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nine eleven


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It was six years ago this morning. I just like for people to remember what a tragic day that was and the innocent people who died. I don't like political type threads but I think that it's good to remember and think about what really happened on our soil, North America, six years ago. This thread just serves ar a reminder. If it goes awry, it's gone.

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A day in history that changed all of our lives forever. Great post Roy........


I was at Heathrow Airport early on 9/11/01 and will never, ever forget that feeling as the BBC news broadcast the attack. It took me 4 days to get back to Toronto Pearson. While frustrated, I felt very proud that through the turmoil and confusion some 3,000 odd miles away, Canadians were volunteering their seats to get returning Americans back home, through Canada to be with their loved ones...



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Guest gbfisher

I remember. Only a few hours from now watching TV with one tower all ready burning and not knowing why....then the other tower was taken out!!


Not a good day but one worth remembering.

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I long for the way life was before 9/11, everything seemed so carefree. The world changed that day and I hope one day we will be carefree again.

Today I will remember the victims, the families and the heroes of 9/11. Not only did 9/11 bring out the worst of our society but it also brought out the best, one can't forget the rescue workers who risked and lost their lives as well as the Canadian families who lent a hand and help stranded passengers in newfoundland.

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There were 4 of us on a 110km canoe route through Temagami. It was final day of the 8 day trip when we paddled into the access point of the lake. Having not had contact with the world in a week a fella up to us when we landed and told us of the attack on the towers. My response... "Yeah right, you probably tell that to all the trippers you see coming back."


Awhile later when finally in the car the radio was turned on and the news was everywhere. It was a really weird feeling I remember.

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That was the day when our armed forces became committed to the fight against terror. To this day men and women are still dying due to that terrible attack. And many more are dying from illnesses from trying to rescue others. Do not let anyone forget !

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The day after the attack, I was watching CNN and they were reporting from some Middle Eastern country......don't remember now which one and it doesn't really matter I spose......and it showed the people rejoycing in the street and celebrating the attack.


Then the camera moved to show a small girl about 5 years old, dancing and cheering and singing because they'd murdered so many innocent people.


I'll never forget that scene and it almost made me cry to think that a small child could be taught such hatred at such a young age, and she didn't even know why she hated an entire civilization, but was so happy that so many had died.


In a couple years she'll probably be one of the suicide bombers......so very sad......

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The towers were about 400 miles from my home outside of Buffalo. At the time i had never been there.

New York city always seemed SOOOO far away........but when i watched what was happening on TV at work, in the cafeteria where all the people i worked with were just staring in silence.............i thought, man this is just right down the street that this act of war is taking place, as we spoke, as we sat there and watched it, we were being invaded no more than a 6-1/2 hour car ride from where we were. . It made it seem so much closer. Ive since been to New York City and its even spookier that i can be up at 6 AM and be in the area that this all happened by lunch time. I remember the guy in the cubicle next to me who always listened to headphones say a small plane "ran into " the trade center.......and remember pretty much every step of the news getting worse, and then going to the cafe to watch, and the second plane hitting, and everyone just looked at each other like it clicked instantly, this was happening on purpose. Just surreal........not one person at their desks, not one phone ringing, not one boss worrying about us getting back to work. Just everyone staring at this screen in awe. It was chilling, saddening, infuriating, and hard to believe at the same time. One of the most disgusting things ive ever witnessed.

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I was on a picket line...someone had a radio...the sense that something beyond tragic was happening and the fear of not knowing how much more was going to take place was enough for me to put down my sign and say to heck with my fight for a 2% increase....I had to get home. You just don't ever forget such horror.

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