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How cold is too cold to fish?


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i used to say -30 no -29 yes but now its -26 no -25 yea at 25 below your hands freeze pretty bad and holes have to be slushed steady lines freeze in and its hard on the system too, a fish isnt worth frostbite or even worse hypothermia if u have a shack on the other hand nothin to think about hahah



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Sunday is actually supposed to warm up now.


-29C.. we did last year on Temagami. None of our stuff wanted to start.. Terry's 4 wheeler went into Ron's trailer for pre-heat. Once we got where we were going it wasn't too bad sitting on the sled seat in no wind....other than my frost bit ear lobe that is.... from the run down the lake ! lol

Edited by irishfield
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The coldest I've fished was -29 with the wind chill and that was after climbing down the Niagara Glen fishing at pebbly beach for steelhead. I lasted about 4 hours my buddy wimped out after 1 hour. If I remember correctly I ended up with 6 nice trout. Now I pick and choose my days.

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It all depends on the wind. No wind......go fishing. Windy......get a hut and bring lots of heat. Also, on the really cold days, no bait.......baiting lines is a killer in frigid temps.


We were out yesterday with the portables, and didn't even set them up!!! It was -29 at the launch in the morning. NO wind.



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I am one of those nut-jobs who uses my boat on the river all winter long on the Niagara trout fishing or takes advantage of a good hike and shore fishin down in the Niagara Gorge area...set aside all the crap winds off Erie that have muched up the river and pretty much set back my fishin by like 3 weeks now....since the musky G2G on the Upper a month ago I have fished the river 4 times and am itching to go bad,fishing 5 times in the last month is simply not enough <_< .


With this cold snap however looks like I am waiting a few more days to get out again, when it's like this outside you have a whole bunch of little problems that all add up into making your day hard out there.


Right from the get go....the cover is usally frozen onto the boat (wrecked about7-8 snaps on the cover in the last 2 seasosns), storage compartment to get into where the deepcycle goes for the bowmount often frozen and super hard to open, then there is getting to the launch..road usually really sucks so I have to call on a buddy with a 4X4 to head out with me for the day..ramp is usally frozen big time and requires a whole bunch of work to get in the water...top that off with the boat being frozen onto the trailer at first. Ok now after about an extra hour dealing with all that crap the boat is finally in the water :clapping: . Oh but don't clap too much :P ,now to start the boat....take a good couple cranks and maybe 10 minutes to get the boat started and warmed up enough to stay running at idle speed and guess what...not pumping water...check a few things out,get a long pin to stick in the pee hole and finally everything is all good to go.


Now we can finally get under way and go fishin!!!!, but wait..travelling a few miles down the river as ever drop of water that hits the boat flash freezes to everything, get to the spot to start some drifting, go to deploy the electric motor..hey guess what..frozen stiff, can't put it down..after some struggling to do that finally get it in the water, go to move a seat up to the bow so the guy running the electric for the day has a comfy spot and dagnabit, seat post is frozen in the whole...wrestle with that for another 20 minutes and finally freed up and now we can actually start fishing!!!!!! Give the seat posts,electric motor shaft and other moving parts a good shot with silicone lube spray and that helps solve some of those problems out there.


Now the fishin part after probably going on 2 hours into the day.....then you deal with frozen up line/guides on your rod, re-rigging lines and baits taking a whole bunch longer due to the inablity to use cold fingers out there, snow now starting to fly...ice pellets hitting you in the face as you move to a new spot, now comes the fun part of fish on!!!! been waiting for this all day, get the fish in the boat remove hook,take a pic...guess what now..who ever is involved in the "catching" part is now freezing from getting wet..flash frozen slime on floater jackets ,carpet of the boat and everything else it may have touched.


Then comes the part where we all start laughing at eachother, wondering what the heck we are even doing out there in the first place trying everything we can to stay the slightest bit warm, then it happens again...fish on!!!!! this time its a big one..enough to get the blood pumping and remind us of why we got up at 5am to go out and freeze our :asshat: off all in the name of fishin.


Man I love fishin in the winter!!!!! :Gonefishing:

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The coldest I went fishing in is -35C and no shelter :w00t: froze a couple of toes on each foot.... had to build a fire on ice to thaw my toes.... That day I caught a 49" sturgeon... biggest to date for hard water.


But now a days, I pick and choose the times I want to go.


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Guest gbfisher

"I am debating whether to go north (Wollaston) to fish this weekend. They are calling for -20 to -30 or colder (-31 now)."


Sounds to me like it's to cold for you to fish!


I'd still go with out hesitation myself.

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About 10 yrs ago i was ice fishing in quebec/ottawa river and it was -40 without the windchill,and my left eyelid froze shut,and i was having trouble breathing too, :stretcher::mellow: so thats pretty much too cold !!!! it was very scarry and i will not ever venture out in that crap ever again. :wallbash: ...after -20 or so you lines keep freezing,and your hole does the same,so i use that as a guide,any colder than that i just stay home. :sleeping_02: ..cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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All you guys that ice fish in the minus 20 to 40 range are nuts and I mean that with the utmost respect!LOL

Anything colder than minus 10 and I am staying indoors.


If I waited for it to get above -20 to go out I wouldn't see the lake between November and March!!!!

I'm getting out this weekend for the first time because we have had below average temps for the last 8 weeks!!!

During that time the average daytime high has been in the -30 range.

This Sunday we are supposed to hit +1!!!! :thumbsup_anim:

Going camping this weekend!!!!


There ain't no Nookie like a Chinookie!!!!!! :clapping:

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When I was younger and lived in French River and Elliott Lake, we didn't care how cold it was, I can remember many ice fishing trips where we would build a fire on shore so we could warm up between catching fish. Mind you we were often fishing within 100' or so of the shore and most of the areas were somewhat sheltered from the wind. Very different from fishing down here.


Now, I guess because of my age, I find I have to kind of pick and choose, -10 with no wind and the sun shining = a good day for me, -10 and no sun; I would probably want a hut or some place to warm up.

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I'd go fishing in some pretty cold crap if I was garaunteed fish. lol.


-283 C. Absolute zero.......... we'll all NOT be fishing there one day as this universe as we know it has long since stopped expanding from the big bang from whence it came. We're all being sucked back into an origin of nothingness now..... the hole where there's simply nothing, therefor nothing moves, therefor no energy lives, therefor no heat or fish or anything exist.


Kinda like Attawapiskat where I used to live and fish at -283 C.

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