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I just want to make sure I have enough food, beer and smokes if I am told to lock up for 14 or so days.  Those with health issues are the ones to be concerned about getting ill.  The older you are and or the weaker your immune system is, the harder it will hit.  Look at the stat's between the FLU and this and then make your own judgement call to a few things (like hype).  

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Limit your exposure to other people.   Don’t go to the hospital.   Don’t touch your face.  
Wear glasses or goggles and a mask if you have to go to a high risk place. 
A buff on your face should help if you don’t have masks.  If it doesn’t get in your mouth nose or eyes you ain’t getting it.  
right now is the time to protect yourself.  


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With all due seriousness it's hard to tell exactly whats what. We need to be given hard numbers & that is something that isn't available right now. 1 in 6 people who contract Covid develop more serious conditions (at least those were the numbers I got a while ago) but we have no hard number on that 1 that turns fatal! Is it 10%....90% what??? Not to mention the list of symptoms changes almost hourly, dry cough non runny nose, now a runny nose is a symptom, fever but no headache, now a headache & no fever might be a symptom. The anxiety people feel can manifest some of those symptoms so are you sick or not?? 

I'm not pointing fingers or turning this political but after the chips fall on this one, we the people of planet earth better come to some kind of agreement to prevent the next one because the viruses have had a few good kicks at the can lately  

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We were going to hold a celebration of life for my mother in-law this weekend. The hall that we booked to hold this, just called us saying they are cancelling all engagements; until this issue is under control. My wife is now trying to get a hold of approx 200 people to tell them.; not to come. A lot of work for a maybe situation; but better to be safe then sorry.


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I think SARS was much worse then this . I remember it well .  I do not see the same preparations being done . I will be a loner til this is over.

On the ice far far away from anyone, unless they are catching, then I might stay a few yards away from them .

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I haven't been to Hamilton for a month. I drove a neighbour to the Ham. airport yesterday to go back to Florida. The airport parking lot was full to the brim. Someone is travelling somewhere. I went to my club after I dropped him off and James St. N. was thriving, people everywhere, strolling shopping whatever. I didn't see one person in Hamilton with a mask on. They make them tough in downtown Hammertown. My wife is a manager at a national brand pharmacy. She said there was a near riot in her store with people hoarding paper products. They started limiting  tissues and toilet paper and customers were losing it. Boomers are the 1st generation that did not have to go to war. I was just old enough to go to Viet Nam in grade 12. My many American cousins  were too young to go as well. I believe this is the 1st time many of us my age, 65, and everyone younger has had to deal with a Global wide situation as in this pandemic that has the possibility to effect everyone on the planet. Not just something seen on the 24 hour news cycle half way around the globe that does not effect someone each and every day. It is now and most of us have never felt vulnerable in such a way. Without getting political there is no assurance from our leaders to quell the panic that is setting in. It isn't going to get better just yet. But I do believe in the brilliant scientists we have across the globe. This may just be the type of thing that brings us all a bit closer together as a species, I hope it does because we have never been so divided religiously, racially and politically  as we have been as of late. . I heard every conceivable theory from North Korea spreading the decease by exploding missals in the atmosphere to aliens spreading it globally to exterminate us all to take our natural resources. We have cancelled our trip to the Dominican Republic at the end of the month. If mankind survives we will go in the Fall. In the meantime I'll just do what I do all winter, stay home, read a book and delete all my international and national news channels. I'll check in next month. 

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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3 hours ago, misfish said:

I think SARS was much worse then this . I remember it well .  I do not see the same preparations being done . I will be a loner til this is over.

On the ice far far away from anyone, unless they are catching, then I might stay a few yards away from them .

If they come close just start hacking and coughing.. problem solved.. In all seriousness fishing is probably one of the safest things you could do in a pandemic..

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Well I am still in Myrtle Beach and conserned but I wouldn't say WORRIED yet. We are being very careful to use hand sanitizer anytime we go shopping or do anything in public, fist bumps are now common replacing hand shakes. 

I haven't noticed any hording here yet, stores seem to still be well stocked but many public events  and shows have been cancelled including the St. Patrick's day parade which is a huge event for this area.

My kids have expressed concern about my being down here but I figure I would be at as much risk there as I am here, we will be heading home on the 26th as planned unless something happens to force us to change that, besides the fishing has just taken off 😊.

Stay safe everyone!


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3 minutes ago, Big Cliff said:

Well I am still in Myrtle Beach and conserned but I wouldn't say WORRIED yet. We are being very careful to use hand sanitizer anytime we go shopping or do anything in public, fist bumps are now common replacing hand shakes. 

I haven't noticed any hording here yet, stores seem to still be well stocked but many public events  and shows have been cancelled including the St. Patrick's day parade which is a huge event for this area.

My kids have expressed concern about my being down here but I figure I would be at as much risk there as I am here, we will be heading home on the 26th as planned unless something happens to force us to change that, besides the fishing has just taken off 😊.

Stay safe everyone!


Cliff, stay and enjoy. I know I would.

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I have always been cynical and I sense a lot of media hysteria on this.


I look back at the swine flu of 09.  Over 12,000 died in the US, over 400 in Canada and over 500,000 worldwide, but we had none of the stuff going on now that we did then.


I still can't wrap around hoarding TP.



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1 hour ago, Crimsongulf said:



I still can't wrap around hoarding TP.



It was explained to me that many feel our TP is imported from China so we will stop getting it because of sanctions.  I have always been one of those freaks who buys a ton of it when it is on sale and I just happened to stock up about a month ago. Same with wine. Our fav Australian red was on sale last month at the LCBO and  I stocked up about an 8 month supply.  So we have enough TP and wine to get us through this gong show😃

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We have plenty of Maple leaf's sitting on the ground so we won't be needing toilet paper if we run out. Besides we have a huge pile of washable micro cloths and plenty of water in the lake behind our shack. People make me shake my head sometimes. Don't touch my Charmin!!

If this virus morphs into something that gets into the food chain we won't need anything bathroom related because there won't be anything to eat anyway. Are we so language lame that we need an acronym for freeking toilet paper too? Acronyms are the real threat to the human race not a lack of TP. 

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2 hours ago, Old Ironmaker said:

We have plenty of Maple leaf's sitting on the ground so we won't be needing toilet paper if we run out. Besides we have a huge pile of washable micro cloths and plenty of water in the lake behind our shack. People make me shake my head sometimes. Don't touch my Charmin!!

If this virus morphs into something that gets into the food chain we won't need anything bathroom related because there won't be anything to eat anyway. Are we so language lame that we need an acronym for freeking toilet paper too? Acronyms are the real threat to the human race not a lack of TP. 

John our food chain could be in danger from some of these foreign bugs also?



The thing is with these pandemics is you don't know how serious they may become until they are over? Ancient times now, but I doubt anyone had a clue in 1918 that the flu could kill so many?

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USA has just stopped all flights from Europe. This simply means travelers will come through Canada to get there. This in effect makes us screen and deal with these passengers.

We need to keep in mind that presently the whole idea isn't to stop it from getting here but to slow it down so as few people as possible at any given time require critical medical treatment. 'Flattening the curve' they call it. If too many need critical care (won't take many with hospitals packed now) decisions will be made as to who lives and who dies like apparently in Italy now.  Without public healthcare the US is having serious issues even getting free test kits going unlike places like S. Korea where hundreds of thousands are tested weekly. Likely to spread more quickly in the US than in Canada and now we will be paying to help screen travelers to help flatten the US curve while raising ours.

Edited by cisco
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