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My bunnies, found them April 10 2021


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So I have been doing a pool fill in and yard make over at home and we took out a garden on the 10th and I found a big ball of fur in the dirt close to the garage.  I scopped it up and well there was a babby in it.  So I kept looking and found 3 more (4 total).  Got the Mrs to find a box to put them in and line it and place them back in the same spot.  

Well, momma came back over and over each morning around 7:30 am to check on them.  The nest got modified slowly as temps changed and that ment we moved them from time to time but momma didn't care and then came back and made sure they were okay.

Yesterday we noticed we only had 3 bunnies left in the box when we went to make sure they were covered.  We had to cover them as we have two boxers and wanted them to be safe where momma left them.  This evening babby 4 came back to tell or show it's sibblings it was good and where to find it.  

So the Mrs and I are heading back in to leave them be and sure enough the other 3 were starting to make the way out of the nest we built.  So we turned around to say our goodbye to them and take them to the wood pile the sibbling went to and was waiting for them.  I'm sure we will see them again soon but the Mrs is really sad as they let us hold them and check in on them daily till 7:30pm tonight.  










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15 minutes ago, LostAnotherOne said:

Thanks for sharing.  Love these posts.  Just hope this thread doesn't turn into something that involves Covid haha.

LoL, I hope not too and no problem sharing.  Last pictures of them today attached.  




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Was just out for a smoke and momma was never seen at night before but she was checking the old nest and I did my best to show her where they moved to and placed a bit of the bedding in the area too so I really hope she get's the scent and checks it out.  

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That’s neat. We had a young rabbit building a den in the garden next to our patio. She must have chosen a different spot though because she never used it. We were hoping to observe her litter grow like you were lucky to. I didn’t realize that the often nest right under our noses. 

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Momma was back again today in the far yard (we have 2 because of the dogs) and let me get real close and one of the babbies came out of hiding when it heard us starting to do some yard clean up and let the Mrs pick it up.  Gonna miss them when they actucally take off and not hide in my wood pile.  

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I had one here that I fed all winter, only saw it a few times but I filled the bowl every evening and it was empty in the morning, saddly a fox or owl got it just before the last of the snow went. Glad to see yours had such a good outcome 😊

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Very surprised that the mother came back to tend to them; after your scent was on the baddies. My dad raised domestic rabbits; on average he would have 300 + at a time. If we went into a nest to early. Most times the mother would abandon them and these rabbits knew our sent? Maybe wild rabbits are not the same?


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6 hours ago, DanD said:

Very surprised that the mother came back to tend to them; after your scent was on the baddies. My dad raised domestic rabbits; on average he would have 300 + at a time. If we went into a nest to early. Most times the mother would abandon them and these rabbits knew our sent? Maybe wild rabbits are not the same?


Trust me Dan we didn't want to handle them but we just wanted to keep them warm and safe.  Momma has been by to eat the carrot we left out but we haven't seen the babbies for about 24 hours now YET momma is still around.  So to me, they are safe (I hope) and doing well.  

Momma I think took this all in stride as we didn't mean to destroy her garden nest but made them a box nest in it's place.  Maybe that's why she didn't disown them all togehter?  

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It's pretty rare fro me to take a gander out the window and NOT see a rabbit in my backyard. Every year, they have a bunch of babies and every year, I find most of them have been pulled into the skimmer for the pool. It happens usually after a night rain. They can't smell the pool in the rain and inevitably, the fall in the pool. Yah, I feel pretty bad about it, but in reality, there is little to nothing I can do to avoid it.


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