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Gents, the OFC is simply another business that has cross border stakeholders and/or employees. And this is one of the reasons why the no politics rule is in effect. Where Art lives or what his nationality is has absolutely zero to do with the discussion, or how the OFC is managed. He's doing his job and frankly, being insulted he is not Canadian is absurd. If we all quit our jobs tomorrow based on our companies having some form of US content(people, supply chain, shareholders), there would be a lot of us out of work. Twenty-one pages of Corona discussion and it just went political so yes, a global pandemic can be discussed without politics and finger pointing. 


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21 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

This can maybe be taken as a shot at Americans, but honestly I don’t really care, but in my experience significantly far more Americans are completely uneducated about the world outside of America in comparison to Canadians. Some would even go to the extent of calling it ignorance. I.e. if it doesn’t concern America then it doesn’t concern them at all. It’s an unfortunate reality as far as I’m concerned.

im also sure a significant component of Americans would have no clue who the British, German or French president/prime ministers are either.

I don't take it as a shot at all.  I think someone already said that very little of what any other country does has any significant impact on a US citizen.  On the other hand what the US does can immediately impact other countries.

When we talk to Canadian family and friends they are far more concerned with what we are doing than what is going on in Canada and probably 30-40% of the time their facts about the US are wrong or only partially correct.

I miss the days of when we actually got news, not some talking heads opinion of what the news is.  I sure miss Walter Cronkite.

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I’ll take responsibility for turning this to politics. I apologize, I obviously understand that it’s against forum rules.

i let my frustration with a lot of what’s going on impede my judgement. Then someone specifically insulted me and I responded when I should have just let it go. Sorry guys!

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53 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:

I’ll take responsibility for turning this to politics. I apologize, I obviously understand that it’s against forum rules.

i let my frustration with a lot of what’s going on impede my judgement. Then someone specifically insulted me and I responded when I should have just let it go. Sorry guys!

No harm no foul thanks for the note it means a lot to me. I try hard to be impartial here and apply the rules  fairly to all Nationalities. The mission of this Forum has always been to allow kids to elderly people to come here and not be afraid of what they get to read. We also have not ever had a political or religious thread end in a good way hence the rules we follow.  I want to give you all some insight on this Forum. The mission of this Forum has not changed since day one which is to support T.J.  (our fearless leader and my good friend)at https://duenorthmarketing.com/  which is how he makes a living.  While he started this site many years ago I have been here since the beginning and when the site needed someone to step up and keep it from going under I took on the site and became a co owner here. We  both dug into our pockets and we did some major updates  to the site and the security on it.  Another gentlemen entered the picture called Blueyes or Chad who is our IT guru and to date has spend  a wack load of hours fixing and addressing our problems and to date has also not taken a dime for compensation.  So please go easy on me I am here to keep the vision of the site in focus and make it a place where people from all Nations can see how great Canada is and spend money at the places that support the fishing destinations we dream about. 

Thanks for letting me speak

Be safe and be well


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To get this thread back on track I thought that I would share some information that seems to have just come out but has not necessarily been advertised because it would suggest weaker social distancing measures.

the WHO has posted that they no longer believe that the virus can be transmitted in an airborne matter. And furthermore asymptotic people are far less dangerous than originally thought. Their spacing guidance is now 3 feet rather than 6 and I even heard some articles begin to suggest that it needs to be 12!

the only danger with people experiencing mild symptoms is that they may not believe their illness is coronavirus due to the mild symptoms and therefore they may not take necessary precautions to avoid coughing etc in public.

for me this was important as well because I have been shopping on behalf of my immuno compromised mom and was concerned that I could give her the virus without even knowing it. Turns out that unless I’m experiencing some form of mild symptoms it would be extremely difficult to transmit it to her. So if I am extremely wary of my own health, and can ensure that I don’t have a cough, runny nose etc then I will have no issue continuing shopping on her behalf.

more importantly, this means that if you ensure that you wear gloves and sanitize the surfaces that you touch and wash your hands very frequently while not touching your face you can do a lot to avoid contracting the virus.

as far as I was aware originally the assumption was that if you came even near someone who was asymptomatic that you were potentially at risk, or if you breathed their “breath droplets” you’d contract the illness. it sounds like you have to come in contact with their saliva and subsequently then touch your eyes or mouth to contract it.

