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A friend and me whenever we got out fishing... no matter the conditions/same lake/honey holes etc., we ALWAYS catch lot's of fish and all kinds.

And usually always win the trophy's for most fish/largest fish caught on our annual fishing trips.


But, if he or I are fishing with someone else (same conditions/same lake/honey holes) we hardly catch a damn thing.


Does anyone else experience that? Certain people that you just don't want on your boat or don't want to fish with?

Like a bad omen. Like bringing banana's on your boat.



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I have not found that I catch fish more when out with certain friends but I have one that certainly ups the stress level.


When his wife starts calling an hour after we go out to see when he is coming home I start to get pissed.....


Burt :)

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Fished a two day bass tournament in New York years ago, with a blind draw for partners. 5 fish per day limit per boat, 12 inch minimum size, at the end of the tournament our boat had weighed in 10 bass, all caught by me, and we also had big bass of the tournament which we won.


Dude they seem to be hitting this lure, would you like to use one? I have spares, no, I will keep trying these. Day two, dude, they don`t seem to be hitting what you are offering, we are in the lead, it would be nice to stay there? Would you like to try one of these lures? No.


Dude, what is that you are smoking back there? oh, just what I thought. Not opposed to 420, not opposed, to a person having faith in his own methods, but if it isn`t working? accept that and show a little flexibility? LOL, at least the only help I needed was a net man?

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Guest Johnny Bass

I think if your friend and you are competitive it will make you fish harder. I fish harder when there is competition involved.

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Haven't really experience what you have. I do have a good friend that I fish with quite regularly and if we are in his boat I'll catch more fish and bigger. If he is in my boat it is reversed, more times then not. The sad part is that he just sold his boat so who knows what will happen now.

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I cant really say I go out with 2 of the best fishing partners(POINTED AND PERCHER) on the planet fish or not i dont care it is always a pleasure and an honour and will be until I suck my last breath!!!!! :thumbsup_anim::clapping::worthy::P

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When his wife starts calling an hour after we go out to see when he is coming home I start to get pissed.....


Burt :)



That's cuz he told her that he would only be gone an hour....he needs to leave her some $$$$ and tell her that he won't be home till late evening. It's as easy as that. :angel:

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Anybody I don't enjoy fishing with never makes it out for a 2nd trip with me. So far that is a short list as I have no one on it yet.


Over the years I have had 2 Oriental fishing buddies. One a co-worker and another an old boss. I joke with both of them that I especially like taking them out when the mosquitos are real bad because both those guys seem to attract the mosquito's like a big magnet and they virtually leave me alone.This may not be a politically correct statement, but for my two buddies it seems to be very true and it has been an ongoing joke between us for quite a few years now.

Edited by crappieperchhunter
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I think if your friend and you are competitive it will make you fish harder. I fish harder when there is competition involved.


I agree here.If your out with a knowledgable guy and knows his stuff,you both concentrate much more and want to out do the other.I think Im up two fish on Terry. :blahblah1:


If Im out with someone thats just out to fish for a day,learning,I like to spend time helpping them catch,meaning no urgency to catch myself.

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I generally fish with Timmeh from these boards and the fishing has always been steady. We understand good water, good cover and generally how to approach areas etc. We mix up our presentations when something isn't working and there is generally a reasonable amount of communication without too much communication.


The catch here is that we both really love fishing and everything about it - research, reading, practicing, studying techniques, applying those techniques etc.


Oftentimes, you'll end up going out fishing with others that don't really LOVE fishing. They just want to talk and fish for "whatever" by casting "wherever" and smoke some mary-jane or drink some beers.


We also have people we fish with on occasion that always keep the tunes CRANKED when we're on their boat. This reminds me of another questions I had . . .


Has anyone seen a study on whether fish are attracted to aggressively loud rap beats and occasional yelling?

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Bad Partners Cast past you from the back of the boat.

Whip their lure past your ears by casting directly behind or in front of the boat.

