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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Especially the first piddle...ouch! Ya...make sure you are standing for it or it hurts twice as bad if you are sitting...
  2. Lew was having problems earlier around dinner time...haven't heard back yet if he still has...
  3. Believe me...it is bad. Been putting up with it for the past six years and it never gets better...LOL
  4. Thanks for all the swell birthday wishes,,,79 years old...whoda thunk I'd live this long ! By way of celebration, I'm off to the hospital in P'Boro this morning for a cystoscopy...OH JOY !!!
  5. Beans


    I was having a war with mice out in the garage last fall and managed to trap 22 before winter set in...left three traps baited with peanut butter but no takers until this past week when we got two...reset the traps yesterday but no takers so far when I checked this morning... Our cats seem to have scared any mice away from inside the house...
  6. Hey Cliff, did you take a look at www.food.com ? I searched "Horseradish" and 3000+ recipes came up...
  7. Hey Lew...besides filling out a slip for your booze you had to have a book that they could mark the sale in...
  8. According to my "Ice Out" pictures folder for Pigeon Lake north shore: 2005 19 April 2006 13 April 2007 18 April 2008 20 April 2010 02 April 2012 21 March 2013 21 April 2014 sometime after 21 April (5 days ?)(scrapped old truck...no ride to lake) As the ice was late coming this past winter I'm guessing it wasn't as thick as last year so I'll hazard a guess at 15 Apr 2015 providing we get some decent warm weather...
  9. No Hunting...Vegetarian...Fishing?...sounds like P3TA propaganda to me... My wife stopped eating meat after taking a nutrition course but will eat dairy and fish...We also have a grandson that is a vegetarian so when they come for dinner we heat up some firm tofu with Shake and Bake for the both of them... My wife makes a great hamburger stew with Yyeves ground round meat substitute that I enjoy also... She is not against hunting or fishing just doesn't do it herself...
  10. Thanks for the info guys !...My bro-in-law was asking as he passes the marsh every day on his way home and lives not too far away in Ports of Newcastle...
  11. Thanks Steve and Shane...but not having any wheels I don't get around to those places much any more...She who must be obeyed does not like me to drive her vehicle but she lets me pay for the insurance on it and fill it with gas...LOL
  12. It is about half way up from the 401 Hwy to the 35 cut-off...looks like a new building...
  13. Every once in a while I get a craving for Fisherman's Pie: ! lb of cod or haddock (Market cut) cut into big bite size chunks 1 cup of peas 1/2 can of cream of mushroom soup undiluted salt and pepper Mashed potatoes as a topping shredded cheddar cheese on top of potatoes Bake in a hot 400*F oven for twenty minutes if thawed fish or 1/2 hour if frozen (Add in some shrimps/scallops if you have on hand)
  14. A few years back I was invited to Wil Wegman's Last Ice Tournament off of Gilford... he did the Fish Crisp dusting then in an egg/beer wash then into some Italienne breadcrumbs but somehow he ran outa beer so he finished off the rest of the perch using gingerale in the wash...Tasted Great ! I have tried both gingerale or 7 UP in the egg wash with good results... Not finding Fish Crisp in Bobcaygeon, I just dust with flour...
  15. Coming east on the 401 this afternoon I noticed a bunch of huts on the bay just east of General Motors...What would they be catching and would they have to have the huts off the ice today ? Also, after picking up our dog at my bro-in-law's in Ports of Newcastle, I noticed a new hunting and fishing store (Easthill ?) on the east side of the 35/115 highway...anybody been in there ?
  16. I only saw 3 cm of snow in the forecast Cliff ???
  17. More of a mishap than an accident: Two days after pickerel opening back in the late 60's I had talked a friend into towing his boat from Frenchman;s Bay down to Rice Lake after work...We launched at Leo's Boat Livery around 07:00pm Around 10:00 pm off Tick Island, we noticed we were sitting very low in the water...Before we could get started and over to the island we sunk...Luckily a young girl heard us hollering for help and told her Grandfather who promptly notified Leo who then motored out and brought us into the livery...his wife took some of our clothes into their home and dried them in their dryer while the three of us sat wearing blankets and getting a shot of whiskey into us (doctor's orders...LOL)...Leo's oldest son scuba dived and retrieved the boat the next day...seems it had a leak at the ring in the front...Leo became a good friend for years after that... Then there was the time Albert tried to drown me off Cliff's place on Sturgeon Lake...LOL
  18. Paudash:...Be grateful that your health allowed you to do the chores you did... My days are spent mostly between the 'puter and the tv unless I have doctor's appointments... Today I plan on throwing some wood from the pile up onto the porch to fill the plastic tubs I keep them in...until my back cries "No more !!!" Next week will be taken up with travelling to Newmarket/Richmond Hill for an operation on my left eye to remove cataracts then a couple of follow-up appointments...also will be having a cystoscopy at P'Boro early March...Exciting eh? Come the soft water season, I will be able to get out on the electric scooter my son gave me for Father's Day last year, and get down to the shoreline of Tait's bay to wet a line...and /or pick-up the mail at the boxes...
  19. Phenix 2 1/2 inch smoke colored salted tube on a 1/8 or 1/16 ounce jighead...Bass think it's candy...
  20. " A lot of these units come with a battery backup. I would call to verify. " Thanks Gerritt...(at lest I'm not asking for bail money this time...) The only units we have with a back-up battery is Maribeth's cell phone and lap-top computer...If the power goes out then we could use the cell but only play off-line computer games with the lap-top... Another goodie with the bundle is free rental of the HD box ($14.99 per mo.)and free installation...
  21. The main reason I have hesitated switching my phone to Cable Cable is if the power goes out then you end up with no computer, no TV nor no phone...besides I would need another remote phone for the garage...but the $99.99 plus taxes price tag looks appealing vs the $149.67 I'm putting out monthly...Not sure if there is an installation charge for a phone...
  22. "Best of luck with your peep Norm. Look forward to hearing how it improved your sight Norm. My date is March or April for both peeps. I no longer feel the need to laugh at old people." Hey Brian Have only had the cataracts removed from my right eye so far but I no longer need to wear glasses (have since I was twelve years old)so I am looking forward to having the left eye done...Hopefully I will be able to see my float move from a distance while crappie fishing this coming spring...
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