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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2020 in all areas

  1. Fishing is not closed and everyone needs to make their own decisions! For me, I believe that there are much more pressing matters than whether I go fishing or not! And no one loves fishing more than I do. If you have access to water while being able to properly practice social distancing and non-essential travel then have at it! For me , my focus is more on staying healthy & well, making sure that my elderly neighbours, mother & mother in-law are looked after and figuring how we can all do our part to stem the tide of this horrible pandemic. I am working through my club and friends who have a supply chain to help to ensure that our front line workers are properly supplied with all the PPE that they need! BTW, on the positive side, I'm finally starting to get a handle on re-organizing my garage and gear, something that I haven't had time to do in years! Be prepared for an onslaught of gear for sale! LOL Please everyone stay home & stay safe, remember we're all in this together!
    6 points
  2. I got a nice surprise on my last outing to Simcoe. It was released to surprise some one else.
    5 points
  3. I bumped into a CO this afternoon, I bombarded her with questions for 2 minutes this is in Haliburton (cottage country), but what she said- check the municipal website to see if anything is closed, otherwise go nuts, fish away, trailer your boat, launch your boat, whatever, just no gatherings of more than 5 people
    3 points
  4. I’ll take responsibility for turning this to politics. I apologize, I obviously understand that it’s against forum rules. i let my frustration with a lot of what’s going on impede my judgement. Then someone specifically insulted me and I responded when I should have just let it go. Sorry guys!
    2 points
  5. Yes, just like cod cakes . I sated the onions for the recipe . 1 can of beef 9 should of went with 2, next time ) 4 medium Boiled taters, 2 sated onions, tlbs Mt.Scio savory, pepper to taste . I add no salt, as there is enough salt in the meat IMO. Mash . Form into patties . Dip in egg wash,lightly powder with flour . Fry with Olive oil/butter mix, that way you do not burn the pan or the patties .
    2 points
  6. Corn beef simply,but you can get from what I have heard, bull beef . It is the meat from the front of the bull . Usually the toughest meat that is minced . Hereford is my choice . There are many different brands out there if you shop around in different stores . The international section here has like 6 different brands from diffeent parts of the world . I will stick with what I know and like . You can slice this stuff cold,put on fresh bread and smoother in katsup. Oh so good.
    2 points
  7. And to the Trudeau bashers... Spending time with your immediate family that you live with is OK. That was his wife and 3 kids he was hanging out with!!!
    2 points
  8. Next political statement and this is locked. We are not going to play the US vs Canada crap here. I have no patients for it and it does nothing but divide our two Great Nations. Akrisoner You are warned this thread was just fine till you joined it. Art
    2 points
  9. My info says over 600 health care works and more then half in long term care and the health care world praised the 100 cars full of people who drove to the hospital in Barrie in a parade waving flags and signs and thanked them for their support barrie hospital has 2 covid patients and no staff has it Not sounding overwhelming if the powers that be considered that ok and the PMs family and the leader of the opposition can both go the their cottages for the long weekend I think I can go fishing
    2 points
  10. I agree Cliff, that was just plain bad.
    2 points
  11. What about our governments handling of it. Our PM goes on TV and tells us to STAY HOME FOR THE BENIFIT OF ALL! Then goes to his cottage to spend the weekend with his family. When asked about it on TV, his response was " Well I haven't seen them in three weeks and I wanted to!
    2 points
  12. Suppose I'd be defensive too if my government dropped the ball so badly they're not even sure what sport they're playing anymore. Too busy playing political games to take things seriously.
    2 points
  13. All roads lead to Corona. And that ain't a town in Mexico. At least I hope 1 good thing comes from this thing we are all dealing with. When this all started the 6 Nations Reservation announced they were blocking all incoming vehicles to the Rez and only residents were allowed to enter. That day I went to The New Credit Rez that abuts 6 nations and bought 3 cartons of cheap cancer sticks. I had to go to get meds due today so I decided to go to the Rez and load up on cheap smokes. The entrance to The 6 Nations Reserve are all blocked. The gas stations at a few spots on The New Credit are open but all have signs saying "No tobacco or lottery tickets." Most are closed completely. I just so happened to have a telephone appointment with my Diabetic practitioner this afternoon who is always suggesting I get into the smoke seccasion (sic) program. Today I said yes mame. I stopped at our village In and Out store on the way home. A single package of large king size was 18 bucks. I haven't bought a pack from a store off Rez for 10 years. 18 bucks, how can smokers afford that. And I know guys from the city that buy a pack a day. Wowza. I have to quit, it isn't in the budget, it's almost my weekly pension for Lord sakes. I don't smoke a pack a day but know some folks that do. 18X31. $550.00 a month or $6570.00 a year. I can mortgage a 2nd home or buy a very nice new boat or lease a $100,000.00 vehicle for 550 Samolians a month. How they can afford it is beyond me. Wowza ain't the word. Wish me luck. PS. I started smoking at the age of 40. The last cigarette before that we were around 7 and one of the guys stole a pack of their brothers who couldn't rat and the 3 of us smoked the entire pack in an old abandoned car up the street. I was sick for a week and never touched another until I turned 40. The "Why in Hell could you be so stupid?" could fill a few books, a Broadway play and a feature length movie plus sequels and an HBO mini series.
