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I see where your comming from, kind of a raw deal when you think of it but the MNR has to enforce the rules. I myself will now be more carefull out on the water. I think most people esspecially in a boat will share the same live well and split up the fish at the ramp. Sucks dude, but may be worth fighting.


I'm surprised every one is beating up on the guy. I don't think I've ever seen any one stop catching pickerel (walleye) until everyone in the boat had their limit, and to tell you the truth I thought it was legal :S But every one who fishes regularly IMO should have a sport license.


My question is, if you guys were fishing together and the fish were all in the same pail, how did he know that you were over your personal limit?


Good point GoneFishin,It would be safe to say that most are guilty of keeping fishing after thier limit, But of course the "notme" gnome in all of us will defend us.

What I don't get is..Having "the groups" catch in the white bucket is the same as having the groups catch in a livewell,which is OK....double/double..Hmmmm . Another thing is did the CO watch him catch and count all his fish?,I think not. We might have an interpretation issue here.

This is a matter that is worth a court date.You might be surprised at the result. Curious to hear how it turns out.

Bye the Bye..IMO .why is it when a thread like this is posted a guy is made to feel like the sacraficial lamb?

  On 4/15/2011 at 2:28 AM, BillM said:

No he won't..


He'd be silly not to go to court and plead to a lessor charge or at least a reduced fine. They'll give it to him without issue.


well sure, if he wants to take a day and go to court, I don't think they will change the charge but they will reduce the fine..


what criminal would try to get off or a reduced sentence .....

  On 4/15/2011 at 4:53 AM, GoneFishin said:



My question is, if you guys were fishing together and the fish were all in the same pail, how did he know that you were over your personal limit?



That's what I don't understand.


a mistake is a mistake.At least BRF was honest a forthcoming with the MNR.There are tagging systems available for culling, with differnt colored tags.You could get a couple of these, and use them to identify the fish when more than 1 person in the boat with you.

I think it was an honest mistake, made by an honest man.If not i'm sure he would never have posted that here.


Considering the circumstances I don't think what you did was horribly wrong.


Connie was right though, you picked the wrong forum to complain in. :D


Do as Bill said, go to court and talk to the crown, it'll be well worth your while.

Posted (edited)

Just as Fishlogic said.


Go to court, explain your case and hope for the best.


It never hurts to go over the regs wth a fine tooth comb and then try to remember them. The C.O did do his job so you can't falt hom for that. Like everything else in this country you have to understand the laws. For your sake I hope you don't end up with a record and that is why if you are right or wrong you have to put together a good defence for court. Good luck to you and next time read the regs. If you don't get it then ask here or even better get proper clarification first.


BTW nothing wrong with a conservation license but follow the lower limit rules. I have bought both, one time I get the sport and next time renewel comes around and I say to heck with it I never keep the limit so why bother. Then I get the conservation permit and wish I bought a sport. Go :dunno: figure eh? Right now I'm on the 2nd. year of a 3 year conservation permit.

Edited by pikehunter
  On 4/15/2011 at 11:02 AM, Sinclair said:

What about conservation license holders....not allowed to fish for musky?


Your allowed to fish for them, you just can't keep one.

  On 4/15/2011 at 11:02 AM, Sinclair said:

What about conservation license holders....not allowed to fish for musky?


Lets not have this debate again! :wallbash:



No where in the regulations does it say conservation license holders are not allowed to fish for Musky, unless they re-wrote the regs this year!


.why is it when a thread like this is posted a guy is made to feel like the sacraficial lamb?



  On 4/15/2011 at 10:59 AM, mercman said:

a mistake is a mistake.At least BRF was honest a forthcoming with the MNR.

I think it was an honest mistake, made by an honest man.If not i'm sure he would never have posted that here.


WOW the two best things said


This is going to change how I ice fish no more pail for us it was so easy to toss the fish in one pail for the way home.


It seem the only reason he was charged is because he told the Co he could have Lied and said some of his catch was his dads



Wish it was time to go fishing


Best of luck all




  On 4/15/2011 at 5:36 AM, sirfish said:

Good point GoneFishin,It would be safe to say that most are guilty of keeping fishing after thier limit, But of course the "notme" gnome in all of us will defend us.

