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A Summer to Remember


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A summer to remember.


AS most of you know, the Speedtroll's son, Chris, is suffering from a rare and aggressive form of cancer. While Chris is only 7 years old, he has shown a courage that far belies his age. Recently the doctors treating Chris have become less optimistic about his prognosis. In spite of this Chris has shown some signs of improvement.


We at OFC Community felt it was far over due that we do something to reward Chris for his bravery and try and give the young angler some fun things to look forward to. Somehow in between treatments and doctors and testing, we had to find something to help raise the spirits of our young friend and also provide some lasting memories for his father and sister, Nicole.


I put out a few PM's and met personally with a few of our TV Celebrity members, hoping that perhaps one of them could make a special day for Chris. All that I contacted immediately jumped on the chance to help give Chris not just one special day..but three!


While we have yet to iron out the schedules, and I know that these guys are all very busy, Aaron Shirley of Getting Hooked with Aaron and Barry, Shaun Rickard of Urban Outdoor Adventures and Dave Mercer, host of The Facts of Fishing and Celebrity Bassmasters have each agreed to take Chris out for a fishing adventure he will always remember. To say we were touched by this incredible gift from these guys is a massive understatement.


To make this even better, our resident rod building expert, Spiel, is going to build young Chris his very own custom made rod for this great day. We will pair this with a brand new reel donated by Sam Carrafiello (DT10Sam) at Carra Outdoors and TJ is going to make sure Chris has the hat and shirt that every respectable angler wears on the water.


On a personal note we the admins here would all like to thank Aaron and Barry, Shaun, Dave, Spiel, TJ and Sam for this amazing display of community. This is something we will always remember so I can't imagine the impact it will have on Speedtroll, Chris and Nicole.


A huge thanks and we will keep you updated with the schedule and hopefully we can have a few members drive by in their boats to say Hi to Chris and the gang on their amazing days!

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Chris is a true fighter and it's great to see that these guys have been asked and have agreed to get Chris out on the water to fullfill some dreams. :clapping::clapping:


Members should also know that there are a few others behind the scenes (members/lodges), that weren't asked for anything, but have done/offered fishing/outing opportunites out of the kindness of their hearts for Chris as well....and they deserve a huge round of applause too...but just may prefer to stay behind the scenes so I'm not going to "out" them. :clapping::clapping:

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I am kinda at a loss for words here.... I know all too well the generosity of OFC'rs ....as I was on the receiving end of it 5 years ago....




Speedtroll is good people, He and his son (Chris) have been fighting an uphill battle for some time now.... I have had both of them in my thoughts for a long time.. although I havent talked much about it nor my feelings, the both of them have been there everyday. No one like to see a child have to deal with a situation most adults cant even contemplate .... A brave young man that is an understatement!


Most of us have banded together in times of need for OFC'rs ... Lew,Chuck,Tyler etc.... and I am ecstatic that we have yet again proved our worth.. by offering a child a chance to smile again... to me that means the world... even if it is just for a moment to ease the pain he must suffer daily.... I for one thank each and everyone of you.. Aaron, Shaun, Dave, Spiel, TJ & Sam and anyone else that is involved for stepping up to the plate to help make a difference in this childs life...



It brings warmth to my heart to see such selfless kindness.



If there is anything I can do please dont hesitate to ask.



Edited by Gerritt
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Just reassures me about this board and its members once again. So nice to see some of our higher profile folks step up to the plate and confirm the CLASS that they all have.

A more important question may be "What can the rest of us OFNers do to help??"

Chris and his family are in my prayers daily, but I feel so helpless about not doing something for them.

Does anyone have any ideas for the rest of us?

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I'm sure these folks will give Chris trips that he will always remember. The folks on this board put OFC above beyond all the others. I'll bet the folks sponsoring the trips will take home lifetime memories as well. Truely a class act and my hat's off to them.

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WOW! I'm simply overwhelmed. OFC'rs are truly a family. The next question, is there anything that we the other members of this great family can do to make this a memorable event? Day and place, I'll gladly be there.


In my thoughts and prayers.



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Rick should get most of the thanks here... hes the one who put the whole thing together.


Also the idea to do something came from a board member, LeXXington.


It is us as a community that deserves thanks.


I'm sure he will have great days on the water... except the one with Mercer... did you know that guy uses mice to fish with?? ... and he eats plastic worms??

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Awesome news, and a nice move by everyone involved !!


Speedtroll (Rob) and I are good friends and and have shared a boat several times, and although I have never had the pleasure of meeting Chris in person, I know from what Rob tells me that this will be a day that Chris will absolutely love.


Great stuff !!

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I'm at a loss for many words right now...


Cudos to all those involved in providing the opportunity for some really happy moments and memories during these tough times for Chris, his dad and their family.


Speedtroll, if you happen to get to read this don't forget to continue to Believe. In the meantime, we'll all keep Believing too.


For anyone that hasn't been down to Toronto Sick Kids Hospital, their motto is "Believe" and it is very prominently displayed in the main lobby/ food court area to try to give some hope and inspiration to the parents of, and the children that are patients at the hospital during some of the most difficult and impossible of times.

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