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Two Questions Re This Board


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I smile and say certain words when I read some of these posts.


A good one goes something like this as a reply to the OP.




I agree XYZ.




It amazes me that even though such a post requires a login, composing, sending the post, a logoff, I must assume the poster feels good and proud of posting the above 3 words. I see a number of reasons for posting this garbage.


1. It is to increase one's post count. Let's face facts, some of these guys enjoy seeing their count go up. It is a "trill" to them to see their number go up.


2. They are trying to lick XYZ'z as$. Statistically in any group, some are kinky.


3. Some have nothing better to do and so they must feel that they have done something productive for the day.


4. Some of the above in combination. I guess if there is more than one reason, there is more of a "thrill".



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I smile and say certain words when I read some of these posts.


A good one goes something like this as a reply to the OP.




I agree XYZ.




It amazes me that even though such a post requires a login, composing, sending the post, a logoff, I must assume the poster feels good and proud of posting the above 3 words. I see a number of reasons for posting this garbage.


1. It is to increase one's post count. Let's face facts, some of these guys enjoy seeing their count go up. It is a "trill" to them to see their number go up.


2. They are trying to lick XYZ'z as$. Statistically in any group, some are kinky.


3. Some have nothing better to do and so they must feel that they have done something productive for the day.


4. Some of the above in combination. I guess if there is more than one reason, there is more of a "thrill".




I agree Carp Starter.



WHOA 100 POSTS!!!!!!!!!




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he says with many posts under his belt


I don't think most post are for that reason, even the ones that don't say/do much


often when I am in a hurry but still want to knowledge that I read his post or not interested in the post but still want them to know I read it, you can't ignore friends, even when you aren't interested in their thread, so a quick happy face does the job

I will just post nice or nice going or WTO,

also when someone took the time to post a report and I see not many people are replying to their thread

I will just give a one or 2 word reply just to bring it back up to the top so others might see it

I think many people hate to see only one or two people reply to their threads


and with so many people that know each other at this point some people talk on threads as if they are in a chat room



well that's my take on it



and paying, well ,my quick whit and wisdom is payment enough....LOL LOL

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I honestly don't think its ever going to come to the point where we will be asking for $$


At this point we are waiting to see what the bill is gonna be for the upgrades and then we are going to make some "monitization" decisions, depending on what we need to do to cover the increased costs.


None of the mods are here to make any real $$ doing this, so as long as we can cover our costs and a bit left over we are fine, which is the way its always been.


I think were going to have to do a couple of things though.


#1 We are going to have to put another bank of google ads at the bottom of the pages. Because some google advertisers pay by the impression, this will help us out.


#2 I am going to have to go after some more banner sales, I mean its only $100 per year to be up there so another couple of dozen advertisers shouldn't be too hard to get.


#3 We may put up a "Guides Showcase" where for an annual fee Guides and Charters can post pictures of their trips and catches. This would be great for a charters business.


AS a VERY last resort we may put up a PayPal "donation" button, but only as a very last resort. I am of the opinion that this would give a false sense of "entitlement" to donators, and create hard feelings along the way.


In any event none of this is critical, were gonna find out what the bill is gonna be and go from there.


One thing everyone can do to help however is turn thier ad blockers off so the google ads can function the way they are supposed to.


Hey thats post 6,750!!

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I honestly don't think its ever going to come to the point where we will be asking for $$


At this point we are waiting to see what the bill is gonna be for the upgrades and then we are going to make some "monitization" decisions, depending on what we need to do to cover the increased costs.


None of the mods are here to make any real $$ doing this, so as long as we can cover our costs and a bit left over we are fine, which is the way its always been.


I think were going to have to do a couple of things though.


#1 We are going to have to put another bank of google ads at the bottom of the pages. Because some google advertisers pay by the impression, this will help us out.


#2 I am going to have to go after some more banner sales, I mean its only $100 per year to be up there so another couple of dozen advertisers shouldn't be too hard to get.


