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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Congratulations Bruce... Roy: I am sure my 10 year old great-grandson will remember fishing with my grandson (his father) and me...
  2. I wasn't complaining about Photobucket's picture posting just about the damn e-mails they keep sending to purchase crap...
  3. I'm not really feeling very well but, thinking about my hydro bill would only make me feel worse...LOL What bugs me is they tell you all the ways you can save electricity and money and then turn around and raise the rates so that we end up paying more for less...BANDITS !!!
  4. I haven't used PhotoBucket for ages ever since they got into the telemarketing business via e-mail... I find using the built-in OFC photo poster easy to use as long. as I enable HTML
  5. I don't fish more than a couple of hours at a time now-a-days due to a bad back and legs... Ever since I had to scrap my twenty year old Ford 150 I use a cane and electric scooter to get down to the shoreline to wet a line... The place where I bought a mirror for the scooter gave me a homemade cane holder which I find holds my rods and flag quite nicely... It also doubles as a hitch for my steel garden wagon to haul my gear and chair...(I need to sit to cast and fish)...
  6. That kid of ours woke up this morning but, unfortunatly one of her zoo members (Rosie) didn't... She will always be with you in your heart...
  7. C'mon Roy...Admit it...TJ paid the light bill but the cheque bounced...!
  8. Me, many many moons ago...(Eisenhower jacket)
  9. Reminds me of fishing Rice Lake a few years ago with my son...We had used our depth finder to locate a shoal off the tip of an island and threw out a marker then motored upwind planning to drift fish back to and past the marker... When we got turned around some guy and his wife had moved from fishing along the shore of the island to anchor beside our marker...when we got beside them to move the marker the guy in a very yankee accent asks "do you boys catch any fish around here" I replied, as I'm about to climb into their boat and give him a smack up the side of his head I'm so pissed "we do if some sumna birch don't park beside our marker" Son Steven hollers "DAD NO !!!" and with that the jerk took off in a hurry...LOL
  10. Back in the early days of spinning reels the most popular was the Mitchell 300 which were notorious for breaking the bail springs...Didn't seem to happen as often if you manually closed the bail...just seems natural to do it manually today...
  11. Sorry to hear of your loss. My condolences to you & your family.​ As a young lad, when school was out for the summer, I was sent to the farm to stay with my grandfather and his sister... He was retired and in his 70s so he had time to teach me many things...My dad was too busy to spare the time as he was hustling to make a buck (not that I minded) I still marvel at all the things that happened in my grandfather's 98 year lifetime...from no cars to a man on the moon...
  12. Happy to hear you boys did well in my backyard...I used to try for lunge on opening day only... A few years ago I was fishing the back channel with my bro-in-law (a panfish addict) for bluegills and we had half a dozen skis grab our bluegills... one was the biggest I have ever saw...looked like a big log...of course we landed none...
  13. There is a launch in Bobcaygeon on the north side of the river east of the dam and west of the hwy 36 bridge... Lots of people use the Nogies Creek launch during tournaments...
  14. Hey Cliff... Send it into The Promoter... www.thepromoter.ca or email to: [email protected]
  15. I see nothing wrong with hunting for guns on a Sunday as long as you don't fire them...
  16. I wonder if Roy caught anything with the lures we gave him in a rusty old metal kid's tackle box for his birthday twelve years ago... Each of us put the worst lure from our tackle into the box...good times...
  17. I thought we change on Nov 1st...why not change just 1/2 hour back then leave alone after that...
  18. This is good to hear...I've always said that fishing is my mental health therapy...
  19. My Grandpappy, my mentor, best fishing buddy I ever had...Taught me how to skin a catfish, tie fishing knots, carve a float, catch frogs for bait, tar a roof of a model "T"...all the things a young lad should know...
  20. We only use the wood stove for entertainment or emergency...nothing like a wood fire on those -30* evenings...makes a guy feel warm and fuzzy... I still have half of the bush cord I bought in the spring of last year...$250 + $25 delivery... Hard to find an insurance company that will insure a house that uses wood fire only...
  21. Back before I had a back operation for a protruding disc, I was using percocets to relieve the pain...One night I had Maribeth take me to the hospital in Lindsay as I had terrible pain like a kidney stone...After looking at the x-rays the doc sez..."the good news is you don't have a kidney stone...The bad news is that you are full of crap...Constipation is no fun...!
  22. Several by some Navy Guys doing selections from the Jersey Boys sent to me by Lew. https://www.youtube.com/embed/lXlHv1-YPxM?rel=0&autoplay=true
  23. Our beagle snores like a trooper and sleeps with her eyes open and also emits many different sounds...I close the door to my bedroom so she sleeps in her bed on the floor in Maribeth's bedroom...
  24. Maribeth ran into Jackie in Lindsay about three weeks ago and she was asking how you and Sue were...and now she knows...
  25. My bro-in-law hollered at a guy that had tossed his lure right next to our boat... "would you be as quick to steal my wife as you are to steal my fishing spot ?" As it turned out it was Gus and Steve Jojos and they were trying to get our attention...our niece's husband had told them to look us up as they were making a show that day...They went thier own way and we had our best two hours of bass fishing ever at the spot we told them we were going to try...LOL
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