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My youngest fishing partner is all edumacated...


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On Thursday morning our youngest officially received her Bachelor of Architecture degree, with Distinction, from Carleton University in Ottawa. Four long hard years for her with minimal social life (anyone that's done arch knows what I mean), and Dad's pocket about $90k lighter!


Watching her walk across the stage yesterday... the expense slipped our minds for a short moment while we beamed ear to ear!


The youngest of all the Grandchildren and the only one's graduation that Mom missed, but my Step father did a great job of sitting in and giving her the necklace that Mom had already purchased before she passed last year.


She worked hard to achieve this degree and had four firms negotiating for her to work for them after seeing her capabilities that she presented in her portfolio. She is currently employeed by an Architectural firm in Barrie and is working for a year to get practical experience before going back to get her Masters.


Man.. where do the years go??!



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Congratulations to your daughter Wayne; something to be proud of for sure.


Andy my youngest has just graduated with his Bachelor of Engineering; went to his grad last weekend.

He was picked up by General Dynamics in the tank division, here in London. He almost lost out on the job; not due to his credentials but because of his chest size. 2 inches bigger he wouldn’t have fit inside the tank’s hatches.

That’s one off the books; Michelle my oldest has 2 more years of law in Ottawa to go.

I’ve already started window shopping for my new boat. LOL

Can’t remember what it’s like not paying tuition? It’ll be 12 years worth between the two kids; worth every cent when you see them succeed.

But if either one says Masters; I think I’ll crap my pants. LOL




My two kids; well they're still kids to me.

Copy of Grad 015.jpg

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Andy my youngest has just graduated with his Bachelor of Engineering; went to his grad last weekend.

He was picked up by General Dynamics in the tank division, here in London. He almost lost out on the job; not due to his credentials but because of his chest size. 2 inches bigger he wouldn’t have fit inside the tank’s hatches.

That’s one off the books; Michelle my oldest has 2 more years of law in Ottawa to go.

I’ve already started window shopping for my new boat. LOL

Can’t remember what it’s like not paying tuition? It’ll be 12 years worth between the two kids; worth every cent when you see them succeed.

But if either one says Masters; I think I’ll crap my pants. LOL




My two kids; well they're still kids to me.


Congrats to you and yours Dan !!!


I have 13 years of University tuition/rent/etc into my three and it will be nice to get a break.. even if it is for just a year. She's already applied to do her Masters at a few schools (deadline was yesterday for the fall 2011 starting year at Wat).. and is hoping she can get into Waterloo where it will not only give her a different angle on things.. it's only a year there, where as it's two every where else!

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Wayne congratulations to your daughter!!! Thank God she gets her looks from mom!! The smile on your faces says it all. Her's for her accomplishment and yours for seeing her accomplishment. You put a lot of money into her education but it will pay off in spades during her lifetime. I don't think she'd ever forget what you did for her. Best of luck to her in all her future endeavours.

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