake area. You might have been surprised to find a few limits of walleye in your fridge. :D


And maybe even a few chunks of freshly butchered deer.


yeah, I seem to remember some stories of the CO up that way...

I guess I should be happy with the way it happened and no banjo music

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I also would be disappoint after spending big bucks for a fly in experience only to find out it's really not a remote lake...


Do you think maybe these C O's had plans or did some fishing on your dime... :whistling:


I also agree they don't need to spend BIG BUCKS on something like this but rather check you out when the plane returns from you "remote lake"... :wallbash:

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Hear about this way to often. It amazes me that they spend this much money and resources to target such a select few.

We were on Rice Lake last month and for the first time in years my boat wasn't checked, although I did see the law on the water numerous times throughout the week.

I have some friends that are currently on a remote lake north of Armstrong as I type this and can just about guarantee if two plain clothes fish cops jump out of the bush on them someone won't be returning.

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Hopefully you ripped the camp’s operator a new one when you returned.

I don’t remember what outfit you went with; but if they promoted this as a fly-in only, isn’t that false advertising?

This is the second thread here that has brought this to light for me. Solopaddler’s “\FamilyTrip------” where Mike said after some research he found that the lake was assessable via a 15 minute ATV ride, from the main drive to camp.

Not that your or Solopaddler’s fishing trip was a bad trip or anything; but my idea of a fly-in is. You ain’t getting there without hours or even days of bush whacking?

Like anything else, buyers beware and thanks to you guy for showing/teaching me not to be so naïve and checking into things like this closer.


As for the CO sting; they’re people too; some smart some not so much. Two guys running out of the bush? How’d they know you wouldn’t pull a Burt Reynold’s with a bow and arrow?



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We were on Biscotasing a few years back, way down at a remote end of the lake. Two guys in a small 12' with fishing rods sticking out everywhere went past us a couple of hundred yards away, waved as they went by, we waved back then they turned and came over toward us. We figured it was just a couple of guys out fishing either wanting directions or just to ask how the fishing was.


Turned out it was two COs, when I asked them why they had all the fishing gear and were in plain clothes they told us it was they only way they could get close enough to people to check them because the only equipment they had available to check that area was the little 12'er.


They checked us out and all was good and they went on their way but for the rest of the weekend every time we saw anyone, we wondered if it might be the COs LOL.


They do have a tough job and there just aren't enough of them to go around, I guess they have to do whatever they can with the limited resources they have available. I wish we had more of them checking the Kawarthas! I see so many infractions every year that go unpunished. People keeping over limits or out of season fish, we only hear about such a small percentage of them being caught. I called MNR tips line 6 times last year to report things, to the best of my knowledge only one or the incidents I reported ever did get followed up on and I'm not even sure it was my call that resulted in it.


If you have nothing to hide there is no reason to hide anything!

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They are fly in lakes because it's easier and more convenient to go by plane. It's not unusual to reach an out of the way lake on winter roads, by portaging and riding 4wheelers. We don't have to board a floatplane to find great fishing. Just get hold of a strong 4 wheel drive puller and take your 14' aluminum deep into the bush and you'll be rewarded. In my case I'll take a floatplane and not be dragging boats and carrying OB motors as I did 35 years ago.


No need to become upset because a couple of guys make it to your fly in by taking to their Sorels. If the fishing's good, enjoy it. Making ourselves happy is better.

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You guys are kidding right.


All the threads and posts on here from us up north complaining that the MNR is closing off our road access to lakes to comfort the outfitters and flyin camps and this suprises you.


The roads are closed to regular citizens...no motorized access. I can't quite figure that one out since you don't pedal a plane but whatever.


You gotta pay big bucks to get to a lake because NOTO bought the MNR and a regular guy isn't allowed to use the lake.


Think of it as a private resort that charges outrageous fees to access for no other reason than they want to line their pockets and your government thinks its a good idea.


I think its because of the spring bear hunt cancellation...had to pay the outfitters to keep quiet and this is how they did it. privatize crown land with laws to keep residents out.


And just remember...the police are everywhere to protect you.

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Stickshift and Clutch strike again!! I'd be a bit perturbed at having them approach in street clothes and in an aggressive manner. I hope you got their badge numbers and you should report their behaviour to MNR. Just because they have a badge doesn't mean they can act like that. I understand that they have a difficult job to do but at least they have a good well paying gov't job. At least you guys were 'clean' (and I don't mean your undies).

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What lake were you on Terry?


Just curious. It would be good to know.




