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Fishing Solo or with a partner?

mike hagan

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:dunno: My question to all.

What do you prefer?

Fishing alone or with a partner.

Well myself I prefer to fish alone.I find when I fish alone I seem to boat more fish.


:Gonefishing: I like to choose where I want to fish for the day , and don't have to worry about entertaining my partner on which location might be better for the day.

If I'm out there just for the camaraderie and /fun yes then lets hook up and have some fun ,but when i,m in the mood just for fishing and peace and quite,then solo it is.


I seem to boat more fish because I concentrate on location and take more time reading the water,and structure .I'm not fighting for the stump or good looking weed line .

I believe the fish get more spooked when lures are flying in all directions on the lake , plus the extra noise and position of the other person on the boat.


Now the other person might help in lure selection due to more different presentation and technical , but when I fish solo i change up about twice as much then if I was fishing with a partner,so this brakes pretty even, until I find a pattern that works.


Don't get me wrong I enjoy fishing with a partner but prefer fishing solo .

really interested in your comments. :rolleyes:

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For me, a new boat owner and relatively new to the sport, fishing with a partner is key.....especially on new waters. (which for me is just about every lake...LOL).


On the other hand, if I had waterfront property, where I had a boat docked all the time, I'd head out solo as much as I could...something about how calming it would be. As it is, I only get out in a boat maybe once every two weeks on average....and trailering to a lake is always at least an hour away, I'd rather have someone with me.


Good thread...I'm sure plenty will chime in!

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I haven't done it in a while, but I used to enjoy fishing by myself. It's difficult to tow a boat any distance, and pay the gas for the vehicle and the boat by yourself now. But if it wasn't for that, I'd probably load up and head out by myself once or twice a year. Good topic.

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Depends on the partner for me....if it's someone that is really new, it's a great and memorable experience to teach them a few techniques and put them on some fish....but if that's all you end up doing and never get to really work the water the way you want to...that can be a bit of a let down. On the other hand, if you've got a partner that you work well with....the two of you cover the shoreline, weedbeds, different depths, different colours, until you find a winning pattern, I don't think it gets much better. My best friend and I have been fishing together for about 15 years, and something wild and crazy almost always ends up happening. Like christening a new rod/reel combo on a pike and bass at the same time....or nailing a PB muskie on bass opener with 8lb test and no leader....or getting skunked on walleye all weekend until you make a few changes and light up 14 in the last hour before heading home....the hits just keep on coming!

In the end, it's all about balance...I'll fish on my own if I have to, but I'll go out of my way to get my buddy in the boat :) And of course, now that I'm engaged to a newly addicted fishaholic, I never have to look very far for someone to join me!

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It's always nice to have a partner in the boat, but I really enjoy fishing alone, especially in the very early morning before sunrise when nobody else is around and I've got the lake to myself, 'cept for the loons.


I spend a large part of my time up at my trailer and my boat sits in the water all season. Most of my friends still work so I'm up there by myself alot during the week and spend many many hours fishing alone. It's good to have someone to yak with and share the fun of catching a biggun, but I truly do enjoy my time alone out there.


I also trailer my boat to different lakes throughout the week and think nothing of spending 10-12 hours a day on the water with nobody else to talk to and am right in my glory while I'm out there. :thumbsup_anim:


I dunno, maybe I'm just anti-social :lol:

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Spend so much dang time fishing alone people probably would prefer not to fish with me.


My job sees me off work midweek all the time while others are working. Having the river to myself can be a real treat. That said, whenever I've had people up here in the boat with me I really enjoy it. They get such an experience out of every little thing their happiness rubs off on me.


When I go on trips abroad it's nice to share those days with friends or family. It's also great once in awhile to get to fish with "hardcores" as up here I don't think there's anyone who fishes as much as I do, taking it as seriously.


Blessed any way I look at it.

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I like to do a few solo missions myself, but fishing with a partner is always fun too.


There is just something about being out there, early in the morning, nobody else around.....all the fish to myself....that I really like. That is how I unwind from a tough week/day. I'll head out solo, and spend a few hours fishing by meself. Its a total relaxation thing for me.


I fish with someone else more times than not, but a good solo fishing trip is always good.



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Good topic. Just like you said its really nice being solo in that you can move when you want and fish when and how you want but then again with a partner you can cover lots of water and try 2 patterns at the same time and learn from each other. Of course it also depends on the partner. As someone who's really into trying new things I go nuts when one of my buddies just wants to sit on holes he's known for years and do the same things as before. Of course at the other end if somethings working and a partner wants to leave and you spend the next 6 hours not catching anything...


From a zen point of view: solo in the outdoors is simply the most relaxing thing I know - nothing refuels me like a day on the water by myself and when solo I don't even care if I catch fish. With a partner its all about having fun - laughing at him for his puny fish or reaching for the camera to get that stupid grin on their faces when they get the giant or just learning from someone else - makes my day.


So anyhow, both have their time and places I guess :)

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Nice topic. Depends on a lot of factors for many people.


