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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Thanks guys...I was wondering about a denturist school but don't know of any in the Lindsay/P'Boro area... Anybody ???
  2. Anyone know a good '' bootleg '' denturist ? I had a complete upper denture made back in the early 70s by a legitimate dentist at Broadview and Gerrard for $75. after I lost mine swimming in the Otonabee River in Peterborough... Today they want $2000 to $3000 for an upper and lower partial for my wife... I too would like to have my lower partial made into a full denture if that is possible but at my age (80) I avoid long term investments so it looks like I will have to let my dentist keep getting rich off the four lower teeth I have... Feel free to PM me...
  3. They just signed Brett Cecil to a three year contract...I personally think that is a bad move...I shake my head every time they bring him in to pitch to more than 1 batter...
  4. Yes, he introduced a few of us to that spot...too bad he is no longer with us...I for one miss him...
  5. Gotta admit you outfished all of us for stick fish...LOL
  6. My favorite is a 2 1/2 inch Phenix smoke colored salted tube...Caught a nice 2+lb smallie on one under a slip float about an hour ago...I think Phenix stopped making that color in the 2 1/2 inch size...
  7. Sorta got hooked on Murdoch Mysteries lately...
  8. Just north of this spot, Uncle Dave and I used to catch the odd decent perch in the Trent Canal... We also did well in the spring fishing off the main dock at Bonnies Boats in Jackson's Point for perch, but last time we were there they had fenced off the dock due to damage to the boats that were moored there... ..
  9. Any vets going to be near Lindsay Ontario on Friday the 11th November ? I was either too young or too old to be a veteran...
  10. This makes it x4...I haven't been down there for a couple of years as I.m pretty well stocked up. He carried a good supply of Phenix tubes...
  11. My first wife's mother was a gem of a woman...too bad some of it didn't rub off on her daughter...her I could have used that mule...
  12. Who is the wise guy that ordered all the funny white stuff flying around outside???
  13. Not quite as nice as your rides but this has been a Godsend as it gets me down to the shoreline when I feel like wetting a line...LOL
  14. Bye...Bye...Birdies Maybe next year...
  15. Congratulations Lew and Di... Mb and I will celebrate 35 years next month...
  16. Back in the days when you were allowed to fish off the bottom of the power house dam (north P'Boro) I caught a nice size pickeral using a jitterbug. First cast about 09:00pm. Some damn thieves broke into the powerhouse and stole some tools and that was the end of fishing there day or night...It is all fenced off now...
  17. Our over head fan seems to circulate the heat well in our living room when we use the wood stove (emergency and recreational only due to MB's asthma)
  18. We have a 48 ft garage that is divided into three rooms...only the back room is insulated and we have a (2 ft. long) baseboard propane heater connected to a thermostat to heat it...that room is used for my wife as a sewing room for her quilting...I had the cable company run a line out there ($50) so she can watch her programs out there... The middle room works as a buffer and that is where we store our canned goods etc...by opening a window between the back room and the middle we have never had anything freeze... It costs about $99 a month during the winter to heat...
  19. Welcome to my club Cliff...With the aid of my electric scooter and garden wagon I can get down to our park and fish from shore... Better than not being able to fish at all...LOL
  20. Donaldson finally ended his slump !!! Now for the rest of the team to follow suit (fingers crossed...)
  21. Italo did a show on the river a few years ago...not sure if he used a kayack or personal pontoon like Brian and Terry use...he landed a few nice pickeral...
  22. Sorry you didn't call me yesterday my friend...busy today...have two contracters coming to give quotes for bathroom and ramp...not that I would be much use moving stuff...(save moving the lampshades for me...LOL) My son Steven got dinged by those 1-800-gotjunk guys when he had them remove stuff from his mother's home after she died...mind you he didn't have much choice as he lives in London and she was in a mobile home park north of Lindsay and he took the day off to take care of it...
  23. I just knew I had a picture of the cabinet...
  24. I agree with CPH...Fin-S jigs by Lunker City...Their plastics work well also...
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