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I guess this proves it, you can teach an old dog new tricks

Big Cliff

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A couple of years ago my career suddenly and unexpectedly came to a crashing halt. Circumstances were such that my options were somewhat limited and a change in careers was the best route for me to take. Now starting a new career at 61 is not the sort of thing that might appeal to most people but I love to learn and enjoy a challenge so decided to go for it.


Starting at the bottom wasn’t easy, getting the “Joe jobs” having to prove that I could keep up with guys 1/3 of my age, at times working outside in the heat of summer and the cold of winter. I have to admit there were times when I wondered if I had bitten off more than I could chew but I stuck with it. It has been three hard years of working, going to school trying to make do with a reduced income but two weeks ago I went and wrote my final exam.


I got my marks yesterday and I passed my Provincial exam with flying colours, I am now a licensed Small Engine Technician so as my son put it "well dad, now I guess you can say you are a jack of all trades and a master of one". LOL I guess this does prove that you can teach an old dog new tricks after all. Hey it only took me 64 years! Now the only problem I have is deciding what my next challenge should be. I always wanted to fly a helicopter...... perhaps I should give that one some more thought LOL.


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Well Ron,I have just the right thing for you





I think you and Mercer would be a Hit


Good luck




Why did I click that link. My computer is forever traumatized.


Better question, how do you even know of that place? Hmmm....



Anyway, definitely inspirational story! I am sure 99% of people in your situation would have just given up. So, whenever I start to feel sorry for myself I will just think of the "Cliff Story"!


Best of luck in your new career.

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A sincere congrats to you and your family Cliff! I beg to differ with you topic heading though... you didn't really learn a new trick, you simply applied an old trick taught to you by someone in your life. that trick taught you to work hard and that those efforts will reqward you! Ok... maybe that's a new trick for some, but I would be willing to bet it's a characteristic of you, that has been around for as long as you have.

Again, congrats!


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Congratulations !!!...Cliff old buddy...I knew you would ace it... :thumbsup_anim::clapping:


Does the sign go back up ???


Beans my friend, for you the sign is up 24/7 as long as God grants me the life and health to do what I can it will always be up for you! I am very blessed to have many friends but you will always be special.


HH, it was the many members of this board (including you) that got me through those tough times a few years ago. When I was down, they picked me up, when I had no idea which way to go next I had people offering me opportunities. How can anyone go wrong when you have that kind of support behind you?


So many OFNr's helped me on my journey and I sometimes feel embarrased that I can't always remember all their names. People went out of their way to give me items to work on. Some could be fixed (well they could have all been fixed but sometimes the parts would have cost more than a new unit) but the fact is that people I had never even met before did whatever they could do to help me in my journey. They are the ones that deserve the credit!


Joey; from the day I met you, you have been an insparation to me! Every time I get to see that beautiful smile of yours and that glint in your eyes, my whole world lights up! Paul all I can say is "good thing I'm not 40 years younger" LOL. (just kidding Paul. I know she wouldn't settle for anything but the best!")


Anyway, my post wasn't ment as a brag (well perhaps a little) It was meant as a thank you to all of the OFNr's that worked so hard to help me on my quest and to let them know that their hard work and kindness had resulted in something positive.


That is the power of OFC!

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Hey Cliff ...you da man. WTG. The people here are the best there is anywhere. You've been inspired by many and many have been inspired by you. You earned my respect early on and I admire your tanacity towards eveything you set out to do. I am honoured to have been a part of this big happy family with you and many others, hope to see you guys soon.

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congratulations and good job to you Cliff. I had known that your quest was to be the best small engine repairman but I did not know you were going for your papers. I am very happy for you and I am sure you have your eye on your next conquest.




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congratulations and good job to you Cliff. I had known that your quest was to be the best small engine repairman but I did not know you were going for your papers. I am very happy for you and I am sure you have your eye on your next conquest.





Art! Want to go on a helicopter ride? Ok, Ok, perhaps that is just pushing it a little LOL


Thank you everyone for your well wishes and support!



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