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Posted (edited)

Monday Beans and I headed out to lake X for a little R&R, couldn't have been a better day, mild, light winds, a few fish and wonderful company. I felt fantastic!


Monday night about 10, it started, and lasted all night; anything and everything that was in my stomach wasn't any longer, I couldn't even keep water down. By Tuesday at noon I could hardly stand up to get to the bathroom, and then came the trotts. By 1:00 Sue had called Health Canada (I am on meds for blood pressure and a few other things and hadn't been able to take them; well, I had tried) they told her to get me into the hospital.


There was no way I could even walk to the car and our driveway was solid ice so Sue called an ambulance. They took one look at me and the driveway and called the fire dept. to help with the extraction. Anyway, fast forward to the hospital.


They didn't waste any time getting me into a room. Started me on IV, getting gravol into the IV (and god knows what else LOL) I was out of it most of the time. It turnes out I was severly dehydrated and running a high feaver. Well, whatever they put in that IV, it worked by 8:00 last night they had me stabilized enough that Sue was able to bring me home, still very shakey, and restricted to clear fluids for the next 24 hours but on the mend.


It turns out that this "bug" is making the rounds and it is a really bad one, the flu shot doesn't work for this one and it is particullarly hard on seniors so if you have aging parents or family or friends, check in on them and make sure that if they get this bug, they get help because it is far more agressive than your average run of the mill stomach flu.


Last but not least, a special thanks to the Ambulance crew, fire fighters, hospital staff and my belovid Sue for getting me back on my feet and ready to fish again (well maybe tomorrow LOL).

Edited by Big Cliff
Posted (edited)

Glad you're feeeling better Cliff....


  Whitespinnerbait said:
Glad too see everything worked out , but yeah the guys at work are dropping like flies


Paul...wear a mask at work and take plenty of vitamins!!!!...We have a mission :Gonefishing: to complete this Monday and I don't want a sick partner!! :stretcher: .....how big do those pike get again? :w00t:

Edited by TroutnMuskieHunter

I know what you are saying - I feel rotten right now and I thought it was Saturday morning. I did not get a flu shot.


I have read in one of the newspapers that more people will get the flu this year.


The reason is that the strength of the flu shots this year is lower than it should be.


What can I say - you see "down sizing" every where.




HOLY MOLY , rough week.. glad to hear your back home and feeling better..


i got the flu last year in may, went to the hospital they said i had the flu, gave me nothing and sent me home....


be well all.


Glad to hear things worked out ok in the end Cliff! That Sue sounds like quite a woman!

Now tell me honestly, was she doubled over laughing when the ambulance crew called for back-ups for the "extraction"?LOL


Apparently the flu shot doesn't work for this bug. When it does hit, it hits so hard and so fast, there is no warning from feeling fine to sick in a matter of minutes. It is a good thing that I did have Sue here because to be honest by the time I realized I was in trouble I'm not sure I could have called for help.


Rattletrap2; you have to see our driveway 25° + slope down hill from the road about 70' long and covered in ice with rain on top of that, just standing up on it would have been a chalange. The fire dept. had to sand it just so they could get enough traction to come down it without falling.


Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better Cliff! Carole had this happen a few times in the past...the last time much the same as you...including an ambulance ride to the hospital...


Stay rested...any work that needs to be done isn't nearly as important as you getting better.


They put gravol into your IV??! Is that common practice?


Did they happen to let you know what it was that you had?


Whatever it was, sounds like a doozie. Glad you're alright.


god speed




Hey buddy glad to hear you're on the mend. Taker easy for a while and let Andy bring you the morning paper and your slippers while you relax. This crappy weather will be over soon and the bugs will be killed off or at least moved on. Nice work Sue, takin care of the old man, we all need to be taken care of once and a while. Good thing for good women eh Cliff! ;)


Glad your better CLiff!

A few years back, just before a Quinte GTG, I started to come down with some kind of plague! FishnSled suggested to me, Cold FX... well, it worked for me... kept me on my feet and well, much to the joy of my fellow GTG fisher people, the only symptom I had was loosing my voice! (There was one heck of a celebration in our cottage I'll tell ya!

Cold FX works well for half the people I have recommended, the other half, no results. It's all herbal and is designed to simply boost your immune system. It won't conflict with your medication.

Oh and if your able, Chicken Soup!

Glad yer better CLiff!



Wow !!!...I had no idea that you wern't feeling well on Monday...I remember you saying you had to salt the driveway when you got home...I offered to share my chicken broth but you declined...may not have helped but wouldn't have hurt... :dunno:





  Big Cliff said:
They took one look at me and the driveway and called the fire dept. to help with the extraction.


LOL.. thanks for the laugh.... I am glad your better.... those bugs can be brutal.


Wow Cliff, thanks for the heads up. I'll try all the tried and true ways they say not to catch a bug, wash hands alot, don't touch your nose our eyes etc.


Glad you are feeling a bit better.






for you and Sue from all of us girls.


I am happy to hear that you are on the mend. I can relate to how awful you must have felt, been there a few times and have never been so happy to see an IV needle headed my way. Ditto what Cliff said....everything else can wait. Give a shout if you need anything.

  Highdrifter said:
They put gravol into your IV??! Is that common practice?


Did they happen to let you know what it was that you had?


Whatever it was, sounds like a doozie. Glad you're alright.


god speed





Yes, it is common to add an anti nausea medication to the IV fluids in such cases.


Guess on the diagnosis would be gastroenteritis also known as gastric flu, unrelated to Influenza which is what the Flu Shot is meant to protect against.

Posted (edited)

I've taken to painting the front door of the house with goat's blood in an effort to ward off the evil spirits

... heck, it worked in the past, why not now! :whistling:


Edited by Headhunter

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