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Lake Temagami Feb 25th to March 2nd, 2011


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Well after a few false starts I was finally able to get on my way to Temagami. Solo unfortunately, with all the "can't goes", but been there done that before. The trip up was the first trailer tow for my new F150 and I've gotta state that Ford has sure taken all the fun out of towing an enclosed trailer in an 80K wind. Automatic sway control.. puts brakes on various wheels and controls throttle when needed. Built in electric brake controller.. programable for numerous trailers. My old 4.6litre Triton Screamed up the highway.. it never skipped a beat but was always LOUD. This new 5.0 hemi head coyote engine.. almost silent and effortless. Set the cruise and go and the neatest thing Ford did for you.... when towing a trailer the engine actually downshifts automatically when stopping to use the engine as a brake. As many gears down as it thinks you need based on momentum change and trailer "push". Great stuff.. I'm impressed with it and its ability. Gas mileage better than my '03 with the 4.6 also which is a + at $1.31 a litre in Sundridge! Truck is averaging 13.2 litre use/100km solo. Trailer.. with this "parachute" being the worst one I own.. 22.3 litre/100km.


Great driving right to your dock!




I did forget how much work it was solo to get moved in though. Usually have a gang of labourers around to help with this.




That dang wind wall of Leah's works like a snow fence (when it's not killing hummingbirds). Man.. this is gonna take at least another beer!




So about 3.5 hours later, I finally had my stuff carried up and took some time to survey the damage around the place. Beavers took out about 18 trees, 6 of them Leah's Maples and she's gonna be pissed.






Saturday morning, bright and early, 10am!! I got out with my neighbour so he could test drive his brand new Clam Nanook that I picked up for him off of Walleyejack! He loves it Al and is very happy with OUR transaction!






Caught nothing and marked absolutely nothing on Saturday. I had one hit about 10:20 am out of the blue, but that was it. Sunday we made the run to Kokoko and took the adventure up Kokoko Bay to get there. I don't recommend that route for a newbie if it's snowing at all and don't have perfect visibility, or you aren't absolutely familiar with the layout of the bay. Two areas of open water if you miss the bush trail to avoid them!


Set up on Kokoko. What a wonderful place.. never marked a fish, which is absolutely mind boggling based on history! Was a guy in there fishing at least 7 lines with live minnows. He had them stretched so far apart he was driving his sled back and forth for 4 hours to check the lines. He caught nothing and I hope he ran out of gas getting back up the lake and out Red Squirrel Rd.




Monday I was finally able to get a current day text message thru and back to Walleyemaster. Rob and his friends Jeff and Jim met me half way down the NE Arm.






Neat that Jim had the exact same sled as mine.




Rob - Walleyemaster just realizing he has good signal and 300 dang emails from customers! lol




So I bragged to them that I knew this spot well and we should be in 40 FOW.. and I drilled my two holes and set up. Based on that they drilled 6 or 8 holes and then I informed them we were in 16 FOW. They all laughed at me and made some jokes, and then I said.. "I marked a fish.. hey.. I've got him on!". They just laughed, but then I threw it on the ice! lol




Nothing after that, even after a couple moves!


Tuesday I went out again with my neighbour... 70 to 80k gusts! So of course we chose to set up in the openest part of the NE Arm. There for 2 hours and tired of the wind nose and trying to hold our huts from going over the holes, we packed up to find 1 foot drifts behind our huts. Was bare ice when we got there.




We tried the night bite closer to home and have nothing to show for it, other than the neighbours wife coming out to see his new hut and promptly sticking her leg right to her crotch into one of the holes. Sure glad she didn't fall forward and break her leg.




Wind was howling again on Wednesday am and it was -21C to boot at 8am, so I elected to pack my stuff and go home. Wednesday night supper was DELICIOUS!






Trip might have been more fun with a few more lads and laughs, but all in all it gave me time to clear my head..kill a few brain cells and get ready for another 6 months more or so of family madness.

Edited by irishfield
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Well even tho you went solo, you managed to find a few souls to meet up and fish with you Wayne. I'm glad you had some time to clear your head and take in some scenery and get some fishing in. Doesn't cure all, but it sure helps.


Great report hun!



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looks like you guys like to show off your toys more than fish? just went on a trip like that . my toy ran like a champ.the others well they were more trouble than they were worth! cut into fishing a littleTO MUTCH. BUTT REALY whats it like up there ? heard some positive things.(is it worth 1000 bucks 4 a trip?)

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Nice job, Wayne....too bad about the lack of fishing action, but there is simply no such thing as a bad trip to Temagami. The asshat.gif on Kokoko really burns me up though....that lake is just way too special for the likes of his kind to be out there....I'm glad the fish didn't co-operate.

Anyhow...great read and pics....maybe you'll get a chance to get up again before the lake softens up.

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At least you got outta town Wayne, like Misfish says "there is never a bad trip to Temagami".Good you could get away and relax somewhat, and get new stress of looking for fish :whistling::whistling:

but thats a good kind.Wish I could have made it.Glad your neighbur is pleased with his aquisition.I been going up there for 25 yrs or longer,haven t been last yr or this. :wallbash:

good report.

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looks like you guys like to show off your toys more than fish? just went on a trip like that . my toy ran like a champ.the others well they were more trouble than they were worth! cut into fishing a littleTO MUTCH. BUTT REALY whats it like up there ? heard some positive things.(is it worth 1000 bucks 4 a trip?)



Say what? "Toys".. you sit out on a sled seat up there in -36C weather, with a wind, like I did the first 3 years and you'll buy a portable hut pretty quickly! Finder.. provides depth and entertainment, sometimes marks fish! lol


As for is it worth $1000 for a trip? I wouldn't know, I can't decide if it costs me a LOT more than that, or just the $200 in gas it took to go up and back!

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Glad you were able to get up Wayne and I hope that the fish are more cooperative for you this coming weekend...

Have a great time guys... but be sure to leave those herrings alone, they still send me cards every now and then!!!


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Better to have gone alone and had the break then to not have gone at all. (imo) I've done many solo trips over the years and do not regret any of them. Some fresh air, great scenery, a fish is a bonus. Nice to hear the truck is working well for you and that the trip went OK. :canadian:

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