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Drug problem


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i found this on another web site, and thought it was a pretty good read.





The Other Day, Someone At A Store In Our Town Read That A Methamphetamine Lab Had Been Found In An Old Farmhouse In The Adjoining County. He Asked Me A Rhetorical Question,


'why Didn't We Have A Drug Problem When You And I Were Growing Up?'


I Replied That I Did Have A Drug Problem When I Was Young:


I Was Drug To Church On Sunday Morning.


I Was Drug To Church For Weddings And Funerals.


I Was Drug To Family Reunions And Community Socials No Matter The Weather.


I Was Drug By My Ears When I Was Disrespectful To Adults.


I Was Drug To The Woodshed When I Disobeyed My Parents, Told A Lie, Brought Home A Bad Report Card, Did Not Speak With Respect, Spoke Ill Of The Teacher Or The Preacher, Or If I Didn't Put Forth My Best Effort In Everything That Was Asked Of Me.


I Was Drug To The Kitchen Sink To Have My Mouth Washed Out With Soap If I Uttered A Profanity.


I Was Drug Out To Pull Weeds In Mom's Garden And Flower Beds And C Ockleburrs Out Of Dad's Fields.


I Was Drug To The Homes Of Family, Friends, And Neighbors To Help Some Poor Soul Who Had No One To Mow The Yard, Repair The Clothesline, Or Chop Some Firewood.and If My Mother Had Ever Known That I Took A Single Dime As A Tip For This Kindness, She Would Have Drug Me Back To The Woodshed.


Those Drugs Are Still In My Veins, And They Affect My Behavior In Everything I Do, Say, And Think.


They Are Stronger Than Cocaine, Crack, Or Heroin; And If Today's Children Had This Kind Of Drug Problem , America Would Be A Better Place To Live.



God Bless The Parents Who Drugged Us

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Not only was I drug to the same, but I am doing all in my power to do the same with my 14 and 13 year olds.


Thank God, I have two amazing kids that do know right from wrong. We need to have more " PARENTS " drug the kids!



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that was awesome....why isnt it a good parenting tip???....the only reason i was good when i was a kid, cuz i had plenty of chances to be bad and wanted to be bad, was that my mom (not my dad) would tan my hide when i got caught...tan it good too....and when i got to big for that i went from being a good kid to getting in trouble everywhere....now i am just good cuz im smarter an older now....but kids need fear....i see some kids in my neighbourhood and they r so bad i dont want to smack them i want to take them home a smack the parents!!!...lol.....some kids are just naturally good but some need the fear of GOD put in them to be good


thank you mom for for smacking my butt when i was bad or a guy like would have ended up in some really bad places...love u mom!

Edited by bigpikemike
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Been there done that and have the t-shirt... I think my arse is still sore!.... ohh I should mention if dads hand was sore the belt did a fine job as well!....


in my opinion.. if more parents dooled out punishment, we would not have the kids we do now adays.


My worst fear growing up was... "you just wait till your dad gets home!"



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My Mom would get even angrier after she broke the wooden spoon on my behind. "Look what you did to my spoon"! That was always my cue to tuck and roll!



I found she gets even angrier if you laugh when the spoon breaks :o


bigpikemike, I've been saying for years bring back the strap. Kids get away with murder (sometimes literaly) and know they can because nobody can even say "bad" to them. I took the strap, spoon, yard stick, belt, grandpa's boot, you name it. I have a lot of respect for that. If I got it, I deseved it and have no hard feeling towards anyone about getting it.

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My mother kept the wooden spoon factory in business... and heck I turned out alright... :devil:

My son had a very close relationship with 'The SPOON'. None of that cheap store bought stuff. Carved from solid cherry, or birdseye maple, with a handle 3/4" thick, they don't break. I carved 3 and I still have 2 of them.

He was a good kid too til he was 17. Then he discovered wimmins :wallbash:, and its been a downhill slide ever since.

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...and when i got to big for that i went from being a good kid to getting in trouble everywhere...


I would argue that if you starting getting into trouble as soon as you were big enough not be afraid of your parent's it wasn' very effective. Things were not all so innocent back in the day. Teenage pregnancies were more common in the 50's than they are now. Drug problems were there, especially if you count alcohol. The mafia was quite active back then...

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I would argue that if you starting getting into trouble as soon as you were big enough not be afraid of your parent's it wasn' very effective. Things were not all so innocent back in the day. Teenage pregnancies were more common in the 50's than they are now. Drug problems were there, especially if you count alcohol. The mafia was quite active back then...


Don't know where you've been hiding, but teen pregnancy has, again, been on the rise for some time. It just does not have the same stigma attached to it any more. No more 'statutory rape' charges, no more shotgun weddings, no more forced adoptions, No more insinuations of 'dirt' or 'trash' on the girl.

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Funny I don't ever recall either of my folks ever really giving it to me...hit,smacked yes...but nothing life threatening :huh: But I do recall that when Mom said " Tell your father what you did when he gets home"... I was in deep deep doo doo. :o


And I do recall my brother and mom having an arguement and she hit him and he HIT her back. Don't know what happened when dad got home. But I was scared poopless for him and I know he NEVER did hit my mom again...EVER.


It seems that much of my generation....I'm 45.... has dropped the ball in parenting skills. Seems too many of us wanna be our kids friends instead of there parents.


I heard an expression years ago..."There is no such thing as bad kids...just bad parents. I pretty much agree with that statement.

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Now, this is one of the best threads I've read in a while! LOVE IT! I was very strict when bringing up my kids, they were taught to be polite and respectful. The rules were simple; first time you did something wrong, you had it explained so that you understood why it was wrong, second time we had a very good talk to insure there was no misunderstanding and what would happen if there was a third time. After one or two tests to see if I meant it, there was seldom a third time!


When my daughter was about 6, she got angry one evening, went into her bedroom and slammed the door. I took the door off the hinges and she didn't get the door back untile she understood it was my door, I was just letting her use it and slamming it wasn't considered a good use of it. She never did slam her door again LOL.


When my son was about 25 we had a conversation one evening and one of his comments was "I didn't always like some of your rules but one thing I have to say is, you were always fair"! I am very proud of both my son and my daughter!


I think that the biggest problem with youth today is that there is no accountability. They do whatever they want when ever they want, teachers can't discipline them, parents can discipline them (just try giving little Johnny a spanking, you'll be in jail for years).


A friends 15 year old daughter stole their car keys off the kitchen counter and took their car for a joy ride, they got charged for leaving the keys where the daughter could get them. If I had tried something like that when I was a kid; I'd have had to eat supper standing up for at least a week and that would have been for even thinking about taking the keys.

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