Most of my fishing is from a canoe with electric motor for brook trout. I do a lot of fly fishing. Therefore, fishing alone is almost a must. I also like to fly fish for pike from my canoe.


Trolling for ouananiche (landlocked salmon) or walleye from my 12 foot boat is another story. It's more fun when I have someone else with me.


I also like to go wilderness camping/fishing. Most of the time, I go by myself. I like to be able to go out on the water when I feel like it and eat when I feel like it etc. But doing the same thing with a group is a lot of fun....especially when there are just 2 guys per boat.


Next summer, my wife will have more free time on her hands and she will be going fishing with me more often. She likes going camping/fishing with me....I do almost everything while she just enjoys herself. Of course, it is a bit more work for me because I don't mind roughing it when by myself but when she comes with me, I bring along extra stuff to make things more comfortable.

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I responded earlier about fishing in a boat, but most of my fishing is from shore.


When I'm casting waters, I like to have someone to help pass the time away. Targeting pike, walleye, carp, whatever, most of my fishing is done at night in urban, no-so-safe areas, so having a partner is a must for peace of mind.


I like fishing with someone on the tribs for trout (especially new and unfamiliar areas), but I have to admit, sometimes, being out there just before or at first light, peacefully drifting holes for trout is like heaven to me. Being right there, wading in the water, almost melting into your surroundings brings a certain peace to me that it's hard to explain. Some of my


Then 9am comes and that's blown out of the water, but hey, I've had a few hours truly to myself.

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If I am trailering the boat a fair distance or on big water I like to have the extra hands around to help with the launch and just incases :whistling: but at the cottage I like nothing better than to fish alone especially in the morning I hate to wait for people to drag there butts outa bed late

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The last time I went fishing with a partner in my boat, he threw himself overboard. :wallbash::blush::blush: Should I take that as a hint.....

Actually I enjoy fishng with a partner, provided he/she can put up with me....

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I find fishing with a partner you cover more water and sometimes find out what the hot bait of the day is. Crappie fishing with Tbayboy this spring the fish seemed to like his white / pink jig head this one particular day, as soon as I put one on I started catching fish also.


Flipping in tight spaces I prefer to do myself, as you don't have to worry about boat control as much.


Carp fishing I go with Photoz , he has enough ground bait to feed a few hundred carp(thanks Photoz)

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i enjoy fishing with a select couple of friends... ie the ones who will stay out there all day and not have other plans set for later in the day and then we have to leave.


I tend to meet those other guys at the river and they can leave at will.


I also LOVE fishing with my little girl now that she is old enough to sit there. lol


Solo fishing is what i love the most though.


I feel connected to God's creation and i also notice that my ADDHD does not seem to flare up so bad when i am watching a float! lol



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I enjoy both.....but doing the shore fishing thing can be a little daring especially if you are walking it alone...

Example....on Sunday, being so hot out..I decided to put my waders on and retrieve the 3 lures I lost to snags.....didn't put the shoulder straps on cuz it was too hot...start walking in the water and it's much deeper than I thought...ooohhhhh much much deeper...but I keep going...not a good idea...waders are filling up...but the water feels good.

Someone in the building had seen me go down to the water and we joked on my way down that if he sees me go under to come get me...

Well....I didn't go under...but I needed his help to get out as I had quite a bit of water in the waders...I thought it would be cute to try and pull him in as he was helping me out...that didn't work either...


So....for now...I think I need a partner :unsure: But I do love the 'alone times'...it's just like dancing alone...no one there stepping on your toes..

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On a peaceful quite lake I like fishing by myself or with the wife, if there is idle chatter its all good.


But when targeting fish it is always faster to work with someone else who is working things a bit different. The learning curve is much better and fishing more fun. It is also easier to tell a believable tale of the one that got away.




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Sometimes it's nice to get out alone, kind of peaceful if no one else is around, but it really depends on the fishing i'm doing. And some of my regular fishing buddies are relatively inexperienced so they really like to keep things simple which is okay sometimes. It's nice to help out friends sometimes but at other times it can be easier to work alone. I also do most of my fishing in rivers near home so I don't have high costs that others do, so fishing alone is not cost prohibitive.


BUT it's always nice to have witnesses when you pull in those trophies!



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I'd say I prefer to fish alone because I have a ton of patience when it comes to fishing. I could fish for 10 hours straight without getting bored or tired of it, and none of my friends would be willing to fish for that long, and whenever I'm fishing with them, I can tell they are getting weiry of it in a very short period of time.


I love fishing early in the morning, weather it be at the cottage, a local Toronto shore spot, or out in the boat, preferably alone. It's just peaceful to be the only one around, with only the company of nature at your side, so you can apprecaite its beauty.

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I'd say I prefer to fish alone because I have a ton of patience when it comes to fishing. I could fish for 10 hours straight without getting bored or tired of it, and none of my friends would be willing to fish for that long, and whenever I'm fishing with them, I can tell they are getting weiry of it in a very short period of time.



Same here....that is the biggest downer about fishing with someone else....it is always possible for one to want to leave before the other one does:


"Suck it up! Mosquitoes be damned! We are fishing here"

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