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5 smokes left !!!


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This is how i feel right now.I managed to cut back to 1/2 pack a day over the past few weeks.Now with 5 left reality is setting in.

I want to quit, i'm pretty sure i can,but right now, its a scarey concept i havent fully grasped.th_ththweirdsmiley1.gif

oh well, i have to stay positive, and if i slip up, just keep at it. Took me 5 trys to quit the booze and that was 23 years ago, so this monkey can be beat too.



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it's hard


I knew I could not quit, but I knew I could quit for one day

so I kept my smokes in my pocket and each morning I quit for that one day


after a year of quitting for the day I figured I could leave the smokes at home...it's been 20+ years and I still believe some day I will smoke again



but not today..

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You can do it, otherwise I get your boat. That is what your wife and I agreed while you were away from the table last week. :whistling::whistling:

I wish you the best with the challenge ahead.

Or do like Terry, don't smoke the last one, and don't quit. Just have a smoke on you.

Edited by HTHM
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it's hard


I knew I could not quit, but I knew I could quit for one day

so I kept my smokes in my pocket and each morning I quit for that one day


after a year of quitting for the day I figured I could leave the smokes at home...it's been 20+ years and I still believe some day I will smoke again



but not today..

great idea, maybe some day... :wallbash:


Good luck Paul!!!

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I remember that feeling. Oh crap, half a pack left. That was Feb 6th 2010. Almost a year.


Two packs a day to nothing. The first couple of weeks are like hell. I had the sweats like a junky and everything.


Do not make excuses for your self. Do not entertain the thought that it is ok to slip up.


Your lungs are going to feel great.


I can now shovel my whole driveway without a rest or even a second thought. My muscles get oxygen now instead of carbon monoxide.


Carbon monoxide and hemoglobin are a better match than oxygen and hemoglobin. If given the choice hemoglobin will pick up carbon monoxide. Hemoglobin transports oxygen in your blood to your muscles, but if you smoke it brings carbon monoxide, so not only are you out of breath because of tar lung your muscles are getting poisoned.


The cravings go away. I moved a buddies car out of my way the other day and the smell inside was disgusting, my truck used to smell that way.


You can do it. You owe yourself that much.


Excel Polar Ice. Carrot sticks. Water.


It has been a year for me and I went from 6'2" 217 (not bad) to 6'2" 235 (getting a boiler). Next project is weight. I am slowly and surely taking my body back.


You will not be sorry you decided to do the same.

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I did what you did Paul and I always found and excuse to fall off the wagon. Finally, I threw the dang things away, told myself I was done and toughed it out. Once you get past the third day it gets much easier..


There are lots of us here that have gone through it and are more than willing to offer you the encouragement you will need.



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Guest gbfisher

I stole this from elsewhere Paul.. but..


Remember.. "I just have one or two smokes a day" is like saying you only do heroin once a week!


Throw the pack away..and naw on a pencil for awhile.




..."quitting is easy. I quit all the time."



It's the staying quit that's hard.

Yer just prolonging your agony...lol


I quit now 9 years ago. For some it's easy. :worthy:

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Good for you .... I am coming up for 4 years in March ... and I was a 2+ pack a day-er


Do yourself a favour ... set that half pack aside ... quit NOW .... dont throw it away ... keep it near you ... every time you want a smoke ... just remind yourself of your goal ... and ask your self how hard and painful it realllllly is right now ....most cravings only last about a minute and a half ... surely you can make it through the next minute and a half .... took me about two weeks of that kind of thinking before I realized I had stopped timing the length of those cravings ... you can do it !!!

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I feel for you. At 23 I quit because the wife laugh at me watching that quit or die commercial on TV.


The next morning didn't buy a pack on way to work, 3pm on the way home from work the 1st available store I was puffing and mad.


I found out 20-25 cups of coffee had to stop and having a couple coldies was probably not a good idea.


The next tues. AGAIN didn't buy a pack. EXACT gum and Plastic stir stick became a constant habit.


The first 2 years was awfull.


I made my self allergic to that plastic in straws and stir sticks.


For months I would look at my watch say 5 minutes or 2 minutes.


I got a verbal warning for walking away from a guy that was smoking and not dealing with his problem.


I think what kept me at it, food was like the best sex ever and sex was better but Ham and cheese on white bread mustard mayo and slice tomato's or chess burgers it was heaven. And 126 lbs to 185 in 3-4 months.


I work in a giant factory and in the mornings when things were quiet listening to people hack was helpful.


If I was to quit today I would get everything patches, acupuncture, the gum those timer things everything.


It took 5 years to quit chewing gum.


And don't ever think you got it beat, for 20 years about 2 weeks before my tournament season I would have unbelievable nicotine fits .


After the 1st month we got sent home early witch was always a trip to some bar with my buddy's. They all new I was quitting so I was getting the gears. After about 3 beers I tied a smoke and it tasted awful I butted after 1 puff and new it was over for me I just need to go threw 2 years of hell.

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The Three Biggist Things I Found That Always Made Me Want A Smoke Was:


1) after a big meal. unconciously required a smoke to relieve fullness :whistling:

2) stomach cramps. i know it sounds funny but it just need to go to the can :clapping:

3) completing a task or job. notice this when i was working on my friends car. once i was done i reached into my pocket for non existing smokes. :wallbash:


tell you the truth i have slipped a couple of times. that was due to peer pressure.



keep it up mercman. yes its true that i was unable to go buy a pack of smokes or go outside to smoke but i was motivated to not smoke knowing that smoking effects/complicates the healing time of a fractured bone. now my new motivation is to save the smoke money to buy a house :thumbsup_anim:

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I quit cold turkey 12 years ago and what helped me through it was sucking on an extra strength Fishermans Friend every time I needed a smoke. :dunno::dunno:

It helped, don't know why but it did. ;)


Haven't had or wanted a smoke since.

In fact I can't handle being in a closed room with someone smoking now.


Watch what you eat though. I gained over 100#'s by not watching my food intake.

I have dropped 66 of thos pounds so far over the last year but it sure was easier putting them on than taking them off. :P

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

congrats on your decision to quit. it takes a lot of character to intentionally put yourself through discomfort but you will be a healthier happier person!


one of the biggest things when quitting is your attitude going in. not to criticize, but in your original post you use terms like "i think i can do it" etc...


language like that has to stop. you have to say things like "i quit smoking today".... "i quit smoking 5 days ago"


Negative language only reinforces that you are leaving that door open. My nana, who inspired me to quit after she smoked for 50 years, told me that the day you quit, you will. The day you try, you won't.


Good luck, not that you need it! :thumbsup_anim:

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Been a year this week for me But I cheated I used Champix great stuff best invention since Cialis!!!


The hard part was gaining the weight I put on around 35 pounds but I have gotten rid of about 20 of that.


If you really want to quit I would suggest Champix it worked miracles for me,I would not have ever been able to quit with out it.


Good luck too you!!!

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