    2 points
  14. 'till they open hunting season..
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. I might be 74 but it wouldn't be her hands I'd be trying to hold 😉
    2 points
  17. Dang, I just created my own cn. tower
    2 points
  18. Well I have been very fortunate to have had (and still do have) many wonderful fishing partners but the best one was my brother in law Herb. Herb was a lousy fisherman, not very good on the net, but he let me sleep with his sister 😁
    2 points
  19. https://www.ofah.org/covid19closures/
    1 point
  20. Thanks Art. I appreciate you reaching out. As I'm against political posts I shouldn't have contributed to it. My Bad. Everybody, stay healthy, wash your hands and Stay the Blazes home!
    1 point
  21. No harm no foul thanks for the note it means a lot to me. I try hard to be impartial here and apply the rules fairly to all Nationalities. The mission of this Forum has always been to allow kids to elderly people to come here and not be afraid of what they get to read. We also have not ever had a political or religious thread end in a good way hence the rules we follow. I want to give you all some insight on this Forum. The mission of this Forum has not changed since day one which is to support T.J. (our fearless leader and my good friend)at https://duenorthmarketing.com/ which is how he makes a living. While he started this site many years ago I have been here since the beginning and when the site needed someone to step up and keep it from going under I took on the site and became a co owner here. We both dug into our pockets and we did some major updates to the site and the security on it. Another gentlemen entered the picture called Blueyes or Chad who is our IT guru and to date has spend a wack load of hours fixing and addressing our problems and to date has also not taken a dime for compensation. So please go easy on me I am here to keep the vision of the site in focus and make it a place where people from all Nations can see how great Canada is and spend money at the places that support the fishing destinations we dream about. Thanks for letting me speak Be safe and be well Art
    1 point
  22. Someone that doesn't mind Musky fishing in December !
    1 point
  23. Oh look, A small one,,,,LOL Nice going jimmer .
    1 point
  24. The article makes fishing look like a highly sociable activity, which I guess it could be, although doesn’t have to be. Never got into trout fishing so I don’t really know. I do know though that I could pick a spot on the Otonabee and fish for carp all April long and not even see another angler.
    1 point
  25. Personally, i am going to say yes to fishing. I wont be breaking any laws by going, i will be going places where the launches are still open and the chances of seeing more than a handful of people are slim. If they close the seasons, or mandate i must stay home, thats a different story. But if have to go to work, as i am still deemed "essential", then i am going fishing.
    1 point
  26. Yep, 20th century American and Canadian business goal, production, production and above all more production, no matter the cost. It took us a while to catch up to Japanese business philosophies and for all our post WW2 era managers to retire that were all production driven. Managers bonuses were based on output only so therein lay the problem. Also their salaries were based on the numbers of employees they were responsible for so we had thousands of workers told by their front line supervisors to hide for the duration of their shifts. That's what I found when I joined the workforce in 73' at 19 years old. Rather than to make 100 widgets then scrap 20 make 80 quality widgets and only if they are pre sold. At our plant mid to late 90's we had a few hundred acres of finished coils sitting there rusting. Then slit them all and charge them back into The Steelmaking vessels as scrap. No wonder companies Too Big to Fail filed for bankruptcy protection. So what I am trying to say Paul it doesn't matter any more how many cars are pushed out of the lines everyday, it's about the quality of cars made and hopefully with buyers waiting for them. The old economic formula in business was COST PLUS PROFIT=PRICE. Today it's PRICE MINUS COST= PROFIT OR LOSS.
    1 point
  27. Just saw south frontenac Ontario opens some boat launches now
    1 point
  28. Nurses and psw have been treated like crap for years so I hope this gives them a leg up when they go for their next contract and now they are only allowed to work at one location, I hope they don’t agree to work more hours unless they get a full 8 hour contract they love having 6 part time workers on duty rather then 3 full time workers. So they don’t have to pay them full wages and no sick leave or benefits and no vacation and the worst hours
    1 point
  29. im going to try and attend, ive got some questions about walleye slot sizes!
