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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2019 in all areas

  1. The entire population of Canada could suddenly disappear, all the plants and pollution would stop. And it would not make a lick of difference on a global scale. The CO2 that Canadians produce are sucked up by all of the trees in our country. In fact we have enough trees to counter 10 times the amount of CO2 we put into the atmosphere. Until countries like China, the US, India clean up their act it will not get any better. California has more people than the whole of Canada for crying out loud. It is also not up to us to pay for other countries sins.
    3 points
  2. It's a tough one, but nice to see people passionate about something. I think the world is upside down right now. Let's feed and house our homeless first here in Canada.
    3 points
  3. Our Gorgeous Daughter making my freshly restored '69 Bee look good !
    2 points
  4. You think that Ford will make it down there? You need a RAM! Congrats to your daughter. Looks great!
    2 points
  5. To follow up I think its more important " what song are you listening too"
    2 points
  6. That is one sweet looking ride! Always nice to hear of someone keeping their car from their youth.
    2 points
  7. I think it's great to see so many thousands of young folks taking such an interest in this.
    2 points
  8. hey, hey hey,..dont put words in my mouth lol most of the people i know call me an early riser because i am up between 430 and 6 every morning
    2 points
  9. LOL Terry.. I know you are talking about the car, because you fish out of my camp!!
    2 points
  10. I assume you're talking about the car! The motor it was born with on the assembly line. This has been my car since I was 17 (1979) and my Father's before that! 4.5 years and 3000 hours of work in the restoration. EVERY bolt came out of the car.
    2 points
  11. I decided to answer this in the forum just incase anyone else thinks that I enjoy ending threads for as you say "power." I am a 57 year old owner of this board, member number 77 from when it started. I helped write the rules which many have either forgotten or never read. In real life I own and run a plumbing company, manage a farm and have a family life. This does not allow me a lot of time to babysit threads that are breaking the rules or people who choose to break the rules. When a thread goes wrong I try to correct it by editing or warning and if not it gets locked down. I am sure in some eyes that I lock them down to quickly but since you are my guest in this internet home it is my privilege to censor as I deem necessary. Ending a thread so far early has caused no one any pain except myself when I get P.M. ed on and asked why I locked a thread when the reason is obvious it was offending people or was causing people to argue and turn on each other. For those counting I have locked 13 threads this year to date 7 of them are requests by the original posters. Hope this helps answer the question. Art
    2 points
  12. Not sure what to think of all this. Most experts agree that human activity is a major driver of climate change. Some say it’s mainly a natural cycle. What to do? Should our society make radical changes in how we do things? Canada contributes 3% of the world’s greenhouse gasses. If we did would it improve things? My concern is for future generations. I’ll be long dead when it hits the fan- if it does. I fear my grandkids will say of us baby boomers: “You polluted the earth, you did nothing to slow climate change and you left us with huge government debts that weren’t there when governments ran balanced budgets.” I’d be upset too. Just sayin.
    1 point
  13. Now that's funny right there. I don't care if your a Ford owner or not. LMAO High 5 bro
    1 point
  14. Reef Runner is correct, the two non-bass are pikeminnows. They're pretty common in parts of the west ... run 2 to 3 pounds on average, I think the provincial record is over 10 pounds though so they can get big. They occupy the same kinds of places that smallmouth do and seem to like jigs and spinners. Fight okay, no jumps but they're fairly strong, sort of like a small lake trout. Never eaten one but I'm told they're not that good.
    1 point
  15. Probably OI, I'm too old to look after children! LOL.. ... I got married in '82 with $13.84 cents in the bank and Leah had a grand.. so I married for money! Only to find out her Mother had froze her bank account!
