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The cost to straighten it all out will be overwhelming 

when you have one nurse and 1.5 psw to feed and put to bed and look after 32 residents which can’t be done now properly . Then you add covid and it becomes a cluster sex act 

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No surprise here.  I worked maintenance in LTC for 10 years and wife's been a nurse working in LTC for 20 years.  Before covid the ratio for a PSW is around 1 per 10 residents.  No doubt it's way higher now.  I feel for the staff at all levels cause not only has their workload possibly tripled, but you have this covid thing to worry about plus now you have the military in with possibly zero experience looking over your shoulder.  It's good the military is reporting and hopefully changes happen in the near future not just recommendations or more paperwork.

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On 5/26/2020 at 5:29 PM, Terry said:

The cost to straighten it all out will be overwhelming 

when you have one nurse and 1.5 psw to feed and put to bed and look after 32 residents which can’t be done now properly . Then you add covid and it becomes a cluster sex act 

Plenty of money available now. Think how much is being saved by gov't not having to pay pensions and Old Age Security and such on all the deceased. I bet the wee bit of $ provided to the people in the US doesn't even balance the $ saved there from the above.

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14 minutes ago, cisco said:

Plenty of money available now. Think how much is being saved by gov't not having to pay pensions and Old Age Security and such on all the deceased. I bet the wee bit of $ provided to the people in the US doesn't even balance the $ saved there from the above.

Believe me , they are not saving much based on my CPP ( which I paid into BTW) and my OAS, for which I paid taxes for 40 some years. 

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Dave, they save $ when you are dead not alive (thankfully you are alive) so add your CPP to your OAS and multiply by the number of elders who have died in Canada from Covid-19 and think of how that adds up per month in 'savings'. US has 100,000 dead from the virus so far but apparently many more haven't been counted. Likely the same scenario here since gov't would obviously like as small a number of victims as possible being reported.

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2 hours ago, cisco said:

Dave, they save $ when you are dead not alive (thankfully you are alive) so add your CPP to your OAS and multiply by the number of elders who have died in Canada from Covid-19 and think of how that adds up per month in 'savings'. US has 100,000 dead from the virus so far but apparently many more haven't been counted. Likely the same scenario here since gov't would obviously like as small a number of victims as possible being reported.

Probably adds up to a lot less than they are paying to the 20/30 year olds that are mortgaged to the max and then some, new cars in the drive, maxed out credit cards  and mega cellphone plans, don't have any savings , living paycheck to paycheck and now can't afford their $7 morning lattes screaming " HELP ME " cause there is a hiccup in their paychecks coming in.

Edited by dave524
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Yup, a senior with CPP, (which we paid into our whole working lives) OAS, (which is paid for by our tax dollars)  and the income supliment, gets about $1700.00 a month. Everything is going up like crazy except our pensions.

A young person that has never even worked is getting $2000.00 a month while living at home with their parents. 

My grandaughter, a single mother with twins was telling me the amount of money she is getting every month now is crazy! Mind you she is in college (on line right now) so she gets a little more but WOW!. 

I told her I saw a woman outside Loblaws last week with a cardboard sign: Single mother, three kids, no money, need help, rent, food, medications..... 

My granddaughter just roared, SCAM! If she needed food there are food banks, the Unitedway would help if she can't pay her rent or utilities, there are so many resourses available .... She didn't need help she probably just wanted drugs or was using this to get more cash.

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Dave you keep switching the topic around to making unrelated comments.  What I'm saying is there is lots of $ to help the LTC issue if they just put the $ saved from not paying dead people anymore, towards the issue of helping the living in LTCs. I'm not talking about scammers or people over their head in debt. I am saying there is NO excuse to not assist financially with care provided in LTCs since money is available due to the above. Media should be all over this and pummel gov't into action rather than allow stall tactics/meetings/Bull while the issue is still killing seniors. 

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They gave all that money to help the rent 50% of  peoples rent  or that 75% of peoples wages it’s going to be years and years before they pay down what they have spent on covid related crap 

the cost to fix  nursing homes will be staggering 

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12 hours ago, dave524 said:

Probably adds up to a lot less than they are paying to the 20/30 year olds that are mortgaged to the max and then some, new cars in the drive, maxed out credit cards  and mega cellphone plans, don't have any savings , living paycheck to paycheck and now can't afford their $7 morning lattes screaming " HELP ME " cause there is a hiccup in their paychecks coming in.

You seem to really dislike young people and think they’re all stupid. Here’s an article you might find interesting:



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3 hours ago, Terry said:

They gave all that money to help the rent 50% of  peoples rent  or that 75% of peoples wages it’s going to be years and years before they pay down what they have spent on covid related crap 

the cost to fix  nursing homes will be staggering 

My understanding was that the issues were primarily in private nursing homes. Shouldn’t that be up to the private companies themselves that continued to pay dividends to fix their own problems?

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The private ones are the ones that the military went to so they are the ones they reported on

all nursing homes are under staffed 

even some government homes they start putting people to bed a 6 pm because it takes so long to do it with so few staff  Can you imagine if someone told you you have to bed a that time

if they staff nursing home to the level they need ,bring the homes up to a reasonable standard only the very rich would be able to afford private homes so I bet the less expensive one would have to close their doors  . so more government homes would be needed  

plus there was talk to make all homes government ran 

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My dad moved into an LTC in London just before all hell broke loose.

When we were looking at facilities I noticed that some looked better than others.

