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Snowmobilers found on Simcoe


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What a tragedy, I just heard on the way into work that the two guys that were reported missing near Georgina Island were found in 13 feet of water about 1.5 km west of the island with their sleds right beside them on the bottom. They interviewed the wife of one fellow and she said that "he assured her that he would not venture out on the ice because he new it was not safe".


My heart goes out to the families of these two people who are left to pick up the pieces. Please remember to stay off the ice unless you know that it is safe.

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My condolences to their families.


Sadly, I have no sympathy to the two drivers, they were fully aware of the conditions and should not have ventured onto the lake.

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Two buddies go for a ride together because they are buddies and enjoy each others company and share things in common. Someone makes a bad judgement call and they head out onto the ice for whatever reason, I'm sure they didn't say lets go kill ourselves. It was a stupid mistake but a mistake none the less and they paid for it with their lives. Now that is a tradgity! Many will suffer because of it, their families, their friends, and they also paid the ultimate price for their poor judgement.


Every year I see posts on this board where guys and gals have gone fishing and reported "6" of solid ice", well, 6" is quite safe to walk out on but it doesn't take much current to make that 6" into only 2". I often worry when I hear they are going, I wouldn't want to loose a single person on this board.


When I was younger I did the same thing and probably worse, there were times when I and my best friend would run open water with our sleds to get to where we wanted to fish. Never did we think we might die because of it, We always figured that the worst thing that might happen was we would get wet. There were a few times that we found ourselves in situations where we didn't know if we would get through, not by choice, it just happened, you are crossing a lake that you think is safe and suddenly you feel the back of your sled breaking through the ice. You can't stop! You have to keep going and hope that you make it. Fortunatly we always did! Unfortunatly these two friends didn't.


All we can do from here on is say a prayer for the families and learn from their mistake. It's funny, the older you get the more careful you become.


My prayers are with the families!

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Never ceases to amaze me that every year we have these cases people just can`t wait to get on the ice, people ice fishing on 2 1/2 inches of ice and there were people driving there 6000 pound trucks on Simcoe a few days ago...Stupid plain and simple!

We have all kinds of laws in place that say we can`t do this and we can`t do that perhaps it`s time for a law that says you can`t go on the ice until it is safe.

But having said that it difficult to legislate against stupidity.


My condolences to the families.

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i know a bunch of people up around simcoe that sled. My boss put on 1000 km over the holidays and he never ventured out on ice at all. It just makes no sense why anyone woudl risk there life on ice when they know it wasnt safe.


All the best to the families who will be asking this same question for the rest of there lives.

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Well it happens every year,and people still make very bad decisions,why did they go out on the lake in a blizzard,with no GPS,and no floater suit????....very bad ,bad decision....and to make matters worse,they told their wives that they wernt going to go out on the ice???...man i feel sorry for their families....its very sad

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I hate to come down on someone who has lost their life. Bad decision granted....something inside just causes me to not be able to call them stupid or to be ticked at them. The sympathy just takes over i guess. We all make mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes can be fatal. I know of a few occasions where i was left saying "man that was NOT a good idea, i coulda died from that brain fart". Driving too fast in the snow, im sure weve all done that and gotten scared straight as we wiped our brow and pulled over to thank our lucky stars. Its just too bad these guys didnt get that chance for a wake up call, instead of what has happened. Just sayin, a mistake is a mistake and when someones life is taken as a result, it tends to force me to sympathize rather than get upset at the decision makers.......i do understand where some of the comments come from however. It is an unfortunate thing and thoughts go to the families involved.

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Ditto on Cliffs comment.


I have a bit of a comment on making things "mandatory" When do we stop having society protect us... at what point do the rules and regulations regulate all aspects of our lives... If your gonna make safety devices mandatory.,.. then ya better first BAN cigarettes and liquor, cause they cause more grief to families than a lack of life preservers ever could... but thats a whole other thread that doesn't belong here. Accidents happen, my condolences to the family.


It ticks me off when I see peoples comments about how stupid someone is cause they made a wrong decision... how many times has your heart pounded cause you passed when maybe you shouldn't.... Alot of these accidents happen to experienced snowmobilers.. doesn't mean they cant make a wrong decision.


Hell ... I've been through the ice on my sled where I thought it was PERFECTLY safe.


Maybe they weren't paying enough attention... I've put myself in some situations that I had to act fast to get out of... by mistake, some of them could have went either way.... When you live its an adventure... when you die its a tragedy. Every time you venture out into the outdoors you risk loosing your life ..... it's just a fact. Some decisions don't turn out right... mistakes happen, can they be avoided sure... Like what was said... Im sure neither of these two gentleman decided it was a good day to die...


Some days just don't turn out the way you would like... its a dangerous world... and again... my condolences to both families.

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I'll add a prayer to the rescuers that got stuck with cleaning up.



TJ very well said on your post



DANBO I sure hope if anything ever happens to a family member of yours, you never have to have some smart mouth punk write the comment that someone got stuck with cleaning up your loved ones, give your head a shake man, and I dont care what excuse you have for making such a Bull comment, cus there is no excuse for your comment.


If friends or family of these men read these comments I would like to say sorry that guys like Danbo are even aloud to post such idiotic comments


My prayers and deepest sympathy goes out to the families and friends of these men

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Condolences to the families and friends


This a hypothetical question, but what is the chance that they could ban ice fishing or put so many restrictions that it would take the fun out of it. Plus all I kept hearing was how responsible or how much experience these guys were, ask there families that now.....How sad, I really feel sad for their families....Plus I am curious, do they have wear a seat belt on those snowmobiles? This is an idea, maybe have classes every time you need to renew or get your license just like the video that was posted! Make people do what that guy did, i bet it would cut down on the deaths! One time I got called on the carpet for the way i raised my kids, instead of harping "don't do" I would take them to places like drug and alcohol treatment centers and the big city where there was homeless. Alot of parents scolded me for it, but my kids have never tried that stuff or had a desire.



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This is very sad, tough way to start 08 for the families, my condolences to them! I hope we can something from these terrible trajedies, and learn from them! not just snowmobiling but also running a boat without a lifejacket on or no seatbelts in a car etc... I guess we do the same things over and over, and never think that it could turn out bad!

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It's funny that TJ mentioned the government making things "mandatory" and over regulating our lives, because I was thinking that very thing the other day. The government was considering making snow tires mandatory in the winter time like they do in Quebec and one other province.


Where do they get off making these decisions for us? I personally buy good quality all season Michelin tires and never let them wear down to far before replacing them. I don't want the expense and storage issue of having two sets of tires for each vehicle that I own.


What next?

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