    1 point
  16. Not disputing the fact that it is getting warmer, just the fact that man probably has very little effect on what has been going on for millenniums and we are nearly powerless to stop it, but yes we need to stop being slobs. Actually the garbage throwing is worse today than back in the seventies and before. Maybe we should go back to all returnable bottles and ban fast food.............edit at least take out
    1 point
  17. I tend to agree with George. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=george+carlin+on+climate+change&view=detail&mid=F64D91E241183B86F626F64D91E241183B86F626&FORM=VIRE
    1 point
  18. ....You do realize that acid rain was stopped by placing environmental controls on emissions? the ozone hole was also fixed by The Montreal Protocol when countries agreed to ban the use of ozone depleting refrigerants. Climate change is proven by science, trust me, there is far more money to be saved/made by doing nothing and allowing fossil fuels to continue to be burned unchecked and for the population to keep expanding so that more and more people can buy products from corporations in a cycle of never ending growth. Your "facts" about the fact that dinosaurs lived on a much hotter planet actually directly correlates to the climate science that you are attempting to debunk that is causing global warming. During the dinosaur times there was extremely high levels of volcanic activity which caused an over running emissions of Co2 which caused a greenhouse effect heating the planet. Furthermore, the reason it was so hot in Drumheller during the time of the dinosaurs? Pangaea hadnt fully split up yet meaning alberta was a lot closer to the equator. Im not looking to get this thread locked, or start any arguments, I myself personally dont believe there is anything that we can do except reduce our population if we want to stop global warming. But I cant sit idle and allow people to say a bunch of blanket scientifically false statements. The planet is heating up, its our fault, its not a "theory" its scientific fact backed by 99% of scientists. Even big oil companies have now admitted that it is happening. What to actually do about it is what is open for debate. As outdoorsmen, i think its somewhat of a shame for us to not actively give a damn about the environement. Forget global warming, Im talking about all things to protect mother nature, pollution reduction, re-using and recycling. All of these things are important if we want to have a healthy planet for our kids, grandkids, and their families to live on. Im glad to see we are making very significant progress, recycling is second nature to most people these days, programs to recycle the oil, tires and other automotive fluids are the rule not the exception now. Our cars and boats are progressively becoming more fuel efficient and emitting less. Most non idiots know that we shouldnt throw garbage in the forest/lake/ditch or burn it as was standard practice back in the 70's. At least people are clued into the fact that the planet is a finite resource, we can all do our part to try and keep her clean and healthy.
    1 point
  19. Thanks Gino, and like I mentioned, the taste is very pleasant. Refreshing. Just brushed a coating on this new batch. My friend will get some as a thank you. I just took a small swig, and ya, it,s so nice yet, powerful.
    1 point
  20. Exactly, just a few months shy of 70, the 60's and 70's we were concerned about global cooling and the effects on agriculture, then acid rain in the 80's, then fluorocarbons were eating a hole in the ozone layer in the 90's, then after 2000 it was global warming, now they call it a climate change crisis. I can see both glacial deposits and fossils of a much warmer era within a mile of walking out my back door. I've read that over 90% of the species to ever roam the earth are now extinct, we didn't do it to but just a few perhaps. Fool me once, shame on you , fool me twice, shame on me. Remember " the climate will balance itself "
    1 point
  21. Wayne is it too late to adopt me? You get down there safely and enjoy yourselves.
    1 point
  22. Paid propaganda by many, don't forget we had a "tropical" climate with Dinosaurs and such and then an ice age. That cycle will continue as the earth, moon and sun get a bit drunk and dance out of unison, just like the "stop the drop" nonsense for Georgian Bay. Water is now over Leah's father's beach retaining wall.
    1 point
  23. Lots of talk about how to fix climate change but no talk about the planet being overpopulated. climate change is a real human driven problem. In order to fix the problem we cannot continue to grow our population exponentially. Any measures taken are pointless if we continue to grow so fast. We have not surprisingly infested and destroyed our own planet. The only way to fix it now is to talk about neutralizing our growth.
    1 point
  24. Think thats when I bought mine. Oh stupid and young I was to get rid of it.
    1 point
  25. LOL.. I can do the tires.. when I picked it up from Mom's in '86
    1 point
  26. River whitefish or iconnu like ehg mentioned would be my best guess. Or just giant shiners, lol.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Where dis weather tis morning came from is sumtin I tell yous. My drive up in the petro sipping ram was sumtin else, let me tell ya da story. A flash from the left that looked like a transformer blew up caught me attention first. Then seconds later,this thunderous boom that could be heard with me windows closed. Da lord must of been eat,n dem beans again. Seconds ladder water fell like I have never seen before,he must of had a full bladder cuz this lasted about 5 minutes. Had to pull on the reins and wooo the ram down and sit on the side of the hwy for a bit. I dont know whum was more shocked,me or da ram. I peeps over at my two rod buddies and say, what ya tink byes ? No answer, but I knew they would want to carry on. I guess he was finished with his wizz,so off we headed yonder to our destination with only a few light tinkels and a few left over left cheek sqeeker flashes. The sky seemed to be clear to da north,but we could see it was coming after us once again. Get into tossing the baits for about 5 minutes and bye,if he didnt have to go again. Not even my seal skin coat could handle this pour down. I get in the ram and wait it out. Udders are packing up and heading for higher grounds. Ah aint that a shame I say. Got da whole water to me self. SHAME. Oh the evilness in me.LOL The storm passes,but it has done it,s damage. Water has colored up faster then a black coffee that's had 1 cup of cream added to it, so floating was out of the question. Decide to hook up the missmonster. Oh she be the devil disguise. She looks so beautiful in her fire tiger tighty ,but she knows how to get dem fish to bite. With a swing and landing right in the sweet spot,I call her back. It didn't take her long to have her first victim. This fresh chrome of a lady fell into a trance and latched on. Nothing like the battle of a feisty lady. Up she went,around the sunken log and back around again. She knew she had to make it to safety,so she tried to head back to da bay. I heevhooed her, muttered a few sweet nutt,ns, and got her turned. As she came to the surface,our eyes met, we had a moment. My good looks she could not resist, and swam to me to the safety of my landing net. A whisper from the she devil fire tiger, we tricked another one, didn't we my dear fisherbye. THE END
    1 point
  29. But if that smaller boat is a 36' express it has many tons of inertia @ 17kph. Remember Force=Mass x Acceleration. Newton's second law of physics. A little different if it's an 18 footer.
