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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/2021 in all areas

  1. In the last week I’ve seen two motorcycles and my neighbour raking his gardens. Bring on spring!
    3 points
  2. Let me clue you in we do not have moderators or Admin. we are the owners of the site. Art
    3 points
  3. That was Jimmy and Rich, trying to make grilled cheese sandwiches!!! But yes, GUILTY of beating on the stove in the middle of the night, it was the only way to get you guys up to have a drink with me! Fun times.............
    2 points
  4. Free speech means that he doesn't go to jail for saying it. It doesn't mean that he still gets to be a member of the caucus.
    2 points
  5. I’ve been working on my ice fishing sled and have it just about ready to go. Now we need this lockdown to end so I can head north to use it
    1 point
  6. Did these up last Monday for the Bama - Ohio state game.
    1 point
  7. Many years ago I have a vivid memory of you beating on the camp stove with a battle axe at about 0300 and the result was poor Fred on the 3rd level bunkbed near dying of smoke inhalation. 🤣
    1 point
    1 point
  9. Thanks Brian. It's easy when cooking for myself! (And the eggs were done in the bacon fat! 😁 ) At the hunt camp: "can I have mine easy over?" "I want mine basted." "Geez, I can't eat raw eggs, make mine yolks broken and over hard." "Can I have scrambled please?" "Doug, don't forget to leave the salt and pepper off my eggs, I put it on myself." etc..............🙄 But no, I do NOT let most of the guys near the stove.........
    1 point
  10. Thats what i was trying to say.. but im no wordsmith lol
    1 point
  11. Some here get taken serious,some well, just have tic skin and duck feathers bye . 👍
    1 point
  12. No different than here , if you want to be a member follow the rules.
    1 point
  13. Keeping it basic Happy new years all!
    1 point
  14. He probably would still have a job if he had made his views known privately. But when you publish your views that are contrary to the boss and health authority for all to see, what do you think is going to happen?
    1 point
  15. You’re an amateur until you hit 2 dozen ice rods. 😉
    1 point
  16. Isn't it ironic that I am probably going to get banned for making a observation in a thread about free speech Apparently i'm wrong for expressing free speech and can get fired too That's exactly the point I was trying to make with the Don Cherry comparison All clued in now
    1 point
  17. What the heck are golf club protectors? A google search showed me booties that go over golf club heads............ Doug
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. When the boss says something, right or wrong, and you publically go against them... well ya... you gonna get chitcanned. I know this is a politically based thing, but this really is a lesson for all of life. Know how far you can stick your neck out before you get it chopped off.
    1 point
  20. Dan, absolutely this cannot happen. Read the directive to the Toronto police that I have linked and copied above. They are not allowed to stop you to enforce the stay-at-home order, nor do they want to. And if you were stopped, you don't have to answer those questions. Only the driver has to provide a license and registration. They have plenty of other things to do than try to enforce a stay-at-home order. They can and will stop you for any other traffic infraction, or for having a taillight out, and you can bet your ass they will. So ... drive carefully, and don't get stopped. As an observation yesterday, I was out going to my dad's place - caring for a vulnerable senior - and the roads were busy. I did not see any appreciable reduction in traffic after the stay-at-home order had begun! I didn't see any people being stopped by cops, either. If I get covid, it's going to be at a grocery store. That seems like the high risk place. It ain't gonna be out ice fishing or ice climbing in the middle of Bumf*ck, Ontario. By the way, I'm as clean as clean can be. I just got back from a climbing and caving trip to Yosemite and Mexico, served my 14-day quarantine, and got my negative covid test.
    1 point
  21. My view on do's and don'ts is a little different. Everyone is looking for loopholes to carry on with their regular lives. We have a Federal government that tells us to stay home yet allows plane load after plane load to arrive at our airports simply telling those on board that they must self isolate? If those who choose to fly are that self entitled what makes us think that they will voluntarily quarantine? Since Jan 1 thirty (30) planes arrived in Canada with passengers that had Covid-19. We have a Provincial government that rather than doing what they should have done many months ago played the political two step and look where that has got us, a proverbial poop show! They now have declared a state of emergency with regulations that are unenforceable. It's a fact that Covid-19 does not get on a plane or in a car or on a snow machine. It needs a carrier, WE are the carrier. It did not enter nursing homes to infect our loved ones by osmosis, WE took it in getting infected elsewhere in the community. Let's be honest with ourselves, unless you get tested constantly, most of us have no idea if we are an asymptomatic carrier spreading Covid-19 wherever we go. It appears as though based on the current level of vaccination it will be a year before everyone is vaccinated. I guess STAY HOME is the one thing that WE can all do to help the cause. If WE don't move around it can't!
