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I have my guys wearing gloves as soon as they walk into the shop. I ask them to change gloves when they go to a different vehicle, come into the front office or waiting room. When the vehicle's servicing is done and parked outside for the customer; I then have them wipe down the inside of the vehicle with disinfectant cloths, of anything and everything that they may have touched. We then put a sticky note on the steering wheel explaining the bleach smell.

I'm thinking of closing the shop for the duration. Not just because its been recommended; but it's costing me big time to stay open. People have a lot on their minds; servicing their vehicles isn't one of them. We've mostly been getting breakdowns; where the customer has to bring their car in. I know there's more important things then money; but me at 60 year old, if I loose this shop; I'd be screwed. 


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2 minutes ago, Big Cliff said:

I am just wondering if there is really any point in getting tested. There is no cure and it seems that if you do test positive you are to self isolate, that's what's suggested anyway for people that MAY have been exposed. 

But if you test positive at least others living in your house can take extra precautions to keep more distance from you ?

Just my thoughts anyways Cliff

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18 minutes ago, lew said:

But if you test positive at least others living in your house can take extra precautions to keep more distance from you ?

Just my thoughts anyways Cliff

Good point, since I live alone I didn't think of that aspect of it. 

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1 hour ago, DanD said:

I have my guys wearing gloves as soon as they walk into the shop. I ask them to change gloves when they go to a different vehicle, come into the front office or waiting room. When the vehicle's servicing is done and parked outside for the customer; I then have them wipe down the inside of the vehicle with disinfectant cloths, of anything and everything that they may have touched. We then put a sticky note on the steering wheel explaining the bleach smell.

I'm thinking of closing the shop for the duration. Not just because its been recommended; but it's costing me big time to stay open. People have a lot on their minds; servicing their vehicles isn't one of them. We've mostly been getting breakdowns; where the customer has to bring their car in. I know there's more important things then money; but me at 60 year old, if I loose this shop; I'd be screwed. 


I can relate to what you're saying. Noticed coming back from fishing Wednesday that I was over milage on my oil change. Phoned Thursday to see when  I could get it done and have my winter and summer  tires swapped  while I was there. They said I could come right away if I wanted to????   Pretty much all the staff just standing around talking when I walked in the door. The guy who did my paperwork said that it had been dead for over a week  and Wednesday when I was there was there busiest day, but it was only about 20% of what they would do in a normal day.  On the way home I was thinking the dealership was paying a lot of $$$$ to have 80% of there staff show up to work and do nothing.  Best of luck getting through this Dan. Employers having to make these kinds of tough decisions on top of everything else, it must be tough.

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1 hour ago, Big Cliff said:

I am just wondering if there is really any point in getting tested. There is no cure and it seems that if you do test positive you are to self isolate, that's what's suggested anyway for people that MAY have been exposed. 

You need to meet certain criteria to be tested---posted online somewhere. 

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Ok, perhaps I need to rephrase the question: if you do get tested and it comes back positive they can't cure it so you either get better or you don't.  If you get better no problem, if you don't well.... So is there any advantage to getting tested which could expose you and others to potential contact?

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4 hours ago, Big Cliff said:

I am just wondering if there is really any point in getting tested. There is no cure and it seems that if you do test positive you are to self isolate, that's what's suggested anyway for people that MAY have been exposed. 

I can only assume if you tested positive and did get sick you might be ahead of the curve for testing and hospitalization?

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3 hours ago, Big Cliff said:

Ok, perhaps I need to rephrase the question: if you do get tested and it comes back positive they can't cure it so you either get better or you don't.  If you get better no problem, if you don't well.... So is there any advantage to getting tested which could expose you and others to potential contact?

If you tested positive and you start getting worse health wise they are treating with Chloroquine as it has shown to kill the virus.

It's a Malaria medication.

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We will get through this .. we have to listen to what health officials are telling us and keep social distancing it’s the only way we can hopefully start to reduce infections.

When we get back to a sort of normal life again have any of you thought how you might be changing things in the future ? ie .. lifestyle changes , investment strategies, attitudes towards living life ...