#3 We may put up a "Guides Showcase" where for an annual fee Guides and Charters can post pictures of their trips and catches. This would be great for a charters business.


AS a VERY last resort we may put up a PayPal "donation" button, but only as a very last resort. I am of the opinion that this would give a false sense of "entitlement" to donators, and create hard feelings along the way.


In any event none of this is critical, were gonna find out what the bill is gonna be and go from there.


One thing everyone can do to help however is turn thier ad blockers off so the google ads can function the way they are supposed to.


Hey thats post 6,750!!


OK, what the heck is "monitization".......you tryin' to confuze us..?

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OK, what the heck is "monitization".......you tryin' to confuze us..?


Monitization, is the use of different tactics to make revenue from a website.

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First off, great and fast job on getting the site up guys.


As for post counts,what ever.

As for raising funds,we seem to do ok with auctions here,so maybe an auction of some sort say every 3 months? Dont have to be big and new items.Something that you got lying around and want to get rid of for any price.Just sent the funds to the BOSS.


Thats my take on that issue.


Another question,are our Saturday night music parties on hold? Is that alot of bandwidth?

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OK, what the heck is "monitization".......you tryin' to confuze us..?


most likely what will happen, when you are typing many words will generate a link to a product in the post


but lots of ways to do it

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1. Should we all think twice before sending posts that offer nothing but another notch on our post count?


2. Should we start paying something for this?




#1. First of all, posting is a sign of participation!... secondly, anyone with less than 6000 posts is a loser!!!... once you hit 6000, you're GOLDEN!


Prospective ad clients like to see a board with a lot of activity!!!... who wants to advertise in a ghost town?


#2. There is a "subscribe" option to this board if y'all haven't noticed!



How about a fishing report from you, instead of constant criticism.






he says with many posts under his belt


I don't think most post are for that reason, even the ones that don't say/do much


often when I am in a hurry but still want to knowledge that I read his post or not interested in the post but still want them to know I read it, you can't ignore friends, even when you aren't interested in their thread, so a quick happy face does the job

I will just post nice or nice going or WTO,

also when someone took the time to post a report and I see not many people are replying to their thread

I will just give a one or 2 word reply just to bring it back up to the top so others might see it

I think many people hate to see only one or two people reply to their threads


and with so many people that know each other at this point some people talk on threads as if they are in a chat room



well that's my take on it



and paying, well ,my quick whit and wisdom is payment enough....LOL LOL


Well said Terry!


If someone is going to take the time to do a report, the least we can do is post a short reply!... it doesn't have to be that much, heck!... the thumbs up emoticon will do if you enjoyed it!


Sometimes it irks me to see 50 members in the "users" list just sitting there like a lump of ---- not replying to anything for an hour!!! :angry:


... get off your :asshat: and participate dammit!!!


I try to tote my weight here with a little comic relief, some reports when I catch something, posting fish porn and nudity shots...



Yes it takes a little effort to reply... and even more to do a report... and even more than that to do a report with multiple pics!


... so get off yer butts and be a part of the community!!!

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#1. First of all, posting is a sign of participation!... secondly, anyone with less than 6000 posts is a loser!!!... once you hit 6000, you're GOLDEN!


Prospective ad clients like to see a board with a lot of activity!!!... who wants to advertise in a ghost town?


#2. There is a "subscribe" option to this board if y'all haven't noticed!










Well said Terry!


If someone is going to take the time to do a report, the least we can do is post a short reply!... it doesn't have to be that much, heck!... the thumbs up emoticon will do if you enjoyed it!


Sometimes it irks me to see 50 members in the "users" list just sitting there like a lump of ---- not replying to anything for an hour!!! :angry:


... get off your :asshat: and participate dammit!!!


I try to tote my weight here with a little comic relief, some reports when I catch something, posting fish porn and nudity shots...



Yes it takes a little effort to reply... and even more to do a report... and even more than that to do a report with multiple pics!


... so get off yer butts and be a part of the community!!!


LMAO ah GCD your great :clapping:

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