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We need a bit more snow


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OK that is enough snow for all winter already. Amazing what a short drive north of Toronto will bring you.

I live on a hill and cars have a hard time getting up all the time. Even the snowplow was spinning past my house. He had to reverse and take a run at it while lifting the blade. I guess that is what happens when you DON'T PLOW MY ROAD FOR OVER 2 DAYS. I don't live on a main road but it is fairly busy. I guess paying almost $5000 in property tax only allows the road to be cleaned every 60 hours or so. You should have seen the 4ft wall he put up at the end of my driveway. OK done my rant. Having said that, the first plow went by at about 445 today and another just wernt by 6:25 (no plows for 60 hours and 2 in the past 2 hours lol).


I also shot some pretty funny video of a 2010 ford pickup who could not make it up the street yesterday. I thought it was a 4x4 but it was not. Best part in the video is when the kid jumps out and tries to put cardboard under the tires for traction. Problem was he was putting them on the front tires (he finally figured out it was rwd on account that the back wheels were spinning.) lol.


SHot some other vid of snowplow spinning but he had already lifted the blade and was moving fine.


PS it is now 6:30 and a third snow plow just went by. :wallbash:

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oh thank god !!! another snow scrooge.I thought i was all alone in hereclapping.gif

I can live with the snow(barely) but not the stupid mentality of the city, saying because its still snowing they dont want to send out the plows more than they have to.What the hell do we do if it snows for a week !!!!!!!!!!!!wallbash.gif

And the plow guy......memory like a cheese cloth.Every year same thing.No houses on the other side of the road, so where does he put the snowwhistling.gif IN MY BLOODY DRIVEWAY THATS WHERE. I told him this morning, you don't dump it in the end of my driveway, and i wont take a dump in yours. I feel so much better now,thanksthumbsup_anim.gif

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We live in Canada.. drive a 4 wheel drive vehicle or go South! lol


I remember living in Milton on the very end of Graham Bell Crt, 1984. Our laneway was dead centre of the turn around circle of the court and during a week long snow storm (when I just happened to be on the day shift) the entire neighbourhood waited for me to go to work for 7am in the Ramcharger. They all backed into their laneways so that they could take a run to get in my tracks and out to the main street. Then the next monday morning the door bell rang around 7:30 and Leah answered the door.... "Isn't he going to work today".. NO he starts afternoons on Wedneday!! LOL..

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I am not a snow scrooge. I actually don't mind it. I have blown the driveway 5 times in the past 3 days and it is looking to be done again. 7:25 and snowplow went by again. 4th time since 445. Couldn't get one for 2 days and now 4 in the past 3 hours. love it. too funny.

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you must be talking aboot the tire tracks leading to timmies....where you can spend a buck rather then get a buck...


Couldnt resist Brian


OUCH !! and you thought I was a rub-it-inner eh Brian...?




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you must be talking aboot the tire tracks leading to timmies....where you can spend a buck rather then get a buck...


Couldnt resist Brian



OUCH !! and you thought I was a rub-it-inner eh Brian...?


at least i never made refrence to brians tree stand as a deer sanctuary...but somehow the deer just knew it was safe to stay there...






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the more snow we get now the more spring run- off we get later. Low water was a pain this year and a lot of it had to do with lack of snow last year and an early/warm spring.


Anyone else looking forward to spring.... keep dreaming. rofl2.gif


I just bought a 4x4 so BRING ON THE SNOW canadian.gifcool.gif

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I'm starting to feel guilty here as I sit looking out the window to a bright sunny day with barely 2" of snow on the ground that's left over from a week ago while I read reports of all you folks up to your armpits in snow.


My almost new snowblower is still sitting in the garage getting all covered in dust and cobwebs and I'm thinking of calling the Toro dealer to see if I can get a re-fund on it. :lol:

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Don’t worry Lew; you’ll get a chance to use your snow blower; it’s not officially winter for a couple more weeks; so don’t be getting rid of her yet.

I’m on my third tank of fuel; that’s three times more then I used all last winter.

Going to sneak out of the shop early today so I can clean up and move back the banks; so that I can use the whole width of the driveway.



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Last Wed/Thurs we got 42 inches of HEAVY Wet white puke and then 8 more inches afterward.....and now temps have been around 10-12 degrees.....not good.....a southern vacation could be in the near future...maybe a cruise or Key West.


After Monday and Tuesday...even the Calander says....W.T.Friday

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What bothers me is when I went to do the garbage this morning and it's -24C outside. Those temps should be reserved for only arctic folk at this time of year.



Stop whining you girlie man!!!!! :tease::tease::tease:

Please send some snow our way though, there's not enough for comfortable sledding yet (rocks and stumps sticking up in the trails) :wallbash::wallbash:




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