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23 hours ago, misfish said:

I have a side question here,,,,,,,,,,,


 We are all using hand sanitizer and cleaning solutions everyday and all day . How much of this stuff can the body take ? I am washing and sanitizing probly 20-30 times in 8 hours at work . Not to add wiping down the machines with MR.Clean . I have to do this due to , I am the maintenance guy working on all the machines that are operating . I wipe the machine before t I start to fix,change over, what ever to protect me . Then I repeat when I am done to protect the operator .Then I get home,wipe all touching areas with Lysol wipes . I am starting to taste this stuff .   This cant be really that good  .  All that hand sanitizer will have some after effect soon enough I am sure by all this repeating applications . The fumes from cleaners cannot be helping my respiratory .


Your thoughts ?

Brian with all this misinformation around the best answer is from your Docs office. Call. I do know that my wife has been using hand sanitizer for years as she  deals with the public and it sucks the moisture such as natural oils from the skin. Moisturize well. I know she sells spray bottles of water with a fancy name for 1000 times or more than plain old water costs. Her commission cheque will thank you. People (women) will pay anything that might make them feel young, look young is different. 

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22 hours ago, DRIFTER_016 said:

D.R. as in Dominican Republic?

They have 34 confirmed cases and 2 deaths to this point.

Sorry 2 deaths not cases. I don't get paid to be a journalist, thus caveat emptor. Anything we read or hear, even on the news, should be verified by the government web sites, then it changes daily, heck hourly. 

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Well we have been 90% shut down for 4 weeks . Only the machines that need to run will run, which aint that many. Maintenance will treat the shut down as our summer shut down as there will not be one once all are back full force running machines . All machines will be cleaned and over hauled . If this is completed before the 4 weeks, we will be laid off for the remainder if the outstanding orders are completed . We are aloud to use our holidays if we wish instead of UI. I am fortunate to have many weeks, so UI will not be for me . As much as many expected it, it was a hard pill to swallow being told an hour before shift end . Although they say there is no waiting period for UI, many complaints about not getting through online to fill the application to get their claims started .  It was tough seeing some of the faces on a few of the workers . Those are the ones that live pay to pay .  We really have no new people . Meaning, less then 10 years service, so to put that many years in and told, that cant be a good feeling . If I was a production worker and had as many holidays as I do, I would of volunteered to be laid off to keep one of them on . 

Lets hope when April 20th comes,we start to get back up and running and everyone gets called back .

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19 minutes ago, misfish said:

If I was a production worker and had as many holidays as I do, I would of volunteered to be laid off to keep one of them on . 

Your a good man Brian !!

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4 hours ago, DRIFTER_016 said:

If you tested positive and you start getting worse health wise they are treating with Chloroquine as it has shown to kill the virus.

It's a Malaria medication.


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My wife has 2 weeks vacation booked to visit family south. They didn't encourage her to take it they actually did the opposite and asked her to cancel which she did. They have several employees of her Shoppers store that are off with illness so they are short handed. I'm sure no one wants to be anywhere near someone hacking and coughing. Very surprised they haven't closed her cosmetics department but she told me 3 things  as to why, 2 are logical. She is the 1st person a customer sees. If she thinks they have a cold etc. she is to ask them to stay there until a Pharmacist talks to them, especially if they are elderly. 2nd she is to ask what they are shopping for, tell them exactly where that is and ask them not to shop or linger, just get what is needed and leave. A few have not taken that advise well, very irate especially Sr's. The 3rd is security. There are small items worth more than a 100 bucks on the shelves. I told her it's easy to MT those shelves and store them. She says it isn't easy and it would take 2 employees 2 days to do it. Difficult isn't a reason not to do something these days. I really wish she wasn't dealing with the public. 

edit: I just talked to my wife. A few changes at Shoppers. No fliers in the store. A yellow tape is placed at all registers 6 feet from the register, stay behind the yellow line until the person in front is gone. They are planning on putting plastic shields at the registers. They don't know exactly when or how.  

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