    1 point
  22. A friend in Deseronto buys from here: https://www.marineoutfitters.ca/index.cfm?category=10002|10090|10293&product=56850725&code=EW 6-1 Black
    1 point
  23. Well Scott I will be 70 this year, no idea how much it would help me, even if it works, but seeing younger people with MS and other auto immune diseases be able to live without the hassles of them sure seems like a plus to me!
    1 point
    1 point
  25. I was sent this and after listening, this is just not about the USA, but the world . Arnold sure is spot on and well, it hits big time . If this is against the rules,feel free to remove,but I think it is very well said and really not political. JMHO.
    1 point
  26. Very nice fish and very respectable of you and your partner's respect and handling of the fish. I usually don't watch many video's but I'm glad I did this one. New fishers could learn a lot by watching. There is one thing I have to ask; is it uncomfortable walk with a horseshoe stuck up; never mind. LOL Thanks for posting. Dan.
    1 point
  27. You caught a monster, congrats! I noticed each fish got proper IG selfie
    1 point
  28. No hearsay. Share facts and sources. Attempted Clarification from Global News just now Relevant pieces selected, less relevant deleted: “Under this order, everyone must stay home and only go out for essential trips to pick up groceries, or go to medical appointments,” Ontario Premier Doug Ford said Tuesday, adding that walking pets or exercising is still permitted. The announcement left many people looking for clarification as to what they were and weren’t still permitted to do over the next month, so a government spokesperson provided some clarification on Wednesday. “Ontario is a big, diverse province,” Travis Kann explained in an email ... “As such, and as we have from the very outset of this pandemic, we will continue to rely on the best judgment of Ontarians as they stay at home as much as possible and only leave their homes for essential purposes.” The government says it also cannot decide what is an essential item for every person across Ontario although it tried to clarify what would be considered an essential trip. “We have provided broad categories that people should consider before leaving their home: food, health-care services, including medication, exercise or work, where someone’s job cannot be done at home,” it said. The new restrictions also allow people to gather in groups of five outdoors, which the government says it is allowing so that people who live on their own can still have company or support for mental and physical wellbeing. “Anyone gathering outside is expected to adhere to physical distancing measures and are now strongly urged to wear a mask,” the province said. The government says that exercise is considered essential although how Ontarians choose to do so is unique to each household. “Some may wish to go for a walk around the block, while others may wish to go to a local basketball court with their household to shoot some hoops,” the province said. “We recommend that Ontarians consult their local public health unit or municipality to understand what recreational amenities are open in their community.” “Right now, we are asking people to stay home and only leave their home for essential purposes, which could include emergency maintenance of a secondary residence,” it says. “In the spirit of the stay-at-home order, at this time we are not recommending intra-provincial travel.” Much more relevant, is the announcement coming down at 1pm, as posted by CBC in this link: Ontario to lay out 'legal parameters' of COVID-19 stay-at-home order today Officials suggested Tuesday that police will have 'discretion' to enforce order [YIKES!] Ontario Premier Doug Ford is scheduled to hold a news conference beginning at 1 p.m. ET in Toronto. The province said it will publish the "legal parameters" for the order, which takes effect tomorrow, online today and offer more clarification on the measure. As of Thursday, residents will have to stay home except for essential purposes such as grocery shopping, accessing health care and exercising. Here's what you need to know about the new rules. The province said police and bylaw officers will have the power to enforce the stay-at-home order and issue tickets to rule-breakers, but hasn't given details on how that will play out in practice. [YIKES AGAIN!] Wearing a mask is also now recommended outdoors when physical distancing is difficult. I guess we'll know a lot more after 1pm. I bet you guys who live up north close to the lake will be able to drive there and go out fishin' unmolested. They won't be chasing down anyone on the ice, as long as you're appropriately spread out which is easy enough to do. What better social isolation is there than ice fishing out in the Great White North? It's the DRIVING UP NORTH bit that worries me! I can't help but think that in spirit of a stay-at-home order, for a guy who lives in southern Ontario but gets checked by the OPP [or even a by-law officer!] up north. Cop: "So, like, how's it goin', eh?" Me: "Oh beauty." Cop: "So, like, you live in Hamilton. Whatcha doin' way up here?" Me: "I am exercising and going ice fishing." Cop: "Like, you're supposed to stay at home, cuz, like, there's a stay-at-home order, eh? So, like, I think I have to write you a ticket, unless you can come up with a viable explanation.....?" Me: {crickets} Me: "Would you like a donut?"
    1 point
  29. We can add vaccinations to the hot list with guns and politics! Lol 😂
    1 point
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