For me I don’t plan on changing anything in my routine of spacing between strangers at the grocery store etc. but at least it put my mind at ease that by wearing gloves while shopping and not touching my face, sanitizing products that I’ve brought home that I am most likely not going to fall Sick by going to the grocery store.

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I have been disappointed with WHO 

they started by announcing the wahu virus was no concern 

then they said there was no reason to stop international travel or trade and that countries that closed borders were over reacting 

most countries followed their guidelines 

they were wrong on every account 

I think it’s time to change the way they do things

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I'm not sure how much blame I would put on the WHO? It takes  a lot of cold hard evidence before you recommend something that may shut down a major portion of the world's economy? and if you're wrong? finding believers in what you say could be even harder the next time?

Personally I believe or governor has done a good job trying to keep this under control, but there are people protesting in Columbus because he shut things down. It's a human tragedy and a fiscal nightmare for all countries dealing with this?

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4 minutes ago, OhioFisherman said:

I'm not sure how much blame I would put on the WHO? It takes  a lot of cold hard evidence before you recommend something that may shut down a major portion of the world's economy? and if you're wrong? finding believers in what you say could be even harder the next time?

Personally I believe or governor has done a good job trying to keep this under control, but there are people protesting in Columbus because he shut things down. It's a human tragedy and a fiscal nightmare for all countries dealing with this?

thats what confuses the heck out of me. The faction of folks that think that the economy will do better by simply making everyone go back to work...im not sure how just letting the virus run its course and kill everyone will make the economy run better? Very confusing.

Some models suggest that 100,000 people would have died in Ontario alone if we didnt take any measures at all...I have no idea how that would be a good thing for the economy ?

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The WHO is not without problems, but it is a well oiled machine compared to the Trump administration now trying to blame them.

Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO's Health Emergencies Programme:

"In the first weeks of January, the WHO was very, very clear. We alerted the world on January the 5th. Systems around the world, including the U.S., began to activate their incident management systems on January the 6th. And through the next number of weeks, we've produced multiple updates to countries, including briefing multiple governments, multiple scientists around the world, on the developing situation — and that is what it was, a developing situation."

On January 23, the WHO issued a press release containing  a mission summary of their site visit to Wuhan, which included the following statement:

"Data collected through detailed epidemiological investigation and through the deployment of the new test kit nationally suggests that human-to-human transmission is taking place in Wuhan."

On January 24 respected medical journal The Lancet published Chen Wang, Peter W Horby, Frederick G Hayden, George F Gao, "A NOVEL CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK OF GLOBAL HEALTH CONCERN". It warned of "human-to-human transmission," "the risk of much wider spread of the disease" and said "the time to act is now."


Now let's look at what Trump was saying around the same time:

January 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”

February 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.”

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”

February 25: “CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.”

February 25: “I think that's a problem that’s going to go away… They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine.”

February 26: “The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”

February 26: “We're going very substantially down, not up.”

February 27: “One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”


And now, with 35,000 dead and climbing, Trump needs someone to blame. And he wants America to believe it was the WHO and not his own incompetence that put the USA where they are today.

Here he is practicing his denials:



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13 hours ago, OhioFisherman said:

I'm not an epidemiologist (or a medical anything at all tbh!) so I'll be the first to admit if I'm wrong on this one...but as I understand it, if you recover from the virus and have antibodies in your blood, then you shouldn't be able to be reinfected by the same virus. This the premise on which vaccines work.

However, there is something called antigenic drift in play too. The flu virus is a very fast mutating virus (high antigenic drift) that's why you need a new vaccine every year and it covers as many strains as they can include. I hope SARS-CoV-2 is not like the flu in this way, because if so a successful vaccine is less likely.

