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Everything posted by Beans

  1. $8 for a pint of beer ???... Back in the days when I used to imbibe a 24 cost about $8 or $10... At today's rate I don't think I could afford to be a drunk no more(in more ways than one)...Lol
  2. I only used an * to separate the letters...none on the plate (maybe a crown?)
  3. Saw a licence plate [NOT*OFC] in the parking lot of Food Basics in Lindsay today...LOL Actually it was "N" at the end but it keeps changing to "C"
  4. "The City of Kawartha Lakes should either pay to have the weeds removed or reduce our taxes" REDUCE TAXES !!! Cliff...Have you been smokin' some of that wacky tabacky ??? Drove by 313 after our lunch at St Dave's Diner today but, nobody home...
  5. Great to hear this Brian...sunglasses when the sun is shining is a must according to my ophthalmologist...
  6. http://www.mykawartha.com/news-story/5767665-waterfront-homeowner-frustrated-by-weeds-on-sturgeon-lake/
  7. Don't you dare take off !!!...What would I do without you ??? Just kidding...My health doesn't allow me to consider such a move for MB and me...(my mortgage company and Hydro One need me to stay put also...LOL)
  8. I am at a loss for words except I am so sorry to hear this...
  9. Your prophesy is taking place right now Lew...lots of thunderboomers all day but no rain 'till now...
  10. Tossing a tube into the wake of the large boats coming out of the mouth of the Otonobee River used to produce some nice bass for us a few years ago...
  11. Del Cary (sp) Park in P'Boro uses those whistling sounding fireworks to scare off the geese...not sure how effective they are but it sure puts the move on them at the time... Meely tied string across the shoreline at the Manor to discourage them...
  12. Glad to hear things are working out for you my friend...Easy does it for now...
  13. Good to hear you are on the mend Lew...nasty buggers them wasps... We have killed off two separate underground nests since we moved up this way...both times I poured gasoline down the entrance in the late evening then stuffed an old towel in the hole as far down as I could with a broom handle then more gasoline... I removed a nest from the crawl space late in the fall one year after they had died off for the year then set it on fire to make sure the queen was dead...still amazed how they chewed through a metal screen...
  14. I saw a truck with home made aluminum running boards recently...I'm sure you could fashion sumpin' like that... I had to reach over and give Maribeth a hand to pull her up into the cab of my old Ford 150... I was tempted to carry a kitchen step stool in the truck...You could let her get in first then pick up the stool and toss it in the back...
  15. Hey Cliff: You could have saved yourself the bother if you let Cable Cable cancel Bell for you...
  16. I had Shimano in P'Boro fix my Curado Batam...Seems whoever refurbished it (China) put the magnets in backwards ???
  17. All the best Gerritt...my old mum had a stroke at an early age (30's) and walked with a cane for the rest of her life now I use the same cane to get around...the cardiologist sez I had a minor stroke about three years ago and outfitted me with a pacemaker... Early next month I go in for an electro cardio version to kick start my old ticker back to regular beating... Marvelous what they can do nowadays... Cheers!
  18. My son from London, Ontario is coming here Friday night and we will probably drown some worms along the shoreline on Saturday... We will then have dinner at Kawartha Downs on Saturday night and give the ponies a try... This is becoming a tradition for Father's Day weekend... Last year we tried chasing carp but I'm not up to that at present...gotta get my heart beating regularily first...
  19. Congrats Bruce... I'd like to add a pic of our fifth or sixth ??? great-grandchild...BENJAMIN:
  20. Didn't see much of it...it was dark when Roy picked us up at the Queen Elizabeth where we were celebrating our 25 th anny... Yep...great hospitality at his place and paella....
  21. All I got out back today Lew is a big old jackrabbit...I've seen it a couple of times now but it disappears behind my shed before I can grab a camera...one of these days.....
  22. Curve Lake went from $0.979 to $0 999 on Friday morning...usually stop there if on my way down or back from P'Boro...
  23. Happy Birthday my friend and many happy returns...OOPs , you already gots your returns...
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