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  1. Not hard to keep your distance at the ramp but common sense isn't so common unfortunately.
    4 points
  2. Hi all, The world has turned upside down and it feels like the sky is actually falling on our heads, but amidst the mayhem there is some normality to be had. I hope everyone is staying healthy and happy as possible. Personal distancing NW Ontario style below.
    3 points
  3. The problem is that YOU might follow the rules but too many others won't. Where are you going to get gas, where are you going to get bait, tackle..... where are the others going to get their supplies? Do you WANT to go fishing or do you NEED to go fishing?
    3 points
  4. A full week of sunshine and it may be dry enough for me to "launch" right from the yard to go fishing.... BUT I won't, because if I screw up I'll be a burden on the health care system !
    3 points
  5. some common sense on the subject, unfortunately that commodity is in short supply these days
    3 points
  6. Safe sex, safe fishing go hand in hand, wait, that didn't sound right.
    2 points
  7. I don’t get some people what do you do while fishing, hug everyone within 40 ft of you I have been fishing 4 time lately and I have not stopped for gas coffee food or sex And I have not been closer then 30 ft of anyone except driving down the road passing other cars, there was a guy at the ramp I waited on my truck till he left. As I ran down the river I saw a guy get out of his truck, he was waiting for me to leave .it is a very safe activity. If walking your dog or going to the liquor store becomes illegal then boating should be too but when you can do things that people are standing 6 feet apart I will fish
    2 points
  8. This is a ridiculously selfish request...and listing the health benefits of boating is even more asinine when you compare them against the risk of contracting or spreading the virus . It's a pandemic; stay in. Let's make the HUGE sacrifice of not hobby fishing in order to possibly save people's lives.
    2 points
  9. Nice, joined the forum today and here we are
    2 points
  10. with people losing their jobs left, right and centre, someone wanting to launch their boat is so low on the list of priorities imo. sorry, but I think this petition is tone deaf.
    2 points
  11. Damm, did you invent the anti gravity machine, lol.
    2 points
  12. 426 new cases in Ontario, the largest single day jump so far, they didn't happen because people are self isolating.
    2 points
  13. If your not part of the solution your part of the problem.
    2 points
  14. Kawartha Lakes: https://www.kawarthalakes.ca/en/news/covid-19-update-28-april-1-2020-a-message-from-the-mayor.aspx
    2 points
  15. Yup, just planning ahead . And you and I know social distancing wont be a problem as I am there 3 hours before you . LMAO Cheers pal and no, I have not been told today, as I am all alone .🤣
    2 points
  16. I'm kinda on the fence with the boat launches and fishing thing, I understand how they want to limit contact. But I just read a good comment on the fishing petition, one lady said that her husband fishes a lot during the year and they depend on the food that he brings home. There are a few good points in that petition also.
    2 points
  17. But me going down the road and putting my boat into the water and fishing by myself is a lot safer then going to the liquor store. Both being an addiction
    2 points
  18. NOT A CHANCE! This defeats the STAY AT HOME so this virus doesn't spread. There will be lots of time for fishing once this is over (for those that survive it)
    2 points
  19. bears in parks have now been deemed essential workers
    2 points
  20. Didn't know being from Toronto was a race , but cityfolk tend to be somewhat out of their element in the bush to put it more tactfully.
    2 points
  21. I just dug a 25 by 20 foot hole 12 inches deep for a garage pad by hand, maybe I'll fill it with water and get some panfish LOL
    2 points
  22. What I don't get is why so many people seem to want to test the limits. This virus doesn't spread all by itself, it only spreads when people move!
    2 points
  23. Lol. Thanks terry, i am pretty bad with it too i guess. I just found the irony unbelievable. I still would have done the same thing, no matter what race they were. They decided to drive that far from where they should be isolating themselves, putting people in danger.....again, regardless of their race. There is nothing in the park that is essential business.
    2 points
  24. If this needs to be taken down; so be it and I apologize for posting it. Dan
    2 points
  25. I tried to figure out why people would think it’s racist im not good at this stuff but I think the fact that you made a point of stating their race when there was no reason to state their race ,makes it racist I could be wrong. I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m in error
    2 points
  26. Is launching a boat solo, fishing solo and returning home considered travelling? Or is this good social distancing?
    2 points
  27. That sign's a bit further up the laneway.. "If you can read this you're in range" ! You can't post will be shot... it's threatening and negates your self defence case.
    2 points
  28. Day one of the lay off, rain all day yesterday, so knew that put the kibosh on the river outing for the morning . Up at 4 am anyways so, fire up the smoker , salmon in at 4:30 . Completed . Some nice snacking for the week right there . Already had supper decided on, so whipped that up . In the fridge til time for the oven . Completed Always red peppers, never green .Green is to bitter . Have a few cups of java while listening to the depressing news while scrolling through the WWW . Turn the boob tube, put on some long documentary to listen too off you tube .Pull out the fly vise and get busy . I always wondered how guys displayed their flys at the end of their ties . Now I know. They use their hackle pier .Makes a great stand . Completed. Eyes can only work on them for so long . My best tie so far IMO ( All that really matters . LOL) . I really like this one . Trial run on multi biots . The Misfish stoner stone fly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, One day at a time,,,,,,,,,, Guess I,ll play some online poker and see how the rest of my world player friends are doing in their countries . . . . . .. .. Be well and safe ya,ll
    1 point
  29. Yup, it's a sad, SAD day that more and more boat ramps are getting closed in the past 24 hours. Most are run by the Cities so it's a 'park' and it's now closed off too. This season is really going to suck.
