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Covid vacine, will you,wont you ?


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1 hour ago, cisco said:

Edited 39 minutes ago by cisco

Good decision on the edit; stirring a pot of crap doesn't make the stink go away. I have no idea of what you deleted; but reading your other posts over the years, I feel you knew to leave it alone; you seem to know what's fighting for.  

There's so much crap going on with everyone's opinion on who to believe, on what is the right tack to take on this. This will be my last post on this thread. Other then this!

damn COVID! We here (web family) and our families at home will take this to the ends of the fight. Like Churchill's speech in June of 1940 said  "We will never surrender"

I'm going to try and keep as healthy as I can, as long as I can. There's way to many of you guys I want to meet in person. No Hugs social distancing you know. LOL



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No problem Dan. My goal was to inform members in hopes that one or more might use their keyboard talents to connect with relevant gov't agencies/personnel or at least pass the vid along to those who could so that proper review of Ivermectin would be requested. Got that done. 

I did get some laughs from some of the responses.   


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11 hours ago, grimsbylander said:

I think for everyone’s safety people need to make one of two choices:

1) Get the vaccine 

2) Wear a tin foil so we at least know who to stay away from. 



It comes with mounting brackets for chin straps!

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Yeah the experts would not lie to us. 
remember the experts telling us not to wear masks cause it will not help

later everyone one should wear a mask , strait out lies of convenience 


yeah trust the experts 


and if you followed The WHO you must have seen the misinformation from them


 but ever worst would be if anyone really made a decision based on what is said on the internet and discussion boards

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1 minute ago, Terry said:

Yeah the experts would not lie to us. 
remember the experts telling us not to wear masks cause it will not help

later everyone one should wear a mask , strait out lies of convenience 


crime of neccessity...people are so scabby that the experts knew that if they told people to wear masks, there would have been a shortage of PPE available for medical professionals treating people with covid. You cant trust the idiots in society to not hoard toilet paper, imagine they let the public have a free for all on PPE.

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The covid vaccines is an mRNA vaccine. It's not a traditional vaccine but something new that their have branded as a vaccine. If anyone has done any more research on mRNA they will know that mRNA doesn't prevent you from actually getting or transmitting a virus. It simply suppresses the symptoms of it. Dr. Faudi in the US expects herd immunization will occur sometime in 2021. This is again because these "vaccines" do no prevent you from gettin it.

I am not an anti vaxxer by any stretch but what I do know, having worked for several large pharma companies is this. 1. mRNA is a new technology and just because it's called a vaccine doesn't mean it is the same as traditional vaccines. 2. The average time to market for any new drug is 8 years. Phase 3 clinical trials (where people actually get tested) is a 3-5 year process. These covid vaccines has gone from inception to injection in 8 months. 3. None of the vaccine manufacturer's will publish whether or not there may be a danger to any demographoc nor will they publish whether they think there will be any type of long term effects.

Medical professionals are gambling on these so called vaccines because they have to 1. justify their jobs and 2. provide positive reinforcement for the social benefits of everyone.

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9 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:

crime of neccessity...people are so scabby that the experts knew that if they told people to wear masks, there would have been a shortage of PPE available for medical professionals treating people with covid. You cant trust the idiots in society to not hoard toilet paper, imagine they let the public have a free for all on PPE.

Yup 100% true and I knew that at the time. But I was upset that the health officials told the lies

politicians should have told the lies

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Just now, Terry said:

politicians should have told the lies

and look bad risking their possibility of re-election? Ha! Theres always a scapegoat isnt there.

This is how I feel about a lot of this type of stuff...ive always been confused why people need to go to great lengths to create conspiracies when the truth is just as shocking and interesting lol. 

Thats the thing, scandalous type stuff always ends up making its way out because its almost impossible to keep secrets, especially in 2020. Even more so when multiple people need to be involved. The truth can make for some really interesting reading! lol

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If none of the vaccines work out as hoped, aren’t we stuck with the significant public health measures for the foreseeable future, with double-digit senior deaths daily? 

An effective vaccine or an effective treatment that favours survival even if you catch covid-19 seem to be the only hope out of this predicament we’re all in.  