We picked 2 and put them on our list. He got into the one I wanted and it has been pretty good so far.

There are a lot of LTCs in London (the lady we were working with gave us the list) and the price is the same across all facilities on their list. Dad's in a private room that costs $2,500/mo which is $4,000/mo cheaper than the expensive private retirement home he was in previously.

Dad's LTC did have some COVID in it but they were able to isolate it to one floor and eradicate it. Nice to know his home is COVID free now.

This has been tough on him as he's lonely without any visitors and being locked down. I do call him weekly to try and raise his spirits though that only goes so far.

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12 hours ago, Terry said:

The private ones are the ones that the military went to so they are the ones they reported on

all nursing homes are under staffed 

even some government homes they start putting people to bed a 6 pm because it takes so long to do it with so few staff  Can you imagine if someone told you you have to bed a that time

if they staff nursing home to the level they need ,bring the homes up to a reasonable standard only the very rich would be able to afford private homes so I bet the less expensive one would have to close their doors  . so more government homes would be needed  

plus there was talk to make all homes government ran 

It just seems unfair to me to paint all long term care homes as cesspools of negligence and death when the report that started this whole discussion is very specific to certain privately run homes. Demanding government intervention to help a private company that continues to pay dividends and has the extra cash to make improvements and is wilfully choosing not to doesn’t fly with me. 

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15 hours ago, zenon11 said:

You seem to really dislike young people and think they’re all stupid. Here’s an article you might find interesting:



No, not dislike , but they seem to want it all very early in their life whereas me and my parents generation took years ( decades ) to accumulate what we have.  Economic downturn  ? I retired May 2008 , just before the SHTF in the stockmarkets  later that year, believe me this downturn pales in comparison to the drop back then,  of course at 70 my portfolio was a bit more conservative than at 58. The jobs situation does suck especially if you paid for university education only to land a " do you want fries with that ? " job.

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On 5/29/2020 at 2:29 PM, Big Cliff said:

i told her I saw a woman outside Loblaws last week with a cardboard sign: Single mother, three kids, no money, need help, rent, food, medications..... 


Was the lady of romani descent? There’s a crew of them in southern Ontario that are conducting Pan handling operations now in coordinated fashion with a sign that literally says exactly what you describe.

the scam is that they are actually all working to provide funding to their overarching boss. For some reason there’s always at least two of them at the lights at warden and the 401. I saw them every single time I went to Pro J last summer. It’s brutal, you go through one light and you see one lady, and then you look across at the other light and you realize there’s another one making the same hand gestures with an identical sign begging for money for her “children”.  They have clearly been trained. 

Ive seen them other places once again, same acting, same signs at Union Station, Yorkdale Mall and yonge and dundas

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I am not sure if she was romani decent or not, I don't think she was a local person and she didn't seem to speak English. Most people just seemed to ignor her but I did see a couple of people give her money. I  haven't seen her around here since so I guess she didn't do too well.


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Firstly, I don't think that race, religion, creed, sex or young people has anything to do with this thread. The OP was sharing an article about long term care homes and the issues surrounding some of them. 

We too have first hand knowledge of these facilities and I need to say that they are not all the same. To be honest, sadly, in these places you get what you pay for. Granted not everyone can afford $4 or $5k a month in their "golden years". There are different levels of care depending on the mental and physical state of the senior in question. They range from retirement communities to assisted living to long term care involving nursing and memory care.

From what I have seen it is the nursing and memory care facilities that are the focus of the current problems. Sadly, these issues have been around for many years and have just come to the attention of the news media because of Covid-19. Abuse, neglect and lack of care have been with us forever. Hopefully we will see some massive changes and the principals of these homes in question will have their feet held to the fire to make make major changes in the quality of care.

Canada, is a great county and I am proud to call it home. Unfortunately we do not take care of our seniors. We can learn a lot from Scandinavian and indeed many European countries.

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On 5/29/2020 at 8:45 PM, Terry said:

The private ones are the ones that the military went to so they are the ones they reported on

all nursing homes are under staffed 

even some government homes they start putting people to bed a 6 pm because it takes so long to do it with so few staff  Can you imagine if someone told you you have to bed a that time

if they staff nursing home to the level they need ,bring the homes up to a reasonable standard only the very rich would be able to afford private homes so I bet the less expensive one would have to close their doors  . so more government homes would be needed  

plus there was talk to make all homes government ran 

I think you're way off Terry. Now a Board of Directors and shareholders along with their profit-maximizing (chosen for that reason) management take allot of the $ the residents pay. OK if set up like hospitals which are not-for-profit corporations then the diff is simple. A volunteer Board of Directors hire a CEO to run things to favor the BOD 'volunteer members'. BUT if gov't ran them then you simply have civil servants under the direction of the Min of Health and LT Care running them. No one to skim $$ profiting as is now. The $ from residents can be largely (corrupion is always sneaking around) put towards the overhead excluding the profiteers there now. 

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Well  I am just stating what many members of my family are saying.as they are psw rn and rpn plus one director of a nursing home

but sure they could be telling me stories 

a gov nursing home had 2 psw and one rpn per floor. 30 residents to feed , clean , change diapers , give pills and put to bed   They had to start putting them to bed at 6 pm to have them all in bed by the end of they shift 

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One of the largest private retirement homes here in Ontario is a company called Chartwell. They are for profit and on the board of directors is a guy named Mike Harris.

Look up his comp package and you will see where the $$ went... and it didn't go to the residents!


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