I wasn't going to say anything but what the hell





at our fly-in camp/lake we got caught in a MNR raid


well maybe not caught but caught-up in a raid






we got back in one night about 930 pm


I was just getting out of the boat and my buddy was just off the dock


2 guys came at us out of the bush dressed in normal street clothes , I could not hear what they were saying but the were come at us very aggressively


I didn't know what was going on but it seemed bad/dangerous .I had a machete on the dock and went or it.....I think I could hear dueling banjos...LOL


at that point I could hear them and realized that they were saying "MNR" and one of them was holding his badge out.

they were not in uniforms


they checked our licenses and fridge and checked all our cameras ..they were hoping to see pictures of stringers of fish over our limit.......


of course everything about us was 100% legal



they hid their boat and hid in the bush so we wouldn't throw all the illegal stuff out of the boat if we saw them waiting for us

we had not kept a single fish..they found it hard to believe.. we asked how they got into the lake but refused to talk about it


now the second part of what I didn't like.....they boated into our lake from a logging road.....


so much for a fly-in.........


seems they sat at the camp for hours waiting for us to turn

I am told that that the public does not have access to these old logging roads..but still I pay to fly and the boat in....doesn't make me happy



it was real dark when they left and raining pretty hard as the left the camp...they made us feel better that they would have a miserable trip back...LOL

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Now that I think about it, if they essentially close these lakes off to the public that means the MNR is just there to monitor the fly-in clients. The lodge should be responsible for monitoring their own clients and the MNR should inspect the lodge directly, and fine the lodge for irresponsible clients if their gonna have the lake all to themselves. All in all, fencing off these lakes is a dumb idea. This is clearly a gray area that needs to be addressed.

Is this the actual Minister that is making these decisions?

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I'm finding many of these comments incredibly ironic.


First off, you cannot drive to this lake.


What these MNR guys went through to access this lake was quite a lot.


Second, it is a fly in lake, and no the general public at large is not allowed to use the access road to gain access to the lake. (The access road to the south is a good 1km from the lake)


You can legally paddle and portage in from a great distance, that's perfectly fine.


There is no earthly reason to have any sort of beef with the outfitter.


Whether one agrees with the public at large being allowed to use the road or not is a moot point.


The most ironic thing is I just got back from spending a week at this very same camp with my family. :lol:


We had an incredible time, caught hundreds of walleye and enjoyed perfect weather. Couldn't have had a better time.


The outfitter in question are a young couple from Thunder Bay and are 2 of the nicest and most accomodating people I've ever dealt with.


Their prices are super cheap compared to pretty much anyone's in the industry and I'll happily fish with them again.


(And for future guests the shower, the running water at the sink and the fridge now work perfectly :) )

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the post start a humor...

and went south from there........





I have no beef with the outfitter



and I would recommend them.....




I am not happy with the way the MNR came running out at us........

but that has nothing to do with the outfitter............

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It's incredibly bizarre how the MNR confronted Terry no doubt. But the point is the fact that they paddled and portaged in doesn't detract from the "fly in" experience in any way.


As mentioned the public at large is not allowed to use the same access road the MNR did.


Second there's almost no such thing as an outpost camp I can't access via paddle and portage.

I've accessed zillions of so called fly in lakes with my canoe.


Unless you're incredibly far north it's entirely possible that the lake you're flying into is accessed regularly by canoeists.


Heck, many of the premier outpost camps in Ontario north of Armstrong in Wabakimi park see scores of canoeists paddle by them enroute. I know I did....many many times.


It's entirely commonplace.


The fact that the public isn't allowed to use the same access road the MNR does actually makes it more remote than the norm in this case.


And no this thread is not going south at all. I just think there's a few misconceptions that need to be cleared up.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

you can try and maintain a facade of "remote" wilderness all you like.. but i wouldn't be expecting those of us who live up here to accept it any time soon, we know better.


if there's any misconceptions they are being created by the mnr and the outfitters.



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you can try and maintain a facade of "remote" wilderness all you like.. but i wouldn't be expecting those of us who live up here to accept it any time soon, we know better.


if there's any misconceptions they are being created by the mnr and the outfitters.




This particular outpost camp is no different from hundreds of others than can be accessed quite easily by canoe.


The misconception that this camp is any different from scores of others is false.


Why are people who live up there any more entitled than anyone else in the province?


I've done literally countless canoe trips over my lifetime as well as a large number of fly in trips.


If I go on a canoe trip I've never had any trouble choosing a route or a lake that isn't breaking any laws.


Why should it be so hard for anyone else?


Why does the notion of protecting an outfitters interests rub you so wrong? Can't you see the need?


There's a million lakes up there that are loaded with fish that can be accessed legally by road.


Find one and fish it.

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I think the idea of a `FLY IN` trip , is just that, an idea. We as anglers love the mystique and comradery behind this idea. Drive for many miles, unload your vehicules, weigh in and load up the small plane that will bring you to your fishing dream destination.It all adds to the whole`experience`

Who cares if there is an old logging road, or private access fire road that leads to the campdunno.gif

What is important is that you and chosen best buds, have Flown in, and shared this experience togetherGonefishing.gif Anyways,for most of us city slickers, remote is anywhere you cant drive to, within 2 hours on a 4 lane highwaywhistling.gif


As far as the MNR acting the way they did, well they are just lucky that it was Terry, and not some gungho kick butt yahoo, who may have thought thier plain clothed visit was an attack in the night.



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Guest ThisPlaceSucks



Why are people who live up there any more entitled than anyone else in the province?




I'm only going to respond to this one because it bothers me that you suggest that I feel people "up here" are more entitled than anyone else in the province. How I feel is quite the opposite and that I feel ANYONE should be able to access these lakes that have had roads built and maintained by public dollar, on public land.


This is PUBLIC land and not everyone is wealthy enough, or physically fit enough for a fly-in or 7 day canoe trip.

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