I think that scary thought is maybe what prompts some people in the world to deny that the virus even exists, or say “damn the torpedos” and place others at great risk by setting aside public health guidelines.

I agree that the changing tune since March hasn’t helped any.






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5 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

and look bad risking their possibility of re-election? Ha! Theres always a scapegoat isnt there.

This is how I feel about a lot of this type of stuff...ive always been confused why people need to go to great lengths to create conspiracies when the truth is just as shocking and interesting lol. 

Thats the thing, scandalous type stuff always ends up making its way out because its almost impossible to keep secrets, especially in 2020. Even more so when multiple people need to be involved. The truth can make for some really interesting reading! lol

I agree but don't recall reading any 'conspiracy theories' any of us have gone to great lengths to create here. IMHO you are creating a 'conspiracy theory' about us having conspiracy theories.  

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5 hours ago, MJIG said:

If none of the vaccines work out as hoped, aren’t we stuck with the significant public health measures for the foreseeable future, with double-digit senior deaths daily? 

An effective vaccine or an effective treatment that favours survival even if you catch covid-19 seem to be the only hope out of this predicament we’re all in.  

I think that scary thought is maybe what prompts some people in the world to deny that the virus even exists, or say “damn the torpedos” and place others at great risk by setting aside public health guidelines.

I agree that the changing tune since March hasn’t helped any.






Maybe watch that Dr Cory vid properly since if what he and his task force are finding is correct then Ivermectin is safely being used in many parts of the world with great success both in a preventative role and as a treatment.

I don't mind taking a pill knowing many have been taking it for years with scant side effects for preventative small doses. 

I recall him stating his group set up a not-for-profit charity website with information for folks around the world so that info can be obtained re protocol for people safely taking proper amounts for prevention and for hospitals to administer safely to covid patients. 

I haven't reviewed that website but no point yet since acc to my pharmacist the drug isn't even being allowed in pharmacies here even for parasitic disease treatment like lice which is pretty common for homeless folks. Now there is a possible conspiracy theory.... Nobel prize for medicine and used for years around the world except not allowed here? What's up with dat?

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6 hours ago, cisco said:

I agree but don't recall reading any 'conspiracy theories' any of us have gone to great lengths to create here. IMHO you are creating a 'conspiracy theory' about us having conspiracy theories.  

I’m not really for directly quoting and pointing fingers at specific members. I prefer to simply post relevant factual based information sourced from legitimate scientific sources. call them “debunking” dangerous misinformation that’s being spread by Russian bots, internet trolls and conspiracy theory enthusiasts all over the internet. The “information”  if you can call it that is literally dangerous and can cause people serious harm. 

there are a number of posts in this very thread that question basic vaccines like the flu shot. The entire “anti flu shot” sentiment is 100% based in YouTube based conspiracy theories linked to Saros and the new world order. Enough said

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40 minutes ago, knightfisher said:

A vaccine that is 95% effective for a virus that is almost 99% recoverable. How do we know the vaccine is working with figures like these.


Large formal clinical trials have a control group that gets a placebo and neither the participant or the person administering the doses knows which a participant is given. Then the participants go about their lives, other than the monitoring that’s required.

Over 41,000 people got the two doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

Pfizer stated  “There were 10 severe cases of COVID-19 observed in the trial, with nine of the cases occurring in the placebo group and one in the BNT162b2 vaccinated group.”

“170 confirmed cases of COVID-19 were evaluated, with 162 observed in the placebo group versus 8 in the vaccine group.”

Source: https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-conclude-phase-3-study-covid-19-vaccine

So there are no guarantees, but the odds are in the vaccines favour for efficacy.  I think most of the hesitancy centres more around safety concerns and long term effects, not effectiveness.

Edited by MJIG
Added the total confirmed cases
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15 hours ago, cisco said:

Maybe watch that Dr Cory vid properly since if what he and his task force are finding is correct then Ivermectin is safely being used in many parts of the world with great success both in a preventative role and as a treatment.

I don't mind taking a pill knowing many have been taking it for years with scant side effects for preventative small doses. 

I recall him stating his group set up a not-for-profit charity website with information for folks around the world so that info can be obtained re protocol for people safely taking proper amounts for prevention and for hospitals to administer safely to covid patients. 