And have a fit if they see, or hear about you being, on the same Kawartha Lake you first fished with them.


Good Partners make sure they leave you some fresh water to cast to.

IE. The left side of the docks etc. when you're on the rear deck.

Point out known "hot spots" etc. when you are on one of "their" lakes.

They are willing to share bait, tackle and ideas.

Most of all, they have a positive attitude.


Edited by garry2rs
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It's is kind of funny how I will have more success with certain partners in the boat than others. Not that I don't enjoy my time with the bad luck guys, but it is wierd. Bad partners are no longer partners. And partners that brings phones and say they have to leave when their wife calls get to walk in if you know what I mean.

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It's is kind of funny how I will have more success with certain partners in the boat than others. Not that I don't enjoy my time with the bad luck guys, but it is wierd. Bad partners are no longer partners. And partners that brings phones and say they have to leave when their wife calls get to walk in if you know what I mean.


Heh, yeah. A good way to do it is estimate how long you want to fish for before you go and then add two hours to that ;)

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Gary. Gary and I grew up together and we've been good friends for over 50 years. Both of us are avid fishermen. Gary and I have gone fishing together about a dozen times. Each and every time we both got skunked. Of the thousands of other times that I've been out alone or with a group (gary excluded)I've always caught something or at worst broke off a couple. Something about fishing with Gary just dosen't do it.


Here's an example. There's a little lake about 10 minutes from my house loaded with largemouth bass. Some pushing 7 pounds. The lake is shallow with only weed mats as structure. I fished this lake in my boat for 3 weeks and the bite was hot. Everything worked. Plastics, surface baits (calm water) crank bait, spinner baits, you name it, they all caught fish. Some days certain baits worked better then others.


So Gary and I get on the lake at dawn. Nothing! Not even a sniff. We gave up at supper time. Next day I go out again and got a mess of fish.



This happened EVERY time Gary and I went fishing. Nothing. Gary and I are good freinds but we just NEVER fish togeher, period.




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Gary. Gary and I grew up together and we've been good friends for over 50 years. Both of us are avid fishermen. Gary and I have gone fishing together about a dozen times. Each and every time we both got skunked. Of the thousands of other times that I've been out alone or with a group (gary excluded)I've always caught something or at worst broke off a couple. Something about fishing with Gary just dosen't do it.


Here's an example. There's a little lake about 10 minutes from my house loaded with largemouth bass. Some pushing 7 pounds. The lake is shallow with only weed mats as structure. I fished this lake in my boat for 3 weeks and the bite was hot. Everything worked. Plastics, surface baits (calm water) crank bait, spinner baits, you name it, they all caught fish. Some days certain baits worked better then others.


So Gary and I get on the lake at dawn. Nothing! Not even a sniff. We gave up at supper time. Next day I go out again and got a mess of fish.



This happened EVERY time Gary and I went fishing. Nothing. Gary and I are good freinds but we just NEVER fish togeher, period.






Hey Muddler

That's pretty much what I'm talking about...

My buddy Beau and me, we always catch them no matter where.

But my buddy Morgan, nadda, hardly ever. It's like he's bad luck to me and I just want to push him off the damn boat! LOL!

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Bad Partners Cast past you from the back of the boat.

Whip their lure past your ears by casting directly behind or in front of the boat.

And have a fit if they see, or hear about you being, on the same Kawartha Lake you first fished with them.


Good Partners make sure they leave you some fresh water to cast to.

IE. The left side of the docks etc. when you're on the rear deck.

Point out known "hot spots" etc. when you are on one of "their" lakes.

They are willing to share bait, tackle and ideas.

Most of all, they have a positive attitude.




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i took a buddy into a portage lake jed never seen and put him on fish all day, driving the trolling motor and spending less time fishing, operating electronics etc. at the end of the day he should have kissed my boots but he told everybody how i didnt catch anything and he outfished me. were still buddies but he has never seen the inside of my boat.

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