    1 point
  30. Lets keep this polite please. We all have opinions on what to do so feel free to share them without name calling or insulting each other. Thanks Art
    1 point
  31. In Napanee, the Nephew already has the water in and the docks. Next week he should have the lifts in and we can launch the boats from the cottage. Should be pretty easy to maintain distance on the water.
    1 point
  32. Hey now, 1st off it,s tight locked up still, and 2nd, well, it,s tight locked up still. You can how ever, back the boat in at the Tiffen launch and warm the motor up .
    1 point
  33. Probably partly to do with everyone who ignored recommendations and travelled for March / Spring break. Or the herds of people waiting outside of Costco two hours before they open. Wonder how many of those cases were caused by someone sitting on their own in the middle of the lake fishing... I'm just saying there are ways it can be managed. It is possible (and not very difficult) to get bait, get to the ramp, and go fishing without coming into contact with people. I think fishing is the least of our concerns when it comes to spreading this virus - and I feel that it is counterproductive to prohibit it.
    1 point
  34. so inherently what you are implying is that theres lots of "essential businesses that shouldnt be open" but the guy that has to hang out and monitor the boat ramp to save the idiots from themselves and from everyone else, while also sanitizing the boat ramp machine is essential? If you need to get the boat out...there are many ways to do so without using a public launch. The great lakes are very very large and have plenty of shoreline that one could manage to launch a boat in if he absolutely had to. But telling everyone that the launch in barrie is open guarantees a total crap show.
    1 point
  35. Hi Cliff, I do agree that a many people won't follow the rules and fines have been set in place for this. It just needs to be enforced. As for getting gas, bait, tackle, etc. there are ways to do so with limited to no contact. For example, a local boat ramp in my town is partly attended, they have a mini bar fridge full of bait at the ramp with a lockbox next to it and a camera aimed at it. You drop your cash in the box, take your bait, and you're on your way. For the boat ramp they have a machine similar to a parking machine. You pay using the machine and it spits out a ticket which you place on your windshield - and there is always someone floating around monitoring the ramp who could sanitize the machine after each customer. As for gas, I would just pull up to the pump as I always do and gas up, then sanitize/wash my hands before I touch anything in my truck. At some point over the next couple of months you're going to need to leave the house to do some kind of enjoyable activity. Not to redirect your point, but I think the more critical focus should be on the list of "essential businesses", not people heading out to fish.
    1 point
  36. already been said multiple times...Im certain that I could go to the ramp launch my boat and maintain distance, but judging by my experience at the grocery store this week, 1 out of probably every 10 people is completely hopeless. Go and look at the ground at your local grocery store parking lot. The amount of used gloves laying around on the ground for the cart kids to pick up and expose themself too is exactly why they need to close public ramps. Hence, one bad apple or in this case many bad apples amognst the bunch spoils the bunch!
    1 point
  37. You're definitely entitled to your opinion - but I don't see how jumping in your own boat, alone or with a family member from the same household, and going out on the water to fish is spreading the virus. I don't see how prohibiting this is, in any way, beneficial. Creating new (temporary) rules and regulations prohibiting multiple people, or people outside of your family from fishing together is more reasonable and understandable. I actually see this is counterproductive as the alternative is to stay in your house and do nothing at all? How is this beneficial to our health?
    1 point
  38. Looks like all the megabass stuff is "in store only" which makes no senses the stores are closed lol.
    1 point
  39. Very September. And February
    1 point
  40. One of our area grocery chains has started posting a list of stores that employees have tested positive, they also have gas stations, so you just never know where the person in front of you has been or had contact with. We can't seem to keep our own medical professionals safe, and people are still taking chances?
    1 point
  41. if you go fishing with anyone it better be someone you live with. I also agree, if we want to go fishing alone or with a family I should be able to, but do not start hanging out with friends on your boat. Thats teh exact kind of behaviour that is going to ensure that we all dont get to get back to normal any time soon. I have a buddy that had "1 friend over" last week...his mom works in a nursing home and his buddy is a moron who doesnt think this whole thing is real. When you hear it like that you realize how friggin insane the "oh its just 1 person" logic is. That 1 poker game could end up killing 9 people like it did in Bobcaygeon.
    1 point
  42. Remember guys canning fish in the parkinglot/camping area at Denny's Dam on tailgates with pressure cookers and Coleman Stoves in the eighties, how would a CO. count fish when its in little 1/2 pint jars 🤣
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. I saw Ford on the news last night and he was understandably mad. He said they keep doing things to keep people safe and so many just ignore everything. They even taped off the playgrounds to keep the kids away from each other and some morons go behind and rip the tape down and cut off the padlocks....and I doubt if the kids have bolt cutters. He's said before that he'll keep doing whatever it takes and this was just inevitable.
    1 point
  45. Man that’s a nice boat. guys buying boats worth more than my truck. How people afford 70,000k payments? That’s CEO money.
    1 point
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