I haven't reviewed that website but no point yet since acc to my pharmacist the drug isn't even being allowed in pharmacies here even for parasitic disease treatment like lice which is pretty common for homeless folks. Now there is a possible conspiracy theory.... Nobel prize for medicine and used for years around the world except not allowed here? What's up with dat?

Isn't this  ( Invermectin )very similar to the stuff we administer to our dogs monthly throughout the summer for the control of heartworm and other parasites ?

edit: my dogs also get a shot for Lyme that used to be approved for humans but was withdrawn for side effects

Just guessing but if Lyme ever hit pandemic proportions it would be reapproved for human use 😂

Edited by dave524
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9 hours ago, knightfisher said:

A vaccine that is 95% effective for a virus that is almost 99% recoverable. How do we know the vaccine is working with figures like these.


The virus is not 99% recoverable...not sure where you are getting that statistic from? Clearly Facebook or some other incorrect source?

The death rate currently stands at 2.7% in ontario

its still 5% if you are over age 60 and 24% if you are age 80+

16 people in their 20’s and 30’s have died from covid in Ontario by the way

this is all from a preventable disease. Could you imagine in a normal year if 4,000 people died from something preventable how much of a news story that would be?

Want some shocking perspective?    Just under 1/3 of as many people have died from covid in canada in 9 months as the amount of Canadians that died during the entire course of fighting in world war 2. Let that sink in for a minute. It’s shocking




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4 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:

The virus is not 99% recoverable...not sure where you are getting that statistic from? Clearly Facebook or some other incorrect source?

The death rate currently stands at 2.7% in ontario


Dec 19 Canadian cases count Dec 19: 495,346

Dec 19 Canadian Death count: 14,040

(14040 x 100) / 495346 = 2.834% of cases are dying in Canada




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Then there's the 10's of thousands  like me that have long haul COVID due to the virus. Currently they are saying 10%+ will have long lasting effects from the virus. So there's 50K that haven't recovered from the virus but are being counted as recovered because we were lucky enough to survive.

It is also now known that the virus can cross the blood/brain barrier and enter your brain. I have known this since March when I figured a lot of my symptoms were caused by my brain not working properly. They don't know if the brain damage caused by the virus will be permanent. 

Pretty sure this thing will cut my life shorter than it would have been had I not had it.

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80% of covid deaths have occurred in people over 80, another 18% in people in their 70s. I don't have the numbers for people in their 60's but basically when you remove deaths that have occurred in LTC facilities the annual flu kills more people each year, including children.

In BC they just admitted that of all the deaths in the province there were only 2 that happened outside of LTC. There's still way too much fear mongering going on.

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16 hours ago, knightfisher said:

A vaccine that is 95% effective for a virus that is almost 99% recoverable. How do we know the vaccine is working with figures like these.


40,000 folks were used with 50% getting the vaccine. Folks who developed symptoms then were tested and those found to have covid from each of the two groups were compared. This is where they get the percentages. Basically, way more people who didn't get the vaccine developed symptoms/caught covid compared to the folks who got the vaccine.

BUT from a research survey standpoint (which I have education and experience) I don't like hearing that scientists who requested the demographics of the trial group have so far been denied this info.. I want to know how many high risk and elderly were in the study and how many showed up with symptoms. 

ALSO think about this ..... if the vaccine just suppresses symptoms then just as many in the medicated group may have caught the virus but not showed symptoms to call in about it. So the percentages deemed to show 'success' preventing covid is an incorrect conclusion which the media and Big Pharma are pushing. More asymptomatic participants may be unknowingly spreading it now rather than someone with demonstrated symptoms who would isolatate/be more careful being around others. 



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8 hours ago, dave524 said:

Isn't this  ( Invermectin )very similar to the stuff we administer to our dogs monthly throughout the summer for the control of heartworm and other parasites ?

edit: my dogs also get a shot for Lyme that used to be approved for humans but was withdrawn for side effects

Just guessing but if Lyme ever hit pandemic proportions it would be reapproved for human use 😂

Go over the vids again man. The Dr. is quite clear that if supplies of Ivermectin for people runs short a less refined yet effective version can be obtained from veterinary sources.


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