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Trout: Hardwater to Softwater to Underwater


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The last while, I’ve been preoccupied with trout and everything trout (Aside from having to go to work). During my session of chemo back in February, when I wasn’t sleeping, I was pouring over topo maps, journals, diaries and stocking lists in search of hidden away rivers loaded with monster brown and brook trout for when I was feeling better. The good news is, 1 session of chemo was enough and I got the news last Thursday from the doctors at Sunnybrook that my latest CT scans, blood tests and X-rays came out clean – I should be cancer free for the foreseeable future. I would like to thank OFC again for all the support you’ve given me during that rough patch in my life :worthy:


I didn’t do a whole lot of fishing so far in 2011. I didn’t get out onto the hardwater as much as I would’ve liked this winter. I did end the lake trout season on Simcoe with a small but pretty laker.




I also got to fish with some great friends



Once ice season for lakers closed, I broke out the steelhead-kit for a few short trips. My first steelhead of the 2011.



A friend I made on the river this spring…Is it wrong to wonder how it would taste on the BBQ? :whistling:



A pretty surprise amongst the bows...A C&R brownie X 2...He liked my jig so much he ate it a second time after a few minutes.



I convinced my dad to get a new reel he really didn’t need (The non-black one)...Technically it’s mine now because I play with it more :D – It's still waiting to be Christened (Hopefully not on a chub or sucker)



As always, I spent trout opener with my dad fishing for steelhead. This year, Victor and Frozen Fire joined us.




After we had our fill of rainbows, Victor and Frozen-Fire had a tourney in 1 small creek to see who could catch the most brookies with some fairly rustic tackle...



Frozen-fire attaching his seed-ball ‘float’ to the line.



No brookies were violated during the event...Only a shiner and 1 rainbow smolt succumbed to Frozen-Fire’s superior presentation over Victor's.


With trout season open the last couple weeks, I spent some time on my mountain bike exploring numerous small streams around the backroads. Beyond getting some intense exercise (which I really did need), I found a number of very sweet spots and caught some very pretty brookies from them.






A small piece of paradise



Bug of the non-blood-sucking-type



A couple weeks ago, I picked up an underwater housing for my camera. After years of watching the fish-eye view segment on the Real Fishing Show, I just had to get into underwater photography. The housing is more like a glorified zip-lock baggie with a glass lens port – Definitely not easy to use and impossible to change settings (or turn the camera on/off). I took the housing out this weekend to a small trout stream in the hopes that I could get some browns or brookies on camera. Some pics:













Hope you enjoyed

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Nice shots Mike..good on ya ...how much was the housing for the camera...im thinking of getting one for my Nikon...but they are not cheap..

Im not going to congratulate you on kicking the Big C because honestly i had no doubt you wouldnt win that battle...but i will congratulate you on all the "new" free time you now have to no longer have to deal with it and can now spend it on more important things... Great report and im glad your feeling better and the results are CLEAN :thumbsup_anim:



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The good news is, 1 session of chemo was enough and I got the news last Thursday from the doctors at Sunnybrook that my latest CT scans, blood tests and X-rays came out clean – I should be cancer free for the foreseeable future.



The whole post is good, but this part is AWESOME!!!!! :clapping::clapping:

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I knew you were goin to make it through the battle all long. Congrats.

The underwater shots looks amazing.


I can think of all kinds great shots underwater. Now comes the hard part. Who's going to fish now? Now that you fallen inlove with a new toy?


Underwater shot in rivers are ok but for carp... you'll need to jump in over your head to get the full effect.


laugh.gif. Karper

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Awesome news my young friend. thumbsup_anim.gif


Love the trout action but given my bias why wouldn't I .... angel.png



If your planning any carp adventures out Hamilton way be sure to give me a heads up, I'd hate to miss a chance to come say hello to you.

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