What I don't get is..Having "the groups" catch in the white bucket is the same as having the groups catch in a livewell,which is OK....double/double..Hmmmm . Another thing is did the CO watch him catch and count all his fish?,I think not. We might have an interpretation issue here.

This is a matter that is worth a court date.You might be surprised at the result. Curious to hear how it turns out.

Bye the Bye..IMO .why is it when a thread like this is posted a guy is made to feel like the sacraficial lamb?


Probably because a law was broken, perhaps it was an honest mistake but hey the CO was doing his job!

Posted (edited)
  On 4/15/2011 at 10:59 AM, mercman said:

a mistake is a mistake.At least BRF was honest a forthcoming with the MNR.There are tagging systems available for culling, with different colored tags.You could get a couple of these, and use them to identify the fish when more than 1 person in the boat with you.

I think it was an honest mistake, made by an honest man.If not I'm sure he would never have posted that here.


I agree with mercman on this one!

POOP happens.

Go to court, you cant win if you dont go.


"What about conservation license holders....not allowed to fish for musky?"

If your license says "O" fish then no you cant.

That would be the same as saying,

I dont have a fishing license but I'm not keeping any fish so thats ok.


your right Spiel, i should have added , if the regs say catch limit 0.

Edited by skeeter
  On 4/15/2011 at 11:41 AM, Spiel said:

That's why I get a sportsman license Lew. jerry.gif


Absolutely Chris, ya hafta keep those big girls legal for the BBQ :Gonefishing:


The truth of the matter is the C.O. is not judging you as guilty he is taking a report from what he sees and hears and putting it down as a violation. The decision is the judges as to your guilt or innocents.When you bought the license you were given an opportunity to see all of the rules and by signing the license you are telling them you understand and will comply with the rules. It is up to you to know the rules to prevent you from getting a ticket from the C.O. If you do not read the rules or if you did not call them for clarity on a rule then you are guilty. Send them the $180.00 and don't waste a days wages in court on top of it.Getting a ticket is not personal it is one man doing the job you hired him to do with the money you spent for your license.




  On 4/15/2011 at 11:56 AM, HTHM said:

OH!, LOOK a can of worms....let's open it!





All you guys that think you can`t Musky fish with a conservation license please show me where it say this, if you would actually take the time to read the regulations you will see it`s quite the opposite!

  On 4/15/2011 at 12:07 PM, aplumma said:

The truth of the matter is the C.O. is not judging you as guilty he is taking a report from what he sees and hears and putting it down as a violation. The decision is the judges as to your guilt or innocents.When you bought the license you were given an opportunity to see all of the rules and by signing the license you are telling them you understand and will comply with the rules. It is up to you to know the rules to prevent you from getting a ticket from the C.O. If you do not read the rules or if you did not call them for clarity on a rule then you are guilty. Send them the $180.00 and don't waste a days wages in court on top of it.Getting a ticket is not personal it is one man doing the job you hired him to do with the money you spent for your license.




Amen Art :worthy:

  On 4/15/2011 at 11:36 AM, lew said:

Your allowed to fish for them, you just can't keep one.


Correct Lew.


With a Conservation License, they have to be released boatside. Once you bring it in the boat for measurements and pictures it is now in your posession and against the regs.


Go to court.

Plead guilty with an explanation.

Say you were wrong, have further researched the regulations and found out where you were wrong and have ALTERED YOUR FISHING HABITS ACCORDINGLY.

The worst case scenario is what you already know - fine and conviction no matter what.

The best is a "suspended sentence", keep your nose clean afterwards and no fine, no record unless you re-offend.

I was young once too, that's what I did and have been doing ever since with no further reprisals.

Oh, and make sure you do alter your habits and don't re-offend, I have no experience with that aspect.... :angel:



  On 4/15/2011 at 4:53 AM, GoneFishin said:

I'm surprised every one is beating up on the guy. I don't think I've ever seen any one stop catching pickerel (walleye) until everyone in the boat had their limit, and to tell you the truth I thought it was legal :S But every one who fishes regularly IMO should have a sport license.


My question is, if you guys were fishing together and the fish were all in the same pail, how did he know that you were over your personal limit?



Truth is the CO doesn't need to prove the over limit, the simple fact that neither of those fishing could identify which fish in the pail were theirs they are all in violation of the regs and you have technically violated the limits by not being able to identify which catch is yours.


Unfortunate situation, but a violation is a violation whether you were aware or not.

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