    1 point
  30. Nice clean restore. Beauty's all of them. My uncle has a 69 road runner sitting in his garage that was also his first car. Supposed to be his retirement project and now that he's retired he says he can't find the time the honey-do list gets longer and longer lol. Great job!
    1 point
  31. My snowbird folks have a similar set-up, dock on an intercostal canal around Tampa. That lady fish is a good catch! Catfish are plentiful in the canals they'll pretty much eat anything. You can also get into some jacks which have great pull for their size. I target jacks with either a plain white zara spook or a plain silver spoon with a single siwash hook. I find the fishing there is most dependent on the tides, with high tide being the best and an hour on each side. If you find some areas where there is a good current during the high tide you can get into a mess of red fish and sea trout using shrimp under a popping cork bobber. I've also caught flounder using a simple bottom rig: small hook, 3-4 foot of leader, swivel and egg sinker. I usually go around Christmas so the grouper are out of season and moved out farther into the gulf. If you can get in a boat pretty much most structure you'll find holds grouper, sea bass and porgies. We'll set up up wind from the structure, anchor down, chum bag off the back and just cast shrimp or ballyhoo into the chum stream. We get a mixed bag of cobia, mangrove snapper, spanish mackerals, remoras, puffer fish and shark.
    1 point
  32. Called the poor mans tarpon for a reason they're a riot.
    1 point
  33. only thing i can add is if you get to the coast fish the troughs even the one right close to shore its amazing how many fish cruise past the people standing on the 1st sand bar! My go to bait now are fish bite strips have brought them back and have used the on walleye and salmon
    1 point
  34. I was in Largo for around 5 weeks in 2009, although I didn't fish, some those seafood places along the waterway way have patios to eat on and the customers spend a lot of time throwing scraps of food to those fish, anything you can eat might work as bait.
    1 point
  35. Those ladyfish are aerial acrobats for sure. Never seen anything jump like them.
    1 point
  36. Seems to me I read somewhere that the folks that were killed were on a pontoon boat and if so, I guess it would be somewhat easy for the other boat to possibly ride up over it and hit the people ??
    1 point
  37. Wow Wayne, you do such quality work! Very Nice restoration Bud ☝️
    1 point
  38. Well done Wayne on the car, one thing about you and your projects nothing is never half arse. Congrats to the family on the wedding.
    1 point
  39. There's truth to what you say as I actually posted here about the guys dying on Stoney Lake and it received very few replies. Guess it just takes a celebrity to be be involved to bring out all the OFC forensic experts.
    1 point
  40. That's incredible Wayne. The girl in the denim jacket in the first pic looks like she just had her mind blown.
    1 point
  41. My son had his JK Terry Fox run today. On our drive home from school he was talking about this guy with a wooden leg, he seemed to be obsessed with the topic and that somebody had a wooden leg after seeing the videos in class. I tried to make sense of it all to him, we went online for pics and videos, I talked about how lucky we are to be healthy, how Terry was a great Canadian and wanted to help others, I tried to show him where Thunder Bay was in relation to St Johns and Vancouver, I tried, I don't think he got anything other than this Terry Fox guy is (he can't grasp he's dead) is something special. crap, cheesy video but there's not much choice of videos, the moral is Terry was a great Canadian, and he was just a kid too
    1 point
  42. Beauties the both of 'em! Should be proud of the work you put into raising one and restoring the other.
    1 point
  43. Does she get the car in the will? Or should I say does the new guy get it too? I'm so happy you can have some happy days in your life Irish. You guys deserve it.
    1 point
  44. I run my finder the same way on the toon. Direct to the battery.
    1 point
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