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Attawapiskat Adventure-Skud's story


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I would like to start with thanking Mike for including my Dad and I on this spectacular trip. It was of course on my "to do" list but I am sure I would not have made it to such an amazing place on my own. Jason was also a great guy to hang out with for the week and I look forward to being on the water with him again, perhaps chasing those pesky Walleye on Rice Lake.


Of course my greatest highlight of the trip was being able to spend it with my Father. He has never been more north than Timmins and never on a fly in. He wasn't keen on going up because he was worried about cold temps and he is much too frugal to spend any money on fishing. After much peer pressure from me and also assuring him I would pay he said "I will take a chance and go". A decision he doesn't regret. His biggest pike up until this trip was maybe 28". His first large pike on the Attawapiskat was a 36"er. As he was bringing it in he just kept saying 'it's huge, it's huge'. A new personal best for him that was beaten the next day by a 40'er and by the end of the week a 42"er(which he caught in two feet of water). He also caught his new PB Walleye, 26".


My wife was also a great sport about it knowing that this trip was an opportunity that couldn't be missed. Going to Doe Lake right after was a preplanned weekend trip so I got away with it. It didn't cost me too much in bribe money so she could go shopping while I was away.


The reason for this post is more of a chance for me to put up some pictures I took that I really liked. Most do not have fish in them. I will start with some scenery shots. The lake was loaded with beautiful bays perfect for hungry gators to hide and wait to exploded on a passing meal.








I also have some pretty good pictures of the moon rising and sinking.









Purple skies





Black flies swarming Jason




A bear seemed to take a liking to my mattress before we showed up. Better it than me.




My dad staying bug free




My Dad patiently waiting for me to get my butt in the boat so we can catch some big Esox.




A Garter Snake on the shore line.








A few shots of Jason and Mike. Chillin' in the kitchen.




Heading out on the Otter.




A few more pictures of the Walleye we caught. The 24" and bigger walleye we caught had really big heads for their body size. Old fish.








A really good picture of my Dads PB Pike.




Not really a story but more great pictures of an incredible fishing adventure.

Edited by Skud
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The whole time I was there watching you and your dad I was actually envious......wishing that someday I could share that same experience with my dad ( not that Mike's a bad guy...hehehe). Your dad is really a trooper for sure.....10-14 hours in a boat EVERY day....I was impressed


I actually called my dad when I got back to entertain him with the thought of a fly-in for next year....just maybe!!!


Not to steal your thread but here's a couple of other photos as well....scenery









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I wish I had a chance like that with my late father, Skud.

Good on ya too for the persistence!



I'm with ya on that point MuskyBill. My dad was an avid fisherman who would have loved a trip like this. Unfortunately he suffered a stroke in his early seventies and we could never get away. We should have done it sooner. Note to others with aspirations to do this "SOME DAY"...... GET 'ER DONE!!!

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Thank's for all the great comments. The more a go through all the pictures the more I realize how special it was. My Father is coming over to my place on Sunday so he can check out all pictures from Mike, Jason and myself. He loves to tell stories so I am sure he will be telling plenty of them of Beteau Lake for years to come and I think there just might be a little bragging involved.


My Dad is the one responsible for my passion for fishing(with a little bit of help from Red Fisher). I can vividly remember him take us kids to Scanlon Creek Park in Bradford to fish from this huge stump on the shoreline with worm and bobber for perch, sunfish and bass. I was 4 or 5 years old but I remember it like it was yesterday.


Jason and I took some pretty good pics of the sunsets but it was surprising how little colour there was. Probably not enough air pollution way up there to have the brilliant reds.


Fisherman7; the flight to the lake was with Nakina Air Service, not Hearst. A good bunch of guys that do a darn good job.

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