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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Fill two big coolers and put them in the front, just for curiosity. I have to do that with mine if it's rough out.
  2. Sad to hear that he's gone.
  3. Some have a caveat on the age of the trailers allowed, some lots are so small you have to fart in the laneway. And then you get to hear and smell what everyone else is having for supper, then the odd domestic. You really have to do your homework
  4. Hahaha, X2, wet rock, it's raining, sweaty T shirt, it's hot. Can't see the rock, it snowed.
  5. Latest news flash she says that forcing everyone to use hydro is now dead.
  6. That would be like eating Celine Dion, both screech and probably taste like hell.
  7. Someone once said lots of noise is the sign of a small set of ________.
  8. One was definitely bad this afternoon, pulled a barrel roll into the ditch on Crossland Rd, probably ________ (texting, phoning, not paying attention), fill in the blank. Fortunately only one vehicle involved. Seemed like every 3rd or 4th car going towards the beach today, the driver was on the phone. Idiots.
  9. Lily of the Valley, pick the flowers and place in a small shot glass with water, very nice smell.
  10. Kinda makes you wonder if you did stupider things when you were hammered but didn't realise it.
  11. Small town grandpa or grandma white knuckling it at 40k in and 80k zone. If you can't drive at least the speed limit, take a cab, bus or friend. If you want to make a scenic tour, (hey martha look at the cow with 5 boobs) NO take the damm bus.
  12. There's a lot of stuff we buy nowadays that has a return policy inside the packaging, some as soon as it leaves the retailer. If somethings broke, send it back directly to the manufacturer. Unfortunate.
  13. Or simply shoot into the woods because there was a "noise" that looked like a turkey or deer.
  14. Living proof the percentage of idiots who vote for these people is rapidly increasing.
  15. When your chevy leaves you stranded because of inadequate wiring, it's no big thing, people would see it as normal. If you can't get going on the lake and adverse weather conditions show up, I would err on the side of safety.
  16. Just went out and looked at my F40, judging by the tinned ends, it has at least 4ga. When the motor starts, it's drawing a pretty big amount of current and your added length of 14 feet may well justify the 2 ga. If the wire capacity is not there, things can go bad. You can get 2 and 4 ga welding wire by the foot from Princess Auto. They also carry the big crimp on lugs. Properly tin the ends with the right type of solder. Then seal the ends with liquid electric tape. No more corrosion going under the wire jacket.
  17. It would be nice to have this on the weekend.
  18. Not biting but poking in the eyes is extremely annoying.
  19. Battery draining can be as simple as one draining into another if they are wired in parallel and are equalizing to the battery of the lowest capacity. Otherwise, get a multimeter (one with a 10amp setting preferably), take off the positive battery cable and put the voltmeter between the + post and + cable, any voltage with everything off will give you a reading. Pull fuses one at a time until you get a zero reading, poof, there's you culprit. Then isolate that circuit to see where it's grounding out or using power. Some boat radios, AM/FM and VHF will draw just to keep the radio station memory alive.
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