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Who DOESN'T eat fish ?


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Just curious to see who here doesn't eat the fish they catch ??


I know of a couple anglers that won't eat fish ! Im one of those people. I had a bad experience when I was a youngster ( choked on a bone ) and to this day I CAN'T bring myself to eat fish. :dunno::(


Ive forced myself to try it pretty well every year and I can only handle a piece or two and then I have to say no more ! Its funny when you here people say " Well you haven't tried it how I cook it ! " Each time Ive tried it "their" way, I still can't handle it !


I don't look at it as a bad thing though... I just ALWAYS practice catch and release I guess !!! hahah :D




Have a good day !

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I eat my catch once a year........literally, thats it. I do a spring trip once a year (walleye) and its the one week i will keep a bunch of fish for my belly. (if things go well that is lol) I duno, i enjoy it, but i just dont do it, too much work i guess. lol

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

i'll keep a walleye for table fare but i'm not huge on the salmon and trout. the odd one that is hooked poorly is kept for my grandmother but the rest go back. whitefish are also quite tasty.

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I keep fish to eat about 3-8 times a year. About half the time it's because the fish appears wounded and live release is entirely unlikely. The rest of the time it's because I have company at camp and they want a fish fry. Maybe around 2% of my catch ends up on the table.


I only keep fish if I plan on eating it within a day. I NEVER, EVER, EVER take fish home just to put in my freezer. Some people can't seem to tell the difference between fresh and frozen fish, so if they want to keep fish to freeze...that's fine for them. Like a lot of people though, I sure as heck CAN tell the difference (regardless of how it's packed) and wouldn't waste a fish or a fillet by letting it spend so much as a couple of hours in the deep freeze.


Just like in an army mess hall, anglers should keep in mind that they are free to take all they want (within legal limits of course)...but better be darn sure to eat all they take. If you've ever cleaned out your freezer and discovered forgotten fillets that are now ruined...remember them the next time you're debating whether or not to harvest a landed fish.


I had a bunch of laker bones stuck in the back of my throat when I was about 7. My Dad plucked them out with a set of needle nose pliers while I was blindfolded to surpress my gag reflex. I still eat fish...but it HAS to be totally boneless. If I'm chewing a piece of fish and detect a bone, I immediatley spit out the entire mouthful.

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I find i only keep fish when i'm ice fishing. something about freezin my ass off for hours makes me think i deserve a nice fresh caught fish dinner when i get home. But in the summer i only keep fish if they're mortally wounded or if a buddy wants a few for home.

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I love to eat fish, fresh is preferred but I'll throw some in the freezer without hesitation. If I lived closer to where I fish I might not have much in the freezer but when you are limited to your time on the water, I'll take frozen fish that I caught over captain highliner any day. Also, if I don't end up getting enough for a feed I'll throw them in the freezer and add them to the fish I get the next trip and have a good feed. I also love wild meat and most types of game, in fact I'm having deer chops tonight, can't keep them fresh lol.

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I only eat fish that I catch because I know where it came from and second, I'm the one handling the meat....

Call me finicky but I still won't change my mind over it....


The species targeted is walleyes, barbotte (catfish) and brookies.... this year got my first white fish and truly enjoyed it. I release the fish that I catch all the time except for the bleeders and those that won't make it.


My wife won't eat them but my daughter does and makes for a real enjoyable moment.


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I've always said "I don't eat anything that swims or flies" to which the usual reply is "You don't like chicken?". Perhaps I don't hang with a bright crowd.

I've tried many species of fish from out of the can, out of the deepfryer to out of the livewell. I just don't have a taste for it to enjoy a meal.

I don't have a taste for much out of the ordinary but I will say I loved the deer sausage Pete and Bill forced upon me at Lakair last year. I'm usually willing to try new things.


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Thanks to Dad we regularly had fresh caught fish and game on the table for our dinner while growing up. In the fall the freezer always got stocked with walleye and perch for the winter months as well. In the water that morning and on the plate that evening is always preferred but thanks to the old man I start feeling like I'm missing out if I don't eat fish I caught about once a week. :)

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I too, know only too well the experience of having bones caught in the throat. Ended up in the hospital to have them removed some 30 years back. That scope was the most horrible experience. Everytime I get the feel of fish bones in the mouth, that old gag reflex starts to kick in.


Despite that, I love fish. Got to have it twice a week or so, and I am perty finicky about my fillets. Offspring love it as well, but not the Mrs.

Edited by bigugli
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