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Living in a small town has it's advantages. Today was the official welcoming ceremony for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (AKA Will's & Kate :D ) and as luck would have it the park is just 2 blocks from my office. So at 9:30 this morning I went to the park to find a good place to do some royal watching.


I found a spot right along the barriers on the way to the street hockey demonstration and new it was perfect for getting some photos and video as the Royals passed on their way to the hockey event area.

I was right and got some great shots and best of all got to talk to Prince William and shake his hand, but I was too busy with the cameras when his lovely bride came by and the security dudes hurried her past as they were getting too far behind the prince. I did get a great shot of her while she was shaking hands with my buddy though.


Enjoy the pics. :D


Some early area and crowd shots








Some shots of William














And some shots of Kate








Great pictures..


I really don't see what all the fuss is about though. All the Royal Visit stuff, all the time :wallbash:


They didn't take them to the Gold Range? (local drinking barn of various repute for those unfamiliar) How were they to get the true flavour of Yellowknife? Everybody meets at the Strange Range! It's on wikipedia.

  On 7/5/2011 at 11:37 PM, blue pickeral said:

They didn't take them to the Gold Range? (local drinking barn of various repute for those unfamiliar) How were they to get the true flavour of Yellowknife? Everybody meets at the Strange Range! It's on wikipedia.


I offered to buy him a pint at The Range but he was on a tight schedule. :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

  On 7/5/2011 at 11:50 PM, solopaddler said:

Security in pic #5 is looking at you like he's ready to call for back up.


I wasn't worried as I met his boss on Monday and we got along great.

Besides his boss owes me one. I saved him from some embarrassment due to a wardrobe malfunction. :rofl2::rofl2: :rofl2:


Cool shots! She is a good looking woman thats for sure..I too dont understand why people line up to see them? whats the attraction? I just dont get it..Perhaps its because im of the a younger genneration..We were never taught to respect Royalty like folks were in the 60's 70's and so on. I had the chance to meet the Queen or a Princess in the 80's in toronto when I was a kid..Had no interest..Still dont actually...lol..Did somone say she had a sister??? :whistling:


wow... they look so.. human? balding, imperfect complexions and all. you shoulda offered her a cheeseburger.




And some shots of Kate





  On 7/6/2011 at 12:43 AM, Raf said:

wow... they look so.. human? balding, imperfect complexions and all. you shoulda offered her a cheeseburger.


Wow, those are close shots of two people who have recently saturated the worlds stage.

Can't believe the most real close ups of them are found on an Ontario fishing forum. :Gonefishing:


Priceless photos, Dave.


On a side note, is he no longer permitted to use the Windsor knot? It really would look much smarter than that Cambridge knot.


Ya, i personally dont get it......what is it exactly that they do? What is their function lol


Having said that, i do realize that they are a sensation and that sure does make your photos quite impressive. You should have gotten a couple close-ups though


Great shots. Those photos just show you how airbrushed all the other pics really are.


She is beautiful tho and seems down to earth. They make a great couple!


Great shots, its starnge to see such candid photos here though , especially when you see only the professional ones all over the media :)

Posted (edited)

Thanks Dave. They named the right kid Harry. Looks pretty windy out too, I guess Kate had her heavy shoes on.

Edited by Harrison

Nice shots. The CBC had a funny comment this morning on the current.


"After the hockey, to give them a real sense of the game, Vancouver fans came in and destroyed the place." Haha

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