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Quality post Dutch, I’ve also now seen some people playing the “travel, work, gathering and other covid related government implemented restrictions impede on constitutional rights and freedoms” card, yikes!...but I won’t say anymore lol see post above! Lol

in other positive news, the head of health canada believes that we are finally about to hit the curve towards the peak of the virus meaning that if we stick to the good job that the large majority are collectively doing in canada that we have a chance to get past the peak and back on the decline in the number of cases. Death tolls are still higher than expected due to the outbreaks in nursing homes, but overall recovery rates and transmission rates are actually some of the best in the world!

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15 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:

Quality post Dutch, I’ve also now seen some people playing the “travel, work, gathering and other covid related government implemented restrictions impede on constitutional rights and freedoms” card, yikes!...but I won’t say anymore lol see post above! Lol

in other positive news, the head of health canada believes that we are finally about to hit the curve towards the peak of the virus meaning that if we stick to the good job that the large majority are collectively doing in canada that we have a chance to get past the peak and back on the decline in the number of cases. Death tolls are still higher than expected due to the outbreaks in nursing homes, but overall recovery rates and transmission rates are actually some of the best in the world!

Thanks man. I can understand why you're treading lightly. I'm trying too but also  I don't think my post should be a problem other than expected difference of opinion. I actually tried on this one lol

I didn't call Trump or Republicans or Americans or anyone on this board any names. Everything in my post is a verifiable fact or quote. And the video isn't dubbed over.  That's actually him speaking. so hopefully I'm treading lightly(ish) too!

I'm cautiously optimistic we're going to escape the worst of this thing but it's still a little early to tell. I think warm spring weather is going to present a challenge for people who've been inside for weeks. My fingers are crossed.

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On 4/15/2020 at 3:24 PM, Pigeontroller said:

And to the Trudeau bashers... Spending time with your immediate family that you live with is OK. That was his wife and 3 kids he was hanging out with!!!

Give the man a break. I'm pleasantly surprised at how well he is doing his job. I can't say that about the guy in Washington. He doesn't have a fiddlers que about what's going on. Thank goodness for Mike Pence, I'm impressed with his leadership. He seems to be the adult in the room. I will stop at that before Art stops me, again. 

I did our 10 day shopping Tuesday. I didn't notice the arrows taped on the floors of the aisles until I was done. One way only, that way you don't pass anyone, duhhhh. You don't know what ya don't know till ya know it.

My wife is still working with her 2 buck an hour raise, better than a kick in the arse. Her cosmetic dept. is basically closed. She is the highest paid store greeter. No more than 15 customers in the pharmacy at any given time, she does the counting and directing them to the things they need . th here is always the other 1% of idiots. There must be plenty of masks available to our hospital workers. The local hospital donated some masks to her store. She brought me home 2. I sent them back because I knew I had a box of disposable dust makes here and found them the other day. I kept a few and sent her to the store with the rest. They were using home made masks a Mom of one of the staff made for the staff. 

This is me reaching for acigarette, we both quit today. 

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I never thought I'd see the day when I would quote Doug Ford, at least not approvingly. Here is appealing to our better selves. Who wrote his speech?On that I have to confess ignorance and apathy---I don't know and I don't care!!
Here's Doug!
“The fight against this enemy is the test that will define our generation. It’s the test that will define us as a people and as a province. When they look back on this time, we will be judged on how we looked out for each other,” 

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You Trump bashers make me laugh...and believe me, I'm not a fan of Trump, but HE is hardly to blame in any of this. Since when does a world problem that originated from who know's where - - China will never tell, become his fault? As a neighbor of the US, it sounds like you are blaming the US that Canada has the C19 virus within it's borders. Just like anyone...when you can't accept any of the blame yourself, you just point at someone else. 

But I get...some people like to bash others just to make themselves feel better...it's part of human nature. 


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