    1 point
  30. where can i sign up for notifications?! lol Maybe you have some sneaky Skeeter gear??? Stuff thats basically impossible to get in canada!
    1 point
  31. Yeah but most accidents happen at home and most car accidents happen within 5 miles of home. so staying at home statistically will put as big a strain on the health care system as going to the cottage or whatever and they have said the hospitals are only at around 65% most times they are close to100% same with fire departments Facts don’t agree with the propaganda out there
    1 point
  32. At this point I see nothing to gain by assigning blame or second guessing the gov't decisions. Let's focus on what we can all do to get thru this. Likewise,partisan politics is, IMO, counterproductive. For the most part all parties are working together on this and setting a good example.Let's follow their example( Doug Ford would never gotten my vote but right now I think he is doing quite a good job under very trying circumstances. )
    1 point
  33. Do you guys want to get this thread locked? Get off the government crap; we all know what they're like.
    1 point
  34. I'm 84 Cliff and I agree with you...LOL
    1 point
  35. Like we aren't baffled by trying to keep track of domestic idiots? LOL
    1 point
  36. Now it's 24 hour per day 7 days a week giving us the same information over and over again. The reports of the 25 that lost their lives in southern hurricanes on the weekend took up a few minutes only on CNN. Alabama I think. I hope Chrismon Tide is OK.I guess hurricanes don't rate compared to this thing. I see on my Bell Satellite TV system there are new channels dedicated to this thing we are dealing with. The stats for those infected and those that have died world wide and in the US and Canada depending on the home base of the channel are like a score board for a sports game. It really reminds me when I was a kid and the evening news networks posted the numbers of North Vietnamese that were killed in the last 24 hours and how many American soldiers lost their lives. We know now the numbers were all wrong, we didn't back in 1969. Occasionally they post the number that have gotten through the virus and lived. That's the important number to me anyway.
    1 point
  37. Very cool! We get people coming in all the time with their kayaks strapped to their car roof ready to go fishing!
    1 point
  38. We always have customers coming in with kayak attached to the roof ready to go fishing!
    1 point
  39. None taken man, I don’t write the rules lol. And trust me I consider myself extremely extremely lucky. A fluke really, and I wouldn’t be shocked if they change the rules even more after trout opener when the gongshows on every tributary in Ontario fire up. Those morons will probably get all fishing cancelled even for those of us who are doing the right things.
    1 point
  40. I will bring her groceries if I can put my boat in lol
    1 point
  41. No stops for coffees, gas or food either. Straight shot from home to the lake and back. my grocery bill though 😵
    1 point
  42. Not curious at all. What happens in the US has far more effect on us in Canada than what happens in Canada effects those in the US. Also our basic tv packages include many US channels. I doubt that US basic tv packages include many Canadian channels. And the biggest majority of our population lives relatively close to the US-Canada border. The same can't be said for the US population.
    1 point
  43. how you going to get there with no non-essential driving ? The same way Trudeau did on the Easter weekend
    1 point
  44. They look great I bet when they are hitting top water they would be killer
    1 point
  45. Fish are always hitting these little buggers on Simcoe . Midge
    1 point
  46. Well, my gas milage was good but now I am getting about 4 weeks to the gallon. I have a feeling it's going to take a lot of years to get back to what we considered normal. (If we ever do) All these billions of dollars being poured into aid packages are going to have to be recovered somehow, can you say higher taxes? Higher taxes = less money in our pockets, we still have to have food and shelter so things like new cars are going to be the last thing people will be spending money on. I am sorry to say but I don't think the effects of this pandemic are going to last months or even years, I think it's going to change our entire way of life.
    1 point
  47. good post, important topic the older I get, the more cautious I get and the more I think about this stuff because of all the stuff and close calls that have happened while in a remote setting I think the most important thing is a way to communicate to get help if you need it here's our ride out from a remote canoe trip that went wrong because we had a Spot Sat Messenger I know a guy who had no communication on a fly in trip, his father in law died of a heart attack on the 2nd day and the weather was 30 C plus everyday for the rest of the week I buried a big siwash into the back of my brother's head a few years ago on a fly in, thank God it wasn't his eye crap happens, a way to communicate and get help is important
    1 point
  48. Too late for that. I stared on a few Bollywood blockbusters way back when I was young,fit and handsome. For the handsome part you would have to ask my lady, she thought so 27 years ago, so she says. For the young and fit part I came in 2nd in The Mr. Beansville Body Building competition. I was the only one entered.
    1 point
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