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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Lemme guess Lew...dinner at the Cody Inn... Maribeth and I dined there on Thursday evening after my appointment with my nephrologist in P'Boro... We were thinking of trying Sunset Dining Room after gassing up at curve lake ($0.949) but no one was home... It is under new management so we wanted to give them a try before we recommended them to our relatives and friends... You woulda thought the person at the gate would have told us they were closed...Grrrrrr
  2. For carp fishing, I use 12 lb. flouro line for tying my hair rigs...this is then tied on to 17 lb. Trilene XL mono via a ball bearing swivel... The main reason is if I get a break-off it will usually be the hair rig and all I lose is my hook and not my $3 spring or method feeder... Rarely do I tie a hair rig longer than 12 inches and seeing as a carp's teeth (grinders) are back in their throat getting bit-off is not an issue so using expensive flouro leader material would be a waste...if I was fishing for toothy critters then I would use flouro leader material...
  3. There is a small place in Roseneath on the west side of hwy 45 that my son and I used to have breakfast...sort of in the middle of town...there is a General Store north across the road and another General Store east across the highway...great sausages and eggs...
  4. Glad to hear this Cliff...just shows to go you that sometimes the answer to our prayers is YES !!!
  5. I gotta agree with Lew...A great read...Almost like being right there with you...Thanks !
  6. I used the "Tin of Beans " for twelve years and never did find and seal the leak after spending more dollars on gook and gunk than what I paid for her... I eventually bought a bilge pump coupled with a 12 volt battery out of an old lawn tractor and used that to bail it out...it took a while but it worked...
  7. The north wind has pushed all the ice down the back channel... My old dock...still not enough water to dock a boat yet...
  8. Ordered three inner tubes ($4.99 ea.) for my wheelbarrow today from Princess Auto as the tires went soft again even after pumping up to 40 psi...when they arrive I will take the wheels off and run them over to Patrick's Tires for installation... Princess Auto had the best prices hands down...saw some at $6.99 for the small tires and $9.99 for the front tire and I think Wally-Mart wanted $11.99...
  9. There's water in the creek today... From the look at the docks there is about a foot deep of water near the front of them...not enough to dock a boat yet but it is coming ! Tried to take a picture but my camera got switched on to video by mistake and the batteries got drained ...only had enough juice to take this photo...
  10. Chemong looked to be clear of ice as was Upper Buckhorn...Observed on my way to and back from the pulmonary clinic in P'Boro... Taites Bay still has ice (north shore of Pigeon)... Wasn't close enough to see if the water was any higher...Will try to get down to the shoreline tomorrow...
  11. Great memories of fishing suckers at Beaverton with you and CPH and Big Cliff and Maureen in my healthier days...LOL
  12. Not much change at the north end either...took a quick look when I scootered down to get my mail... No camera with me...
  13. Hey Captain...Welcome to my club Yesterday, using a foot pump I inflated all three tires on my push type wheelbarrow to 30 psi only to find two of them have gone soft...looks like a job for Patrick's Tire at county roads 36 & 24 just below Bobcaygeon...not sure if they can fit them with inner tubes...maybe I might buy a couple of solid rubber tires at Crappy Tire for the smaller tires... I also did the tires on my steel garden wagon and they stayed inflated... I'll try pumping the wheelbarrow tires up to 40 psi to see if that gives them a better grip on the rims...
  14. I still like the saying: " If we had known grandchildren were so much fun...We would have had them first"... Posted by a four time great grampa Beans...
  15. Carpers are famous for using different scents on their baits... Myself, I like to flavor my boiled maize with a good splash of anise and mix some of the flavored water into my ground bait... A friend likes to use strawberry koolade... I also have a bottle of pineapple spray for my boilies...
  16. Maribeth told me that one of her friends said that the rocks below the dam in 'Caygeon were now below the water but it doesn't seem to have done much for the lake yet... I finally have no snow in front of my garage so I can get out and about some with my handy-dandy electric scooter at 6 mph...LOL Doc wanted me to start going for walks but after only going 3 driveways up the road , I had to head back home...legs and back started getting "ouchy"...
  17. No fear of the creek overflowing...
  18. Another shot of the shoreline towards the little island...
  19. R.I.P. Captain... I remember this day fondly...Don and June made a special trip back to the lodge to pick up Maureen and me... Thanks for the heads up Lew...
  20. It was too muddy to take a picture at the launch, of the lagoon where we park our boats...seemed strange to see the docks high and dry with no water underneath... Where is the water that they are holding back ?
  21. Wow !!!...Was the water ever down...the log in the foreground is normally submerged...this next pic was taken on the 15th April 2013...
  22. Two years ago I got a good one around the first week in May after a doctors appointment... A lot of carpers west of Hamilton fish for them all winter... Randy or Mike or Victor might clue you in on that area...
  23. After my appointment with my family doctor...he sent us down to the hospital for a chest x-ray and as it was lunch time we sat in the cafeteria later just after 01:00 pm...too bad we missed you...
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